Oh sweet merciful Heavens, I am so getting this game, and be woe to ANYONE or ANYTHING that tries to stop me. It’s The SIMS in cute chibii mode!!! How can that NOT be made of the purest win!?

Cute… so… damn… cute… must… get…

For many people, the only fun thing to do in The Sims was torture and kill them. Now that they’re chibi and cute, well… There’s no appeal left for them.

Personally I never cared for the series. Partly because it’s another one of those series that gets milked to the extreme.

Well… I care.

Because I think Will Wright is a genius, SImEarth got me started on the Gaia theory, SImcity 2000 was my first computer game… and I loved The Sims (before EA came and screwed it up). EVen The Sims 2 was slgihtly-okay, but had too many gaps.

But darn you EA… you’re collaborating with Nintendo Wii to make a game all too popular… EVIL ! Tempation is too strong…

Only thing that pisses me off is that Spore doesn’t seem to incorporate Gaia theory. AH well.

But I like the Maxis games.

[ 05-02-2007, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

SimPeople (what they called The SIMS in Japan), didn’t do as well as Maxis and EA hoped there. When they questioned gamers about it, they were told that the people’s appearance and lack of facial expressions was a turn down.

A lot of SIMS players are women, and in Japan, most of the ladies won’t touch a game unless it has overwhelming kawaii in it. So killing two birds with one stone, MySIMS is cute and anime-style at the same time: major use of facial expressions, chibi size, and just plain cavity level sweetness.

If this doesn’t get the Japanese to play SIMS, nothing on Earth will. Not only that, but it’s soooooo damn cute that it appeals to all ages and sex (but more so girls and youngsters - which is a huge market that Nintendo likes to have).

So yea… there won’t be much sex and “realistic” violence in MySIMS (I saw a promo with a hammerspace girl hitting some poor guy), but it still aims to be a god simulator with people’s lives… only ultra cute while doing it.

So… damn… cute…

I second you, Narg. The sneeze at the end with the swirly eyes left me speechless the way Chiyo-chan in a penguin suit rendered her class speechless.

All I need is some pervert to hack the game and produce a lolicon H mode… then this game would fulfil every demographic in Japan.

EDIT: I just realised, looking at the character creation demo, that there are no genders. Darn you EA.

Still, the chibi is all too cute.


Hell, why don’t EA takes this one step further, hire some good 3-D/CG artists, and produce a complete anime version of the Sims ? Some God simulator that has visual novel, RPG and even h-game antics ? (I can just imagine it… any size… make your own loli !)

[ 05-02-2007, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Some people enjoy torture and killing in all forms. I don’t really care if there chibi or not, torture and death is still torture and death! Not that I’m into that stuff.

AWWW! I want this! So cute, more cuter than the original Sims, A lot cuter!!! XD I’ll be looking for it, must have it! X3 Cuteness is too powerful.

Back! Back, fell demon! I send ye to the lake of fire from whence ye came!

… You DO know someone optioned to make a movie out of The Sims? A live action Hollywood movie?

MySims is the cutest thing from EA since… well… since forever.

This game is pure win.

Thou shalt not hate this game.

I think it has twins in the default town. :slight_smile:

The cute characters reminds me of Harvest Moon. I wonder and hope that MySims gets ported to the PC.

[ 06-04-2007, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: Fenrir90 ]

Site got a major update:

Sooooooo daaaaaaaamn cuuuuuute!

Apparently this title is getting a DS release too. I wonder if this is going to be the next Pokemon type IP.

Muahahaha… what ?

I think an anime-ish people simulator would be a triumph, but some games close.

ANd what the… who the hells gonna direct ? The Uwe guy ? WOuld it even be good ? This is crazy… its like making a movie about a sandbox, or Lego.

Yea. Nintendo exclusive. Supposedly based off their “Mii” concept.


[ 08-23-2007, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

What’s Don King doing in MySims?

Read the review in an issue of EGM… it’s not too favorable. Animal Crossing was better, says the review, MySims usually bogs down to furniture building.

DS version of the game sucks ass. Local game store got shipments of it this morning, and a friend let me… ahem… buy one early. :slight_smile:

The Wii version is far, far better. Everything EA has been advertising about this title, is solely on the Wii veresion.

As for the Wii version: plays like a simplistic Harvest Moon - although the focus is town building and not crop growing. No marriage option, for those wondering.

Basically you pickup Sims at the hotel, build them a home or store (depending on the type), and they give you quests. Completing these quests unlocks more items/clothes/Sims you can invite to the town. Sims are divided into six types: Active, Cute, Nerdy, Studious, Hungry, and Spooky. Town design and mood reflects the composition of the Sims in it (i.e. mostly Spooky makes it gothy).

The player takes the role of “carpenter” type person. You build most of the stuff the towns people get. You have to collect “essence” to create the cooler things - which is found in locations on the town map, or as gifts from befriended townspeople.

Relationships between NPC’s is zero (i.e. they don’t really form relationships, bonds, or story).

As mentioned previous: you just build homes/stores, pick townspeople, complete quests, and watch how everyone interacts: like the SIMS PC games in “auto mode” and whatnot… only you can’t turn that off and control the other SIMS.

My friend calls it Habbo Hotel on steroids… and he’s arguably right about that: it’s like automated LEGO. Their cute though… mind boggling cute…

Makes a good game for a girlfriend who doesn’t play video games. I like it… but I know the appeal will wear off in a few days. I just like watching the cute Sims do cute things to each other.

There’s vampires in the game… and their cute… especially Yuki. She reminds me of Mana & Mayu… minus the twincest, raping, and bloodsoaked violence. Carries an axe to scare people though. :slight_smile:

[ 09-14-2007, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Man that’s ass, no relationship building between NPC?

Well there’s friendship levels: i.e. an amount NPC’s like you or each other. If they like each other they hug and talk… if they dislike each other they pull pranks and fight.

But there’s nothing in depth: like dating or moving into the same house. Very simplistic. :frowning:


Not worth it even for the $10 gift card that Target’s handing out for people who purchase MySims Wii or DS.