Memories of Death...

You’ll be reborn.
Why I claim this?


What created universe?
What created what created universe?
What created what created what created universe?
What created what created what created what created universe?

Everything exists, yet nothing exist.
We live, yet we do not. We do stuff that matter naught, yet it matters alot to us.

What did you remember pre-life?
I recall blackness and names of everyone I today know.
Give me one reason to believe why we would not be reborn as something else but we have just one life and only one life, then we stop existing, but yet nothing exist but everything do exist.

That’s my answer.
A new life happens.

“There can never be new creation without first destroying the old…”

So…, technically…
Everything began from nothing… :cool:

You just have to remember this one fact
“When nothing remains…, everything is equally possible…”

Well, since this conversation has went to the deep end of the shitter anyhow…

My belief:

We can trace everything back to a given event, a singularity. As scientists have it currently: First there was a black void and suddenly a small undescribably bright place much less than the size of a pinhead appeared which held within it all of the energy and matter in the known universe. It expanded and cooled into everything we know and see, and will ever in this physical place.

Past the event horizon of the most powerful and seemingly destructive thing in the universe is another puzzling singularity. All energy and matter that comes in contact with it gone with gamma and xray radiation the only residue. Even such energy residue coming in contact with it would, in theory, risk the same fate.

These two facts, along with the long history of the Earth that can be factually followed, caused me problems during my college years. Around my third year I took a class which discussed all of the creation theories of every major ethnic group and/or religion in the world.

Only one got what we factually know about the world and universe even close to correct. Not only close, it got it right in chronological order. It starts something like this:

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Before everyone throws rocks at me this isn’t me preaching or dissing someone else’s beliefs. Long as you aren’t out to hurt my family or blow the hell out of something I like ya, you like such bullshit as blowing up innocent folks I’ll gladly have your ass.

I dunno why, but that insight always has made me smile. I sit down looking at my little ones and grin, wondering how long even a second is to Him…a million, a billion years? Interesting…

I respect you on that…Mirk-kun…

We all have our beliefs…
Only that…your’s focuses on creation…
While mine is bent on destruction!..

“To be one with nothing…”
I wonder what will happen once this happens?..

smokes a cigarette

While my beliefs aren’t too dissimilar from Mirk’s… I want to offer something else, by Nietszche.


Ol’ Freddie Nietzsche would say… after you die… it’s all… ALL SET RETURN.


But that’s what he said not me.

Go wiki Nietzsche yourself.

13th says…

“All ends in obliteration—love in hatred, life in death, and light in empty darkness.”

Hmmm… Somehow…

“Great minds bleed alike.”

We all have our beliefs…
Only that…your’s focuses on creation…
While mine is bent on destruction!..
“To be one with nothing…”
I wonder what will happen once this happens?..

Well…generally I give out well wishes for the holidays and the coming New Year around this time, tailored to each person…so…

Happy Destruction…and…err…Enjoy your…Nothing…ahh…for the coming New Year 13th…

Sorry, I’m reaching here. For what it is worth, hope there is happiness in it somewhere.

I guess it seems…that I am the only guy who can find something happy within the most dramatic of situations or the most serious or the most sorrowful…

Hey! Just seeing those firecrackers blow themselves up or at least being lit and then blowing up is pretty funny and a bit of happiness will always embrace me… :slight_smile:

It would even be more enjoyable when I see one of them blowing up with someone’s hand or other body parts for that matter… :smiley:

Christmas for me…is nothing special…
It is just another day like any ordinary day in my life…just like tommorow as well…

Well, as I said, we all have our beliefs…

Enjoy your holidays!.. :smiley:

I like the new year for it somewhat sheds some light in this darkness I call home…

That is all… :wink:


Britist humour style response

You’re… long enunciation on the syllable, then said very fast not a Christian, are you,a re you 13th ?

Nevertheless, Merry Christmas, 13th, and may the blessings of the Proleptic Maifestation of the Coming Escathon bequeath unto Thee Enlightemnet of Apotheosis into an Eternal Ataraxia of Transcendance.

In other words, May Jesus Bless you and may you see Heaven. (well, not exactly what I said, but, you can dissect my meanings and think what you want)

As a matter of fact…
I…have…no…religion…to begin with…

I think I just posted something unecessary…
Nevermind…forget what I said…

[ 12-10-2006, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Nevertheless, 13th, my wishes to you still stand, and from Mirk: may a hot anime girl be found udnerneath your CHristmas tree.

You know, it’s a good thing you guys did not see those words I’ve written before I edited… What a relief…

It was no longer necessary…

Thanks for the wish it was a very cunning wish…

But I do not think…I will agree to go to heaven…even if I’m invited by your GOD

I have my reasons…

It’s just that… Now is not the time to reveal these things to you guys yet…

So, I’ll just leave you with this…

“I will not rest… I will live on… That is my redemption…”

[ 12-11-2006, 06:47 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

If your a believer of the lord chirst and the saviour, I can already tell you that your preeching to the devil :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally dispise all our-time religions and mostly religion in general because Religion divides people, not unites. Only type of religion I like is the old ones, the Norse, the Egyptian and the Greece ( not the romans because they stole the Greece one ).

But anyway, back to the point.

If you’ve read the bible, there will be a point in there somewhere where it says;
I shall return. I, satan shalt return in a form no-one will recognize me in, and I shalt make humans believe in me and follow me and they shall all love me while I corrupt them.
Now, how many people did not love Jesus and still loves Jesus? Basically, the belief is that Jesus was the devil and fooled humanity and thus damned us all. About a year ago when I went to school, we had a religion class and 3 girls from another program ( In sweden, we have so-called programs people choose. Media Program, Techincal program, Society program etc. and they were huge fanatics ( not really fanatcis but ). It was fun as hell to mention that to them and they all dropped their chin and just stared xD

You know, according to scientists, the “big bang” is still expanding through out the universe. Basically we’re living inside a explosion so here is a thought:
What if we’re living inside the fiery rage of an atomic explosion that someone decided to nuke with. If that’s the case, when we’ve also made several worlds by our nukes.

1 Nuke = 1 Existance ~ Space, World, Humans everything. And the smoke before a nuke goes away is X-many hours. Each hour = 10 000 000 000 years. When our nuke goes away, our existance will dissapear as it has with those nukes that we’ve fired. Understand my wierd theoreticall thought?

After all, it was a “darkness”. Then all of a sudden a light flashed and life was created. The light still flashes and expands. We are the creations of a bomb ( this kinda makes sense if you have seen Planet of the Apes 2 when the people are praying to the Atom Bomb <_< ).

Enough wierd thought now, just confusing myself.

( I believe more in Legacy of Kain then God, no offense of course. My youth consisted of 1-2 years of Religion preschool… )

[ 12-11-2006, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: Inoue Michiyo ]

My God, eh ?

I suppose we do tend to label the monotheistic Gods in each religion as being ‘different’ from each other, even if we tend to view the overall general concept of God as being one and the same. Then again, I tend to suscribe to a mixed perceptuion of the Deist God combined with the Christian God as presented in the New Testament, and I could deliberate on and on about this, but I think it was clearly stated that religious discussion should be avoided, so i kindly apologise for writing all that just now.


As for the cunning wish… why thank you. It’s my cunning plan.

(I wish there was a Blackadder anime…)

Heh…I’m sure they did. You definately have the “morning star” and the “false morning star” mixed up from Revelations. You might want to have your facts straight before you keep pouring that out, least a real theologian make a fool out of you in about two seconds.

Oh well, to each their own. Just never have understood someone who isn’t familiar with verse, makes a gross misunderstanding, then is suddenly an expert.


Christian fanatic here.

Well, not really. More like Catholic liberal who respects other people’s decisions, but is willing to play the apologist.

First… please quote the exact reference. Hell, I can reference an actual quote in the Bible where God commanded the Jews to not onkly kill people, but also rape them. This, I might add, though, was in the Old Testmanet.

And that’s another thing; I don’t trust Revealations, since St. John’s reasons for writing it wasn’t so much for prophecy, but as something to irk the Jews to survive Nero’s persecution, justa s the Old Testament (in my opinion, btw), is a somewhat bias.


Now, for that big bang thing… actually, it’s a topic of much debate.

You see, there IS a belief that the unvierse may continous be expanding without end.

There is also the belief, as echoed in Nietzsche’s eternal returns that, Big Bang,a nd Big Crunch, is a mere recycle.

However, if I ahve to rely on Catholic belief, I can only draw from Aquinas belief in that something cannot purely come out of nothing. This would have to be further substantiated in the mythopoeic theory of myth. To explain this, I have to rely on the triumvirate of Chesterton, Lewis and Tolkien, the former for showcasing Man as myth, myth as extension of God, and the latter of Creation as being the result of thought, thus everything coming from thought.

To get to another point, Descatres: “I think, therefore I am”. You can only exist if you think, since the concept would bealien to you if you cannot think.

Point taken in note.

I sometimes wonder how many objectivists know what they’re actually fighting for. It’s like reliving Charles Dicken’s Hard Times, but in a different light; creative limitations take on so many forms.

Admittedly, I didn’t portray Aquinas, Tolkien, CHesterton and Lewis’s beliefs in full, but its the closest approximate I can get in a few sentences that I can think of readily now. ANd that Descartes quote is exactyl what it means.

However, I can add that some atheists, who have read the Bible many a time, have praised it quite well. I would list them as being Asimov, CHurchill, and Wittgenstein (well, the latter was actually a Jew) I would count Dawkins if he wasn’t such an atheist fundamentalist (he is to atheism what Al-Qaeda is to Islam; fanatic)

It does both. The Eastern people were heavily divided because of many different religions, until Mohammed stepped in and preached the Islam. People united.

Well, you certainly flooded this thread with alot of facts…or fiction…and…they are certainly telling the truth…or tale…
Well…, I respect each and everyone of your beliefs…But honestly, not all of those got something to do about the topic here…right?..

To return us to our original topic…
I’ll share with you my DEATH Wish
“To be one with nothing…”

Because why?..
“When nothing remains, everything is equally possible.”

Go figure… on what…I’m trying to say…

Agreed. Also, during the early days of Christianity, during the Roman persecution, it doesn’t matter where you’re from; as long as you were a Christian, you’re screwed. Schisms, differences… none of that mattered.


Besides, you can find differences in anything. Evolution is divided between two camps now; one held by Stephen J. Gould, the other by Dawkins. Philosophy can be seen to be divided bewteen beleif in a noumenon (as proposed by Plato), and in the phenomenon (as proposed by Aristotle). Hell, differences in communism led to the hundreds of shootings in Stalin’s regime.

Anything can divide, justa s anything can unite.

13th… maybe you need a Death Note.

(neah, just kidding)

Hmm… just wodnering.

Are you trying to attain transcendance, my friend ? Or, to be more precise, are you tring to reach to the next pinnacle of human evolution by being one with the concept of emptiness and non-existence ?

Tenatively speaking, anythign would be possible if the impossible were possible.

To put things simply…
The meaning of mine…phrase…is simply…
"When thier is nothing…No law, no formulas, no beliefs, no religions, no world, no space, no anything else…only goes to any possibility that you can think of right now…can trully occur… Because…there are no restrictions, no petty desires… So, anything can happen…

After all… The only thing that blocks our imaginative beliefs is our own knowledge and assumptions of how reality works…