My Website Poll

I am finding the results of my latest poll to be really interesting…

it seems that the story-driven fans are, in fact, the minority…much to my horror and sadness, it seems like the largest percent want a total sex romp, and the next largest percent likes all different kinds

combining serious story, dark story, and fairy tale together, still doesn’t add up to as many votes as for a total sex romp…i’m kind of sad, but it is an interesting result, yes?

We’re talking about it in the “Future games?” thread.

I find it to be very sad as well. :’(

I can’t say it’s unexpected, but it isn’t encouraging that it’s so lopsided.

I guess it kinda reflects the general perception towards adult content here: it’s just pure sex

i just watched an episode of south park on tv recently, the one on Lord of the Rings parody, where the dad said something like (cant remember exactly) “oh i hate porno that tries to have a story”…

yes it’s sad but i guess that’s how people in the english world views stuff like this

true, it can be crappy and stupid at times, but some of the people’s thoughts in the show are pretty down to the point and in fact true…

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
It seems that the story-driven fans are, in fact, the minority....much to my horror and sadness, it seems like the largest percent want a total sex romp, and the next largest percent likes all different kinds combining serious story, dark story, and fairy tale together, still doesn't add up to as many votes as for a total sex romp...i'm kind of sad, but it is an interesting result, yes?
Designing an accurate survey isn't easy. You've got to offer choices that cover the entire range of opinions without overlap. The categories used in the poll may be inclusive, but they're not entirely distinct. Some of us had trouble deciding between "Light and funny" and "Serious story-driven", for example. Our favorite games may include both elements, but we're forced to pick one over the other. "Total sex romp" may have been popular because it seems like an obvious choice to those without much playing experience.

It might have been easier to vote if the survey used standard classifications. "Choose a favorite game type from ren'ai, dating-sim, kichiku, etc." might have been more clear-cut. Allowing multiple choices would have been even better, though perhaps not possible given the polling mechanism. Another approach would be to ask people to rank a list of games of varying types, like someone did on the GC BBS. The results require more analysis, however.

All in all, the survey was an interesting idea. It could be followed up with other polls to gain a clearer understanding of where the interests of the English gaming market really lie.

Originally posted by perigee:
It might have been easier to vote if the survey used standard classifications. "Choose a favorite game type from ren'ai, dating-sim, kichiku, etc." might have been more clear-cut.

Yes but wouldn't it have been slightly disappointing if such a poll was done and a "pure sex romp" game like DYLHB still won the majority? If there is one game that is anything but story-driven that one comes to mind first, those two come to mind first.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
yes it's sad but i guess that's how people in the english world views stuff like this

VERY sad *sniff*.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
yes it's sad but i guess that's how people in the english world views stuff like this

Yeah, but how come then some don't ask for a change, I mean sure they view them as sex romps, but why not ask for more plot since they see them as sex romps rather then jsut asking for more sex romp games?

Not really suprising as Peter stated before watercloset sold quite well and G-coll has started releasing more and more sex heavy games. It’s sad since I really like the games with a good story

How many games with a really good compelling story have there ever been? Kana, Crescendo, Private Nurse, True Love (though some might debate that) and part of the two ‘collections’ Seasons of Sakura, but that is five out of how many?

I would argue Nocturnal Illusions and May Club had interesting stories so maybe it is seven, still that is not a lot to give people the chance to start to like these over the sex romp games.

Agreed. When there are more examples of “is-it-HOT-in-here” than of a real story (and especially more RECENT examples, many of the games on the ‘good plot’ list have outdated graphics) - it is hardly surprising they are more well known.

In RPG circles this is known as the Final Fantasy effect. Watch as even acknowledgedly-mediocre Final Fantasy titles knock off games that got glowing reviews from all the people who played them. Why? Far more people play FF.

It might be interesting to ask people to, say, pick a top 2 or 3 things they look for.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
It might be interesting to ask people to, say, pick a top 2 or 3 things they look for.

I think another one to ask, but after that one, is what were the first 4 games they played.

It might be interesting to see if they are looking for a lot more then they have previously played and if they have only played say, both DYHB and Hitozuma Hime Club which might mean though they are looking for more they really don't think it exists so they will settle for what they know to exist.

Don’t forget Brave Soul.
Okay, it’s not exactly as story-heavy as the others, but it’s far from a sex-romp, and it’s very well known.

I think there have been a few other good stories out there, or at least the effort to attempt a good story: Eve: burst error comes straight to mind. I also thought Desire had a pretty compelling story (it kept me interested, anyway–although, I’ll admit that it was my first game that I realized was bishoujo). I also think that Critical Point attempted to be more story driven, and actually succeeded to some degree–although I think it often gets discounted because the writer found a way to keep it sex heavy.

Divi-dead had an interesting story. kinda hard to follow at points but still interesting, plus the spooky atmosphere is a plus.

Originally posted by Wolfson:
I think there have been a few other good stories out there, or at least the effort to attempt a good story: Eve: burst error comes straight to mind.

I don't know why but I would put this game in a different category, though agree it is story driven. I think with the sex scenes out it is one that "could" have been sold at major retailers so not sure what category it could be put in since others also might not link it at once to the Bishoujo industry.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-12-2004).]

Haha. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wanted to bore you all to death with a small statistic evaluation:

Benoit wrote down the poll’s results on August 10th. Back then, 114 votes were given.

Right now, the amount of votes has increased to 168 and two further weeks have passed, so we can now see if any trends exist…

Light and funny 13 (11%) → 16 (9%) -2%
Serious story-driven 9 (7%) → 22 (13%) +6%
A total sex romp 44 (38%) → 63 (37%) -1%
Dark story-driven 6 (5%) → 7 (4%) -1%
Fairy tale 9 (7%) → 13 (7%)
Hardcore fetish 8 (7%) → 14 (8%) +1%
All of the above 25 (21%) → 32 (19%) -2%
None of the above 0 (0%) → 1 (0%)

So, we have at least a visible increase of votes for serious-story-driven, but the overwhelming percentage of “romp-addicts” remained almost the same.

We really have to accept the sad truth…

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-24-2004).]

What is still of interest to me is where those people that continue to vote all of the above would have fallen if there were more categories. Perhaps no one additional category would push “total sex romp” out of first but then again who knows, maybe a “light, fluffy story driven plot” would have taken first.

Remember something too that might be against these story driven plots, along with so few of them being out on the translated market, those that are out are rather emotional and not light and fluffy. We have too very emotional games in Kana and Crescendo so even those that might like a light and fluffy story driven plot have no proof those exist, they only know of the ones that are, still trying to think of another way to say emotional, but emotional plots that might be great, but aren’t ones you just play on a whim without having the time to give to the games. All of this made sense? Does anyone agree?