Memories of Death...

There’s still time!
I have a very crucial question regarding Death…

Have you ever thought of what would happen after you die? or What happens at the instant of your Demise…? :frowning:

I’ll be gone for almost a week after this here post…because of some things I have to do… :frowning:

Anyway, please tell me your opinions on this…

[ 09-24-2006, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

I’ve thought of that a lot when I was little. I would cry almost every evening because I was afraid of the thought of dying.

I think a lot less about it now, and would rather not think about it too much.

We’ll all find out, when we die. Until then, I do my best to enjoy life and not contemplate on death too much.

I used to think this way. Then it occured to me that if death is truly The End, then you’ll never know the difference.

I, like Benoit, prefer not to think about it too much. It’s not exactly healthy.

Speaking of which, 13th – are you feeling OK? You’re not suicidal or anything are you? (Yes, yes, stupid question. But talking about this sort of thing is a known indicator of possible suicidal tendencies.)

I’m back!!!
What an ordeal…anyway…

I too…does not want to think about this kind of thing… If it were’nt for someone who asks me the same question (Only problem is…The question is about where life began…). That someone is special to me actually…

I answered the Q. with this…

“I don’t care where I came from, who made me, and my purpose…I simply exist in this world…and I’m enjoying every moment of it as long as I can.”

That is my own opinion…Then suddenly…an explaination on why ask such a question.

"Have you ever wondered why humans spent alot of time trying to know our origins and beginnings?

That is because if you were to know…to unlock the secret of how life was made…won’t you have such a power immediately given to you? For example…You can now create humans of your own liking…or make a world that you’ve been wanting all your life…That power…will give you anything you wish…All you have to do is to unravel the tendrils of this secret forbidden to us mere mortals!"

As I heard this…I was at a loss for words…But then…I said that I wasn’t interested for worrying about it will just make me do alot of researching…

And from then on…I’ve been studying about such things…and I took a particular liking on things concerning death…How it works…It’s origins, what happens after you die…, and almost everything about it…

And that is why I’m asking your opinions on this…For I’m getting tired of studying about this subject…

And by the way, I’m not going on suicidal thingies like you think…For promise someone that I will not die until I take everything in this universe with me to my grave.

"This PACT that I made…took place in front of a graveyard…I can’t tell you the reason…Gomen… :frowning:
But, I can give you this much…That it is a GRAVE PACT …sure…I made this with a particular someone…

Though somehow…I fear that the bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave…" :frowning:

[ 09-29-2006, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Wondering where you go when you die… hmmm that’s a tough one. It has certainly baffled humans for millenniums, many religions utilize the concept of an afterlife to enforce social mores and cohesion, but you know, all that stuff is make believe just like the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. What has become clear to me now that I am older and I hope wiser, is that the time one spends on Earth is the most important, otherwise there would be no reason for antiquity scholars to hold the threat of hell or the rewards of heaven over our heads to keep the fabric of society together. To obsess endlessly about death I think does a great disservice to the living. Make the best of your time on earth, enjoy the pleasures, attain the rewards of respect from your peers, bring no harm to your fellow human beings, and life will be good.

Me ?

I suppose I do believe in an after-life. Tgis was a result of something I’d like to call the Pascualian wager.

“If one were to believe in the Afterlife, his advantage would be that, in contrast to one who doesn’t, if there was the existence of an Afterlife, he’d be more likely to enter it. If an afterlife doesn’t exist, he doesn’t lose anything.”

But that’s just me.

We seem to have different, yet same opinions…about this matter.

But, I will tell you yet another truth that have uncovered…I can not tell the exact passage, but I can atleast tell my change in opinion after uncovering this…

“I do not fear Death…For it is the only sure and inevitable thing in this world…As I do not fear Death, I fear what follows it.”

That is as much as I can share to you…and I’m going to stop researching about such matters already…For I somehow want my life back in order…

That is all…

[ 09-29-2006, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

I agree…to you…since…after my researching…I found out that…I could confer myself with death…, what can you possibly do…injure me…

“The dead make excellent soldiers…
They never surrender.
And they won’t stop attacking even when a random bodypart falls off.”

“We mourn our dead. We shroud our dead. We bury our dead.Too often, it seems, we must kill our dead again.”

“Allow me a moment to catch your breath.”

You are starting to sound like a necromancer.

I remember having a death discussion on another forum, and it ended up becoming a discussion on whether or not it is right or wrong to take a life, in any circumstance.

I believe in the afterlife. Heaven, Hell, and all that. But I had an occult phase in my life a couple of years ago and found out two things: 1) Most of it was crap philosophy, however, it sometimes held a small spiritual nugget, and that not only applies to the occult, but to major religions as well. 2) There is a lot more in the spirit realm than 98% of the world religions know. It is a pity that is so enshrouded in mystery.

“The end justifies the means. What do I care if I rule over the dead rather than over the living? The dead ask fewer questions.”

A pragmatic necromancer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Black Mana…resides in the swamps and bogs, tribing upon death and decay…

13th: “What you call decay…I call ripening, you’ll gain no sustenance on this harvest.”

[ 10-06-2006, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

…and Coolgamer is an existentialist… :stuck_out_tongue:


Where strength and humility converge.

Where renown and solitude converge.

Where treachery and oblivion converge.

Where storm and spellcraft converge.

Where sovereignty and flesh converge.

"One moment, consious only of a sense of repose.
The next moment, hearing the trudge of his own footsteps. He sighed and squinted into the glare ahead."

What madness is this?
What is this pitiful form that I have come to inhabit?
Death…would be a release…next to this atrocity.

I would trade…oblivion over this existence…

I think 13th has some Malkavian blood in him.

I think that’s an understatement, Stretch. He claims that his reali identity was umm… I forgot again 13thm, but whata re you again under that disguise ?

Click to GLIMPSE

If you have read the name…
Would you truly believe that that is my true form?..
As being one of the class called “The Unseen”…
I cannot reveal my true identity to anyone except for myself…

I’m somewhat an Unstable Shapeshifter
That is why I can come and go in many forms…

If you want to glimpse my other form…just take a look at my post in…

“Just in time for Halloween”


[ 12-05-2006, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]