MEN AT WORK!2 Unnoficial Translation Project

I was surfing on the net and i pick by accident this project made by fans to translate to english the Bishojo-RPG Game MEN AT WORK!2, from Studio E-Go!
And guys, they need some help. What do you think?
If you guys are wishing to see this game translated, give a look (and some friendly incentive, maybe some translation help) in the link bellow:

Yeah some Japanese to English help is always appreciated =)
And I can tell you that the project is chugging along just fine (even if the homepage hasn’t been upadet for awhile).
I think over 50% is finished and inserted, and most of the dialog is translated and awaiting editing by me.
So during this autumn you people will have the chance to play this truly execellent game in English =)

it doesnt involve pirating the game does it?

if it makes a translated version of the game available for free download, then thats bad

if its some kind of patch that you apply to a copy you already own, then thats… still not technically legal, but something i can support

I actually don’t think it matters much considering there is no copyright here. Plus it’s very doubtful we will ever see it stateside. It’s really no differen’t than a fansub if you think about it.

thats debatable
for example, Casual Romance Club doesnt have a copyright / licensor in the USA
but we all bought it anyway, didnt we?

however… CRC is also in english… thus the reason i bought it… im not saying i dont buy games, but if i cant read it… why play it, same thing here, if someone licenced it for english release(men at work 2 i mean), id buy it, but like i said i dont read or speak any japanese so to buy the game wouldnt make sence at all…

but if i cant read it...

ah, but as soon as the translation project is complete, Men At Work 2 will also be in English

then it will be in the same situation as CRC, no difference in copyright or language

As far as Iknow it will be released as some kind of patch that will be applied to your own copy of the game.
And hosting the full game would require way too much time and bandwith not considering that its illegal :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by smog:
I actually don't think it matters much considering there is no copyright here. Plus it's very doubtful we will ever see it stateside. It's really no differen't than a fansub if you think about it.

I tend to agree with smog here more than I agree with the absolute anti-piracy crowd. If there is no way the game will see the light of day in any official translated way then there is not a whole lot of justification for that.


The bishoujo game market is quite small, and supplying a 'fansubbed' work like this could reduce sales of other legit works. I'm more restrictive in fansub-like activities in regards to b-games than I am for anime and manga, because the b-game market is far far more fragile.

So...I don't know. I don't think I'd support making a translated version freely available, but I don't think I'll be waging any crusades against it either.

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Yeah some Japanese to English help is always appreciated =)
And I can tell you that the project is chugging along just fine (even if the homepage hasn't been upadet for awhile).
I think over 50% is finished and inserted, and most of the dialog is translated and awaiting editing by me.
So during this autumn you people will have the chance to play this truly execellent game in English =)

So YOU are the man?! You are translating MEN AT WORK! 2?! That's great!!
Good luck! I really hope you can finish it. Unfortunatelly, i can't to offer me to help you, because i don't speak japanese.

I don't think it's piracy a fan to subtitle a game as long this game will never be comercially portated in english. That's the same about some non-licensed animes.
I think the same goes to GRADUATION... that's a english-version made by fans, right?
After all, who knows? Maybe Studio E-Go sees and think "Oh, this guys wants our games so muuuuch..." and decides to release their games in english, just like CASUAL ROMANCE CLUB and GIRINO-SILVER. [img][/img]~~~ *dreaming*

Ill tell ya right now, if there was a patch or anything that made any game from japan into english, id buy the original just to use it… (this is what i said in a long winded version yesterday)

I had a discussion to something similar to this on another forum where a person was translating the Crest of the Star novels and you had to buy the novels to get his translations of course you had to buy the books from him. Some people thought it was priacy, I thought there was no harm in it and actually benefited eveyrone involved since the publisher and author would benefit from extra copies of the book being sold that would never had been sold, the buyer is happy because he’s finally able to read a great book.

Personally, as long as you have to buy the origional game in order to use the patch I see no problem with that. In the end you are supporting the company that produced the game since you have to buy the game to use the patch. In effect you are not hurting the industry but actually helping since people would buy the game that they never would have without the patch.

Will this hurt companies such as PP or G-collection, don’t know but personnaly I doubt it since the import games generally are more expensive than the games released by PP or G-collections and require a little more effort to install and get working. So only the hardcore minority will really go this far to get their fix unless it’s an extremely hyped franchise i.e. Sakura Taisen The casual gamer or one only out for the hentai probably doesn’t want to deal with importing a game then patching it when they can just buy from PP or g-collections.

All this is of course if the person has to buy a legitmate copy of the game. If you offer the game for dl then you are a pirate and we’d have to make you walk the plank On that note I wish you luck on finishing your patch and when it’s done Studio E-go will earn some more money from me

Sorry to dissapoint you there Gilis but I’m not the Head Honcho of the project, its a swiss guy
But I’m the game editor,so If you find crappy grammar or silly mistakes in the finished translation I’m the one to blame for having missed them :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, its a patch so thats good

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:

I think the same goes to GRADUATION… that’s a english-version made by fans, right?

actually, Graduation is a licensed game
its older, but you can still buy it at

[This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 07-29-2003).]

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Maybe Studio E-Go sees and think "Oh, this guys wants our games so muuuuch..." and decides to release their games in english, just like CASUAL ROMANCE CLUB and GIRINO-SILVER. [img][/img]~~~ *dreaming*


Sorry, this line was just hilarious, ludicrously hilarious. 'This guy'?

might not have to do directly with the maw2 topic but there are several other fan translations going on.
For example Mizuiro (nekonekosoft game) also has been translated partially (too bad the project is on hiatus cuz of lack of translators) also Wind Breath of heart seems to have been picked up.

…not that that should surprise anyone. Translating is too demanding and thankless of a job to do it for free.

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Sorry to dissapoint you there Gilis but I'm not the Head Honcho of the project, its a swiss guy ;)
But I'm the game editor,so If you find crappy grammar or silly mistakes in the finished translation I'm the one to blame for having missed them :P

No problem... gimme that game translated and i will review all the lines with pleasure!!
(But i'm a loser in grammatic too...) (^^;)

Originally posted by bokmeow:

Sorry, this line was just hilarious, ludicrously hilarious. 'This guy'?


I'm really, really a loser in grammar...
(maybe because i'm not an american guy)

But you understand me, right?
Let's pray, brothers and sisters: "Oh powerfull STUDIO EGO... give us your glessing... please translate to english your games to us mere mortals..." (--)/\\

*receiving stares* What?! (o.o)?

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
actually, Graduation is a licensed game
its older, but you can still buy it at

You just need to remember to turn the sound off. [img][/img]