Memories of Death...

Exactly ! The ont thing that prevents us from knowing, and finding out more, is the assumption that we know everything.

Rationality, for all its purposes, ahs its limitations ( a reaosn why we need some irrational faith)

Limiting ourselves to what we see and know around us is what bars our path to make our true dreams into reality…

Sad…isn’t it…

We’ll be waiting, though we’d be interested to ehar your stand nevertheless.

Initializing wait mode…
… …


Intermission… Intermission…

The return of the comeback! (This phrase got no real relation to whats about to follow…)

“When mortals die, they have family, friends, compatriots to mourn them.
When the land dies, all else dies with it, and there is no one left to weep…”

[size=85]Life is a circleDeath is a vicious circle…”[/size]

I must say, reading through this topic was definitely interesting. I must say, believing in nothing in order to make all possible is a delicate path, like walking on the edge of a razor. A misstep can send you in to the depths of madness. On the other hand, what we deem to be reality is only what we perceive. Who, besides yourself, is there to say that all these “people” you perceive that call you mad are not really there? The closest assumption we have to a true “fact” is that because we are able to ponder about things, we exist.
Hmmm, I have a sudden urge to watch the part of Neon Genesis Evangelion where the screen is white, and gradually “restrictions” are drawn in…

Friedrich Nietzsche, that’s me. Although I believe in the possibility of a so-called spiritual realm, I don’t believe in a heaven or hell in the traditional sense.