(MangaGamer) Sandwiched by my wife and her sister

This is supposed to come out in 3 or 4 days ( depending on where you are ), so i think it deserves a thread.

Mangagamer Link
Getchu Link
Galge Link
Japanese guide

3 endings total…doesn’t look very long

After this the next title to get released is ‘Da Capo’ again, also in the same week ‘Suika A.S+’

The Mangagamer page for this game is as lame as always :roll:

Anyway, I’m not interested in this game. I usually decide to play a sexromp if I like the art, and from the titles coming in the next weeks I like the art from Cosplay Fetish Academy and Suck my dick or die! (horrible translation by the way :x ) the most. So, I will probably get one or both of these titles, and just pass on Sandwiched by my wife and her sister.

Well, bad news for anyone looking forward to playing this game; it’s not going to be released until March 10 (and Suika has been moved to Feb. 20)

Earlier today (er… yesterday) I was going to post that I predicted Suika would be delayed, but I got lazy. :lol: It looks like I was right though.


So no new visual novels till Feb 10 then ( ‘Suck my dick or die!’ is next )
aka, 33 days till the next visual novel unless the Jast team completes a title.

you mean after da capo re-releases
this is why they should set dates because they almost always get pushed

I already got that though…So nothing new for…32 days now…

Personally i think MangaGamer should just list the Quarter they plan to release the game in, since most get released a month or 2 after the planned date anyway…

You know, I wonder if they just realised “oh shoot, we forgot to push the dates back on these, so let’s do them now before we get another Da Capo!”

Btw, the correct name of the game should be “Donburi Sisters”. Sounds much more acceptable than MG’s name, doesn’t it?

‘Donburi’ has become the sandwiched part of the title, which has a similar sort of sexual meaning in this context that ‘bowl’ might allude to in Japanese. In that sense, the translation probably isn’t any more ‘acceptable’ than the original title. The ‘my wife and her sister’ part could have been left as sisters… so ‘Sisters Sandwich’? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure still nothing beats the by all means crude title "Suck my dick or die " not even in the deepest corners of the B porn world would someone come up with a name like this. Its pure evil :twisted:

Bumping this since it might come out in 8 days.

I’m expecting this to come out, but not Suika, honestly.

I understand this may not be the star of their library but couldn’t MG at least make a decent product page for it? :roll:

On a random note, how do the bishoujo genetics work? If they are sisters why don’t they share the same hair color?
doesn’t make sense to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside from the obvious answer where I explain the genetics of blond and brunette haired parents having children, I think the more applicable answer lies in the anime philosophy of hair color kind of coinciding with personality.

Except in this case, the title translation took some effort to capture the name of the original, which was like, Sisters Bowl (a la Beef Bowl). A lot of the sexromp eroge in Japan pretty much sound like crappy porn titles. :slight_smile:

Bringing this back up since it could be released in 5/6 days ( depends on where you are )

Again I have to say that they changed release dates to the 25th of April.
And we cant say for sure it will be out then either.

Bringing this back up,
could be released in 9 days.

It’s available.

My download is almost done ( 97% ) so I’ll update with details when I can.


Extracted every image.

The game is still half censored.
Nude character dolls/sprites are still censored.
CG’s are uncensored but…they look poorly redrawn XD

In the image data, the CG’s start at ‘51’ and go till ‘236’. 185 CG’s total.

The Queen and Princess and Sandwiched by my wife and sister have been removed from the site without explanation, always worse :shock: