My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT

LOL! Was released today. Just got my copy a few hours ago. Not all that great… but not all that bad. Probably more entertaining, because of the all the inside politics jokes.

Official Site

The must see official trailer (partly in English too)

Yes we can! :stuck_out_tongue:

Or maybe I should say… Riiiiiiichaaaaard!!!

Also it would seem, that the Universe is only Japan. :stuck_out_tongue:

My copy won’t ship until the end of next month, since it’s in the same order as Shirokuma Bell Stars. I saved on shipping costs, but it’s going to be a tough wait since everybody is playing this now. Must. Avoid. Spoilers!

I’m very interested in this as well, although I get the feeling that despite the excellent concept, it’ll end up being a 2nd tier title this month behind Comyu, Mashiroiro Symphony and MURAMASA. Haven’t preordered anything as I doubt I’d get around to playing it in the next month or so, so waiting on reviews for the three released today (Comyu’s a must buy, but only after I’ve played RuiTomo).

It’s pretty fun stuff so far. I like the production values - the use of tachie, the effects etc. - it’s all very smooth.

I’m still of the opinion that most of the people in the game have suffered a spine injury at some point in their lives.


Apparently there’s already a Russian Wikipedia entry for this and no English one yet…

That’s because they have the dangerous Tsar of beautiful Russia, Pucchin, on their side. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m surprised Pope Bendict hasn’t acknowledged his first eroge debut. :smiley:

There is however, an English fan translation project started. They’ve already translated 16% of the common route, and the game has only been out for two days. :shock:

YES WE CAN!!! :o

Although it probably helps that the game is a bit on the short side…

Who is translating this VN ?

Amaterasu has it in its 50 possible translation projects (I would prefer a translation of Sorairo but this one is on my wish list too)

Live action boys love version of the game:

It’s being done over at TLWiki.

I’m also voting for Sorairo (should hope so, since I’m the one that nominated it!)

Youtube link for those without a Nico account:

Here’s the original opening for those without the game:

Wow, you’re quick. I only uploaded that a couple hours ago =P

So how good is this game? I just want to know if it’s worth looking forward to when my copy (and the english patch) arrives. Also is it at least as funny as the trailer?

I’m about 80% finished with it so far. Honest opinion? Average at best. :expressionless: It’s not terrible mind you - but there’s isn’t much “meat” to anything. The nonsense setup is amusing at first, but it results with a nonsense plot. Also some parts of the story seemed rushed: only 4 girls are winnable. Poor Remi get’s no lov’in and the brainwashing loli alien that caused this whole mess isn’t getting any either.

Scale of 1 to 10, with 5 being average, I give this a 5 at best. Can do worst… can do better…

Kinda wish I waited to get it later, since it will easily be discounted as the months go on… but then, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it, while it’s still hot. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the plus side: El sounds like Komori Kiri sometimes. It’s fawking hawt. :twisted:

So far it’s been pretty much what I expected, but I would have liked more politics and less silly.

5/10 is a bit harsh though; you gave Virgin Roster slightly more :frowning: but eh, it was never going to be anything that significant in the world of eroge anyway.

Yea… but consider what Virgin Roster was up against in it’s time. My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT hits me at just average, with what I can find on the market these days.

The gimmick is the weird scenario setup… after that amusement is gone, there’s nothing but an average ero left.

Too short, missing winnable girls, goes overboard with the slapstick humor and puns, background illustrations are not on the same level as the rest of the artwork, some minor predictability here and there (weird considering how things seem so random)… etc…

I’m not saying it’s a horrible title�� just not something I’d tell someone to, “drop what you’re doing and play this right now.” At first it seemed like that… but after some hours invested and looking back, the hype made it seem better that it really is. Highly amusing, but not worth 9600 yen… maybe more like 4800 yen… which I’m sure it will be priced at in a month.

I don’t regret playing it - Puchin and El are tons of fun - just regret that I didn’t wait.

Yeah, can’t really disagree with that. I suppose it’s the same for me too; I really would have preferred something a bit more in-depth with more of the political humour. Oh well, at least I didn’t repeat the mistake with Mashiroiro Symphony or Sakura Tale =P