
Originally posted by Hhaze:

By the way, I never understood that deal with finding Eri at the tower ruins after she brings the Police officer to the hospital. What was the deal there?


It's her moment of redemption and confession. Eri isn't as "stupid" as she portrays herself to be, and is well aware of the carnage she is apart of and inspires. She also spends a bit of it revealing her past; albeit its not as in depth as some of the other girls. Pretty much, Eri decides its time to move on and abandon the sins - and conveys that perhaps Shizuru should do the same (she can sense the kindness in his soul).

Some more questions:

1) Which of the two games has a longer story, Mini Dead Blood or Gore Screaming Show?

2) Which of the two games has a darker story?

3) Which of the two games has more endings?

4) Do any of the characters from MDB make cameos in Gore Screaming Show or vice versa? I mean since they take place a few miles away from each other, that isn’t very far away to walk, drive, or however the characters go from place to place.

Originally posted by DarkFusion:
1) Which of the two games has a longer story, Mini Dead Blood or Gore Screaming Show?

MinDeaD BlooD plays longer, because of the "search and discover" nature of its game interface. Gore Screaming Show has a longer story (i.e. script).

Originally posted by DarkFusion:
2) Which of the two games has a darker story?

Hmmm... both are pretty brutal to be honest. I'd dare say their equal. MinDeaD is more direct with the violence, while GSS is subtle. Shizuru and the gang will kill people out in the open, while Gore and Yuka are more hidden.

MinDeaD BlooD = Vampire Action
Gore Scream Show = Demonic Mystery

In terms of sexual brutality, GSS has more than MinDeaD.

Originally posted by DarkFusion:
3) Which of the two games has more endings?

Hmm... how can I put this without giving away spoilers...

MinDeaD BlooD has more endings; but not that many more. GSS has more "bad ends" - but some of the bad ends can be considered the good ends for their brutal content.

MinDeaD has two "official" endings. Same with GSS - although the two official endings in MinDeaD are totally different, while the two offcial endings in GSS aren't so different.

Does that help? Giving anymore would be telling. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by DarkFusion:
4) Do any of the characters from MDB make cameos in Gore Screaming Show or vice versa? I mean since they take place a few miles away from each other, that isn't very far away to walk, drive, or however the characters go from place to place.

There's two cameo that I know of. It's sorta a spoiler to say whom and why.

GSS takes place before MinDeaD, so Shizuru hasn't been turned into a vampire and whatnot.

There's mention of Chisakura Island here and there, but its mostly "fluff talk" in the background (someone reading a newspaper). The story in MinDeaD (in terms of the timeline) has only begun when GSS is finished. The characters from either series don't interact with each other directly.

[This message has been edited by Nargrakhan (edited 05-10-2006).]

I just got “Gore Screaming Show”. So far I love it, but I see what you mean about some of the scenes being very graphically violent.

Somehow, once again they manage to pull it off. It’s hard to find things out there in our jaded society that can really shock and horrify you and even rarer to find games with footage to this extent. If it wasn’t for the plot or the strong characters, I would have thrown this away a long time ago.


God, that scene where Kikka got disemboweled is enough to give you nightmares.

Oh about the cameos and character interaction…In Eri’s cameo, doesn’t she end up talking to Aoi in the diner after her performance?

Oops… sorry dude… I kinda missed your post and never answered it. I wasn’t ignoring ya. :frowning:

I drop that in the cameo category, more than interaction. Granted, Eri does give a few “pointers” - but when people expect direct interaction, they usually mean something like Shizuru or Yuka kicking Gore’s butt; which doesn’t happen. :wink:

[ 05-30-2006, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]



[/qb][/QUOTE]Did you get to the part how Kyouji and Akane lost their virginity? That one made me drop my jaw. I mean, they were just kids. :frowning:

Yeah, that was pretty bad.

I drop that in the cameo category, more than interaction. Granted, Eri does give a few “pointers” - but when people expect direct interaction, they usually mean something like Shizuru or Yuka kicking Gore’s butt; which doesn’t happen. :wink: [/QB][/QUOTE]

That would be awesome if it did happen!

Maybe someday Black Cyc will pull a “Clamp” and put all of their characters in one game! Wouldn’t that rock? Couldn’t you see Mayu and Mana trying to get the best of Gore, or more likely…befriending him?

Speaking of Mayu and Mana, did the game ever state how old they were? I noticed everyone keeps calling them “children” so they’re probably under 18. They look at least fifteen or sixteen.

[ 05-30-2006, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: Hhaze ]

It would be interesting to see how they pull it off. :slight_smile:

Well, given how they loved DUST from MinDeaD, Gore would be a fun “toy” for them… or would the twincest vampires be a fun toy for Gore? The world may never know. :wink:

Hmmm… They’re a few years younger than Yuka, and she’s in the 18 to 21 range, given how she can still pass as a high school student. 15 to 16 is a good estimate. Still… vampires don’t age like humans, so they could be older. That flashback in one of the endings seems to indicate they’re older than they look.


That flashback during the Yuka story arc (where it shows that Yuka, Mana, and Mayu are family) seems to take place quite some time ago… and yet it can’t be that old unless they don’t age at the same rate as humans. Still, the story is a little vauge about how long everyone has been a vampire.

[ 05-30-2006, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]