MinDeaD BlooD DVD Special Edition

Something that hardcore fans of MinDeaD BlooD might want to know about:


From what I can gather on the Cyc message boards, it’s the same version as the original 2 CD release: only on one DVD instead. It DOES NOT include the Mana & Mayu Transfusion expansion. Pretty much, all you’re getting is a remixed soundtrack, slightly increased image definition, and some freebie goodies (mini-artbook, making-of extra, etc)

To be honest, I’m getting it, simply because I’m a nut for the series. However, I’m MAJORLY disappointed that this isn’t an improved version. What they should have done, was combine the expansion story into the main game, adding whatever extra story elements needed to make them connect. That would have been an AWESOME remake. This DVD thing is really Cyc’s way of milking the cash cow…

Regardless, the release might give MinDeaD better exposure. I’d wet myself if the series got popular enough for an anime.

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
This DVD thing is really Cyc's way of milking the cash cow...

This includes the DVDPG versions too. Of the three titles I've bought (Yami No Koe 1 Alice, Yami No Koe 2 K and Shizuka), only "K" worth the price.

Originally posted by Baldo:
This includes the DVDPG versions too. Of the three titles I've bought (Yami No Koe 1 Alice, Yami No Koe 2 K and Shizuka), only "K" worth the price.

*shakes head*. I've never quite understood what's the deal with those releases that seems - judging by the names - focised on a single character, hence why I haven't brought any of them... If this MinDeadBlood special edition doesn't include the Mayu 6 Mana fandisc, then it's nothing is hould concern myself with [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img].

Speaking of cyc - or rather, Black Cyc - I downloaded and played the playable demo of Gore Screaming Show... I'm not yet sure of my opinion through. The game sure seem to have interesting parts but the demo was unable to convince me it should be an immediate buy for me - but it's something I may purchase further on, no doubt...!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
If this MinDeadBlood special edition doesn't include the Mayu 6 Mana fandisc, then it's nothing is hould concern myself with

Going with the "cash cow" theory, they'll probably have a DVD edition for that as well... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img] I swear, if Black Cyc wasn't so good at making these kinds of games, I'd be angry. But seeing as how I'm one of those "suckers" their aiming for, they win anyways. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Speaking of cyc - or rather, Black Cyc - I downloaded and played the playable demo of Gore Screaming Show... I'm not yet sure of my opinion through. The game sure seem to have interesting parts but the demo was unable to convince me it should be an immediate buy for me - but it's something I may purchase further on, no doubt...!

I can't remember if the demo for that used MIDI or the actual high def music...

The people who made Gore Screaming Show are the same who made MinDeaD BlooD, so they have the same "tone." Heck, they're in the same setting and the events in both are only a few miles away from each other. I think GSS happens a few weeks before MinDeaD though, going with a certain character's cameo appearance, and someone's mention of strange happenings in Chisakura City.

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
Going with the "cash cow" theory, they'll probably have a DVD edition for that as well... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img] I swear, if Black Cyc wasn't so good at making these kinds of games, I'd be angry. But seeing as how I'm one of those "suckers" their aiming for, they win anyways. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Bloodsuckers, that's that they are! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].

I can't remember if the demo for that used MIDI or the actual high def music...

The people who made Gore Screaming Show are the same who made MinDeaD BlooD, so they have the same "tone." Heck, they're in the same setting and the events in both are only a few miles away from each other. I think GSS happens a few weeks before MinDeaD though, going with a certain character's cameo appearance, and someone's mention of strange happenings in Chisakura City.

The game clearly has much the same tone. I was surprised of the lack of what one might call "extensive gameplay", thorugh. Black Cyc has so far offered stuff like total freedom of movement, various meters and so on in the games of theirs I've brought or tried out (via demos). This is the first game of theirs I've encountered which seem to be pure ADV...

Oh, and I have to agree with your review: The music truly suits the game; creates the perfect mood for each situation that is happening as far as the demo shows.. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/eek.gif[/img]

Just read that when MinDeaD BlooD DVD Special Edition is released, Cyc will be making a special announcement about the series. Nothing else about what this “news” is going to be about is available. Guesses are its an OVA or perhaps direct follow-up game.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Oh, and I have to agree with your review: The music truly suits the game; creates the perfect mood for each situation that is happening as far as the demo shows…

Yes. The man earns his paycheck, that’s for certain. Best BGM composer IMHO in the eroge market.

I just ordered “Gore Screaming Show”. I don’t know if I’ll like it or not, but I’m still looking forward to getting it. As far as I can tell, Black Cyc is the only company that I’d spend that kind of money on right now.

In my opinion, MinDeadBlood was a masterpiece.

Okay, this is what has been “updated” in the MinDeaD BlooD DVD Special Edition:

#1: voice acting - everyone will have a voice actor. Some events have also been redone by the original voice actors, so it will be better acted.

#2: music - the soundtrack is being redone so it will be at the same level of quality as Gore Screaming Show (i.e. real instruments). They are also adding new BGM to increase the number of total songs. The openning and ending themes are a new remixed version.

#3: image definition - higher definition to support greater than 1024 x 768 monitor settings.

#4: misc extras - things like the “making of” that was in the Mana & Mayu expansion are expected to be included.

The story will remain the SAME. The CG images will remain the SAME. Story elements and images from the expansion pack will NOT be included.

All in all, it appears that the audio work is being improved, but that’s about it. I’ve made up my mind to preorder the title already, but if you’re not a MinDeaD nut like me, then there’s really no reason to buy a second copy of the game.

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 05-09-2006).]

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
Okay, this is what has been "updated" in the [b]MinDeaD BlooD DVD Special Edition:

#1: voice acting - everyone will have a voice actor. Some events have also been redone by the original voice actors, so it will be better acted.

#2: music - the soundtrack is being redone so it will be at the same level of quality as Gore Screaming Show (i.e. real instruments). They are also adding new BGM to increase the number of total songs. The openning and ending themes are a new remixed version.

#3: image definition - higher definition to support greater than 1024 x 768 monitor settings.

#4: misc extras - things like the "making of" that was in the Mana & Mayu expansion are expected to be included.

The story will remain the SAME. The CG images will remain the SAME. Story elements and images from the expansion pack will NOT be included.

All in all, it appears that the audio work is being improved, but that's about it. I've made up my mind to preorder the title already, but if you're not a MinDeaD nut like me, then there's really no reason to buy a second copy of the game.

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 05-09-2006).][/b]

Maybe I will buy it then. I thought the story really suffered from the lack of any of the male actors being voiced, especially Shizuru. Or will he be voiced? I noticed some games have a nasty habit of not voicing the main character.

[This message has been edited by Hhaze (edited 05-11-2006).]

Originally posted by Hhaze:
Maybe I will buy it then. I thought the story really suffered from the lack of any of the male actors being voiced, especially Shizuru. Or will he be voiced? I noticed some games have a nasty habit of not voicing the main character.

I doubt if Shizuru will be voiced, given that Black Cyc seems to follow the "silent player" angle, but it hasn't been said that they won't. Something like that probably will remain secret until the release date is closer.

To be honest, I can't wait to see this "semi-improved" version. It will at least bring MinDeaD BlooD back into the eroge spotlight in Japan. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Yippie! Check it out! A third series that takes place in the same setting as MinDeaD BlooD and Gore Screaming Show:

Fall 2006 release. Detailed website for it opens June 9.

Once again, same identical production crew that did MinDeaD and GSS. Seems Black Cyc knows what works, and won’t be screwing it up. :smiley:

Whohooo! Big news indeed! :slight_smile: . Wonder what importance she paly sint he story…

Well, Black Cyc’s world is stsrting to feel a lot like White Wolf’s “World of Darkness”, so who onows? Ghosts, perhaps? Werewolves? Or something entirely else…

Well, Black Cyc’s world is stsrting to feel a lot like White Wolf’s “World of Darkness”, so who onows? Ghosts, perhaps? Werewolves? Or something entirely else… [/QB][/QUOTE]

I think they already did werewolves in “Fantasy Hallway”. That game is…interesting. But really screwed up, probably the kind of thing you only want to play once. I actually started playing it again while I was waiting for Gore Screaming Show and…Ugh.

Anyways, I can’t wait to see the new Black Cyc game!

Mugen Kairou takes place in its own setting. It doesn’t connect with the other Black Cyc series as far as I can tell. It shares the same character designer, but everyone else is from other projects.

Extravaganza appears to be a “dark science fiction” story, as if you look at the official splash page, in that little strip of images near the bottom - you can see the cover girl “jacking into” some kind of computer with a HUD through her head. Some posters on the Cyc board also pointout that the girl’s arm has a “liquid metal” look to it.

I’m wondering if she’s a victim, or the one causing all the havoc. :slight_smile:

Got it. Played it. Beat it.

Here are the improvements that happened:

#1: EVERYTHING has voice actors! Shizuru, the Pile Driver, characters with no faces - every single character has been voiced. Not only that, but the the acting is even better than before: even characters that already had voices in the original version were revoiced (don’t worry - same people). FUCKING AWESOME!!! :slight_smile:

#2: They really cleaned up the graphics. Some of the menu graphics (like the crosses) were redrawn and some “bling-bling” effects are more crisp. There are a few new special effects, like moving clouds in certain backgrounds. The character models are still the same, but higher resolution. Same for the CG illustrations.

#3: There’s at least one hidden mini game. It’s just a card game, but something neat (have to beat the game to get it though).

#4: There’s a new (and uber cool) vocal theme song. It’s played for the Vampire Hunter ending, which I assume is now the “official ending” to MinDeaD BlooD.

#5: More sound effects here and there: wind, rushing water, etc.

Note that the BGM is exactly the same. Why they claimed it was going to be improved is beyond me. I heard no difference. However, the music tracks “loop” without a silent pause since it no longer plays via Red Book Audio.

All in all, I think it was worth buying and replaying, considering the audio work is perfect now. I’ve got to update my review of the game on my site and give the game a perfect 10 for the sound, and up the graphics score to 8 this weekend when I get time.

I hope the expansion game gets similar treatment. Yes, its cash cowing, but I’ll bite. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 07-31-2006, 05:41 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Hmmm… are you sure? I don’t recall not having everything voiced… I’ll do a little checking this evening, but I was sure the entire game was voice. :confused:

I played through a few of my late game saves (the “twin” endings, Vampire Hunter, and the Yuka solo fight), and I didn’t run into anything that lacked voice acting.

I’m not doubting you - please don’t let it seem like I am - but I’m curious about the situation.

Making an assumption here (please be gentle :wink: ), but you’ve got a preorder copy, correct? Just wondering and all… I tried to go to the Cyc site (if its a big problem, I’m sure the fans are steaming right now), but the hotel blocks the IP for some odd reason. I’ll visit an Internet cafe in the morning.

If you don’t mind, could you give me a “spot” in which story arc the voice acting for secondary characters stop? Maybe I’m just skipping over it somehow… I do tend to play a bit fast.

Is it before/after/during the part where the player controls Yuka, or am I just in the wrong arc altogether?

[ 07-31-2006, 08:35 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

  • gasp *
    So, it happens after all - just like I suspected, even though I never reached that part! :o

And it’s a damn shame I don’t understand a thing of that page…grumbles

Spoiler time! Don’t read any further unless you beat MinDeaD BlooD first! It’s a question about which ending is the “canon” ending.


'kay… here’s the question: Anyone wanna guess which ending is the “true ending” to this story?

Three of the endings have “theme songs” for them: the Yuka ending, the Shizuru ending, and the Vampire Hunter ending. Obviously this makes them more priority over the others.

Of the three, the Shizuru ending ties up all the loose ends: the entire Sonohara family, minus Yuka, dies. Sadly, so does Shizuru (never let your guard down around Mana). One assumes he and the Hunters killed the “major” spawn during the mansion raid. Saddest ending by far. Shizuru wanted to spare the twins because he really cared for them…

The Yuka ending has her killing all the “major” vampire spawn Shizuru help create, as well as the king and queen (singlehandedly no less; totally bad ass)- but the twins aren’t around, so there’s that nagging issue they’re hanging around somewhere (probably scared and angry at Shizuru). Shizuru gets his old life back, but Yuka has to start anew.

The Vampire Hunter ending - given a little special treatment in the DVD special - has Shizuru and Yuka forming what is probably the most bad ass vampire team in the Black Cyc setting. It’s the “happy ending” I suppose, since it has the lowest body count.

So which of these is canon? That’s my question.

Shizuru’s seems to work best, as it closes everything up. Yuka’s is just as good if you’re willing to ignore the fact that Mana & Mayu are just “dropped out” all of a sudden. Vampire Hunter seems cool and all, but it leaves too much open, as well as not reveal the best plot twists.

Meh… just a minor rant and all… I prefer the twincest endings more - or the evil ending in the Transfusion Box expansion.

But then, if we’re going to consider that one…

The evil ending in Transfusion Box (also with a theme song) has Shizuru going to the dark side and crowning himself King of Vampires. Yuka embraces her vampiric blood, Saki and Arisa have been turned by Shizuru, and the twins are utterly broken to serve Shizuru without question (they aren’t equals anymore). Master and the “Mr. Badass” join forces for one last battle, only to discover that Shizuru has set a trap for them and has amassed the deadliest vampire harem ever.

Cool ending… but it totally throws off everything from the first MinDeaD. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 07-31-2006, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]