[Moonstone] Gift

As some of you already know, Gifthas been officialy released in english :stuck_out_tongue: … on the iphone… :?

If you’re rich and have an iPhone, you can download it for $9,99. (if someone download it he will be able to confirm if it’s censored)


Source and links for the download

It also seems that Kirakira will be released on the iPhone sometime (eng + jap).

So now the question is "why on the iPhone and not a PC release ?

Iphones can handle a game that’s a whole gig?

My mind reels, reboots, and prints messages about 640K OK.

Looking at the screens, the translation seems sooo bad. :lol:

Gift has an all-ages version for the PS2. This is likely a port of that.

Being on the iPhone/iPod Touch, the pricing certainly works a lot nicer for someone who just wants to check out something like this.

I literally slept when playing the demo of the Japanese game when it came out. Not a chance in hell I’m trying it in Engrish. :roll:

The Japanese are really big on high tech cell phones. Americans…not so much. Essentially this is just a gimmick, because they’re totally ignoring the existing infrastructure of the English market for these games. If they want to tap the English market, they have to release this in English for the PS2 or PC. That, and they have to fix the translation, because it’s simply not up to snuff.

Yeah, Gift is unfortunately a pretty bad game. Ashita Deatta Shoujo or Doko he Iku no? Hell yes. But Gift? Pass.

There’s something I’ve been waiting to ask for a while. Around a year or two ago, someone on Hongfire posted a thread about the similarities between the characters from Gift and those of Da Capo (pretty easy to explain that. Gift is a collaboration between CIRCUS and Moonstone), and how one of the tracks in the OST is a piano version of a track from another visual novel (“Dream” from Wind ~a breath of heart~). As I have not gotten my hands on either the PC, PS2, or iPhone versions, nor the OSt itself, I have not been able to verify the second claim. Anyone know what’s up?

Took me a while to find ‘Dream’ because I couldn’t see anything named like it in Wind’s BGM select - then I checked the Wikipedia page and realised it was the insert song used in the second OP =P Anyway, I guess it does sound sort of familiar, but I’m not reinstalling Gift just to check.

Anyway, Moonstone itself is a sort of an offshoot branch from CIRCUS. You’ll find Moonstone’s ‘Ashita Deatta Shoujo’ to be similar in themes to CIRCUS’ Suika - not in terms of the multiple chapter thing, but in general, how events unfold etc.
I’m pretty sure CIRCUS don’t have an equal to ‘Doko he Iku no, ano hi’ though, which is pretty much a masterpiece of nakige writing.

You actually boughtGift”? :shock:

never in my wildest dreasms, that this game would get translated in english, can you play it on your computer?

I’m playing Gift right now and it’s not as bad as some would claim…
In fact it’s pretty decent (better than Shuffle for exemple).

Of course there is the “engrish” problem but I have to admit it’s even far worse than that. It’s full of typo, they can’t spell a surname twice the same way 'kirino, kirin, kirio, kirno, kir¬µ√π$^, …), they always refer the lolicon teacher as “she”, …

I can still disregard all those mistakes since english is not my mother language but sometimes it’s really difficult to enderstand what they tried to say.
Best quotes : 'the music classroom is full of sex phones and trumpets".

Well, yes, I’ll grant that it IS better than Shuffle

really, I think the game is pretty boring so far. I really like Shuffle

It’s boring because it’s too long… Or maybe I think it’s long because I only play it 30min/day.
I’m still in Riko’s path and I just came accros the first “erased” sex scene… I wanted to cry… Riko jumps on you and on the next screen it’s already the morning and she is half naked next to you.
What happened between those 2 scenes ? :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I wonder if these games are going to last long with Apple’s new rules.

There are no sex scenes in VN you can find on the appstore.
But you can’t imagine how many app there are with “real” nude women pictures.

Uh, did you not read the article? They ban much more than nudity. Anything remotely sexual is banned.

CNN now decided to cover it:

http://scitech.blogs.cnn.com/2010/02/23 … ps/?hpt=T2
