My 2004 Buys

Well, after much consideration, review reading, and pondering I have elected to buy the following 5 games this year. (In no particular order.)

1. Critical Point
2. Private Nurse
3. Heart-de-roommate
4. Gibo
5. Divi Dead

The exception being if LMM happens to come out this year then that will also be bought. This is also not taking into any consideration of upcoming G-Collection titles. I suppose my question is, which two of the five would you get first and for what reason?

One of the two would be Private Nurse. There was something about it that is hard for me to put into words, but it felt like playing a style of these games that was similar and yet vastly different from the normal type and that made the game all the more enjoyable. In the past I have said it has that foreign film quality to it, where there is something that is familiar yet exotically different then the “norm”. At least for me this is perhaps the best description, since it is hard to describe just what draws me into the story, which is excellent, and keeps me wanting to come back for more of the story, beyond the fact that there is something that has that effect. In truth this one ranks up in my top two or three games along with Kana and Crescendo which is about the highest praise I think any game can be given at present. Though in addition to that praise there is also the music in Private Nurse which nears the top of my favorite game music along with the stunning music in Crescendo.

Second of the two I would get Heart de Roommate made by the same company as Private Nurse. While normally a slight variation in companies might be a good idea, I truly think these are the best two on your list. Heart de Roommate is far more along the romance style of gaming then any of the others on your list with the possible exception of the aforementioned Private Nurse. For me too the stories were very interesting, including the special stories you gain after all the endings, and each one was satisfying which is more then can be said about some of the other games out in the English market. Even though the first part is similar for most routes, I think it has higher replay value of wanting to replay it then any of the others, once again with the exception of Private Nurse which has equally high reply value in my book.

Though Critical Point is good it would rank third on the list of those you have listed and Gibo would rank last because the replaying for me came not from a desire to continually replay but from the frustration of getting the same ending over and over and over without the aid of a walkthrough.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-21-2004).]

Adding some comments on Private Nurse and Critical Point -

Private Nurse appealed a lot because it centers around a basic life and death theme like Kana. It also touches upon certain Japanese mystical beliefs [I think]. It’s a surprising combination for a story that was supposedly based on the Mary Poppins character.

Critical Point is probably the best SciFi/mystery game I’ve played. I found it harder to relate to the characters in some ways, but the exotic background and diverse H-scenes provide a nice change of pace. For some reason, the replay value seemed lower. Perhaps it’s like a detective novel where most of the entertainment value comes in the first reading.

Private Nurse will definitely be one of the 2 games that I get. It has great stories and in-depth character developments. In fact, I would say Private Nurse is one of my favorite English bishoujo games.

As for the 2nd game, I am torn between Heart de Roommate and Critical Point. If a choice “has” to be made, I would choose Heart de Roommate though because of its light romance routes.

no votes for Divi-dead? that’s a really cool game if you like a more horror-suspense type of story…it can be a little hard to grasp initially, but if you take the time ot think about what it is presenting to you, it’s awesome!

I’d suggest Private Nurse and Divi-Dead personally…of course, I haven’t yet played Heart de Roommate (it’s sitting on my shelf plotting evil schemes with DYLHB2, waiting for me to finish up Jewel Knights)

and buy Gibo too! I worked on that game! ::bounce bounce bounce::

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 07-21-2004).]

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
Well, after much consideration, review reading, and pondering I have elected to buy the following 5 games this year. (In no particular order.)

1. Critical Point
2. Private Nurse
3. Heart-de-roommate
4. Gibo
5. Divi Dead

The exception being if LMM happens to come out this year then that will also be bought. This is also not taking into any consideration of upcoming G-Collection titles. I suppose my question is, which two of the five would you get first and for what reason?

Critical Point, then Private Nurse. CritP's got a better storyline than PN. CritP also doesn't feature the "randomly generated sex sequence" "feature" that PN does. As for the rest of the games - well, Heart De isn't as good as either CritP or PN in my opinion, and I haven't played either Gibo or Divi-Dead. (I'm interested in Divi-Dead because a horror game sounds interesting, but I'm not sure ... still don't own it.)

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
of course, I haven't yet played Heart de Roommate (it's sitting on my shelf plotting evil schemes with DYLHB2,)


Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and buy Gibo too! I worked on that game! ::bounce bounce bounce:: [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 07-21-2004).]



Whaa weer whee tauling ahbou aghai-n?

Well, I’ve already purchased a couple of games this year: Brave Soul and Jewel Knights because they came out and I wanted to stay more or less up to date (I wasn’t too impressed with Jewel Knights, however), and Crescendo, since everyone told me I was missing out. I’ve just ordered Private Nurse and Critical Point (CP won out over Heart de Roommate because it was half the price… maybe I’ll get that one next month or so). I already have Divi-dead–but I have mixed feelings about it, and I’m not sure I want to get Gibo… the general consensus is that it is one of those “dark” games, and I don’t think that I am too keen on those… We’ll see…

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-21-2004).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:


Ahhhh! How much I missed that... [img][/img]
After I revived the lemons, the jaw returned to its duty as well!

In order to commemorate this:
* sends in the stripping lesbian succubi *

Originally posted by Unicorn:
In order to commemorate this:
* sends in the stripping lesbian succubi *

Succubi work for me, remember?

Divi-Dead is very very cool. That’s a title you can feel proud of owning - and show the spooky opening even to people who don’t want to watch a ‘porn’ game. Of course, it can get a little frustrating because of the particular style of gameplay.

Critical Point is okay. There are interesting stories in it and it’s not too hard (you can fairly easily figure out what to try next to go down a different story path). However, I didn’t find anybody in the story particularly likeable. It’s not something I will ever nostalgically want to pull out and play again (Actually, I sold my copy. )

Heart de Roommate is fun and cute and non-threatening (ie, you can easily show this one to your girlfriend) and I’m planning to keep it around.

Just one girl’s opinion.

Well, I just got my copy of Private Nurse, so I guess I’ll give it a try. People have been kind of grousing about the artwork, but from what I can see, I don’t think I mind it at all…

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-24-2004).]

Well, I ended up getting Private Nurse and Heart-de-roommate along with the Milky House collection…

Sigh Just thinking of Season of the Sakura and how I miss the really long and in-depth school romance story… wish something like it would come over at some point and time.

Yeah… everything like that is pretty short these days–even Casual Romance Club only gave you a month to work with.

Yea, I also miss the indepth games like Season of Sakura and 3 Sister’s Story, ah well.

Out of your list I would’ve chose Private Nurse and either Critical Point or Gibo as I’m not a big fan of happy go lucky games.

From your list I would have gone with CP and divi-dead. CP since I like sci-fi and Divi-dead since I like occult The others are ok and Gibo definately is a dark game so be prepared for it.

LMM will ship this year. I’m dedicated to getting this stupid game out of my hair!!

Well as for my 2004 english b-game buys… I’ve already brought Gibo and I’ll buy LMM as well if it gets out this year and if I can indeed afford it (I think I’m spending waaay too much on japanese games-- <_<;;; ).

Critical Point and Private Nurse, because they both have good story/plot.

Um, I hope you’re not being serious there, Peter. I mean, I don’t think it’s a stupid game…

(Actually, I sold my copy. )

Bad girl.
I see selling owned English games as bad for the English market.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 08-11-2004).]