Name That Eroge

Time is almost over! Let me give some more hints, first.

These mikos are not exactly “normal”.

Almost all of them have something… very special.

There’s a dessert in the maker.

This maid is something else, too.

She’s taking lessons to be a great…

The artist was involved with a manga series what became an anime show.

The game maker was a subcompany of another company jastusa was planning to translate some eroges… before went bankrupt.

Okay. Time is over! Answers bellow.

ANSWER: Miko x Mono from Assobel/Patissiere.
Yeah… most of these girls are mononokes (monsters)! :lol:

ANSWER: Assassin Lesson from Glastonburry.
The maid is training to become an assassin. The game maker was afiliated to Digital Monkey. The style of this game resembles a lot an anime show about ladies assassins called NOIR.

I finally found a doctor who would answer this question for me. 8)

Question: Is it possible for twins of opposite sex be identical instead of fraternal?

Answer: Theoretically? Yes. In reality? Incredibly doubtful.

In this hypothetical scenario, the zygote must be XXY, an ultra rare situation as it is. There must then be a successful meiosis nondisjunction through the gametogenesis stage. The chances of that occurring with XXY is statistically insane… 1 in several billion. Maybe a few tens of billions. In this scenario we will assume the XX divide occurs successfully, thus giving us our sister. The odds of this being successful are pretty good, considering the risks of development and miscarriage in this tremendously odd and unhealthy chance. Were looking at one in a few dozen maybe? Now the other half (our potential brother) is even more screwed. Including the whole development and miscarriage thing, it also has chromosomes issues to worry about. This child could be XO (mutation disorder, always female), OY (genetically impossible, literally womb ooze), XX (girl), YX (boy), or about another half dozen possible weird combinations that are instant stillborn. Statistics are kinda biased to what real life proves: always a girl or dead birth. But is it possible for XX and XY twins? Yes. It is possible. But it’s also possible for a human to be born with a tail (a real one with bone, not those freakish soft tails, that’s a congenital deformity). The odds are so infinitesimally small that it’s practically impossible, and if it does happen it will be a first documented case.

So Kimuzukashii MEIJI is right, and when it happens, it will be front page news. :o

Leave it to you to actually pin down an answer from a doctor regarding the issue. :smiley:
Actually, since (as you are all too aware Narg) I have been becoming more and more interested in Yosuga no Sora lately, I’ve been wondering what the exact probability was for such an occurrence. Now I know the most probable method of this happening, and a rough idea of the odds. There are other ways of this occurring naturally that I can think of, but the method you outline is the one most likely. Now achieving such a thing artificially, on the other hand, is well within the realm of possibility as far as I can tell. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if some genetic engineer achieved such a thing with an animal.
On a side note, the most important lesson I’ve taken away from what I know about the world of the extremely small (i.e. sub-atomic particles and such), is to try to look at things probabilistically (where applicable). For instance, one of my favorite examples from a program I saw is that technically, it is possible for a person to walk through a solid object. It is extremely improbable, but it is possible. (Those of you familiar with a certain incident involving Einstein may find the name of my blog I haven’t updated in ages amusing: “I’m sorry Einstein, but it appears God does play dice with the universe.”)

I think is about time to post some more pictures. There will be pretty easy, because i’m out of good ideas. :lol:

Okay. From what eroge are these?

Is this one ‘Nee, Chanto Shiyouyo!’? It looks like it, but i’v only seen the h-anime.

Almost! :lol:

This one is the sequel, “Nee, Chanto Shiyou yo! 2”.

Kuya got one more older sister who is crazy… for him!
Ah, and one imouto, too. :roll:

Still no one guessed. And here i thought these would be easy. :lol:

Well… some hints before spoil the tittles:

The only otaku-centric game I know is Otaku Masshigure, and this has a different artstyle. I’m interested, though… even though I really haet ??? =p

Okay, time is waaaay over! So…

ANSWER: AFTER… from Ciel.

ANSWER: Akiba-kei Kanojo from G.J?

Well, crap. I should have at least recognised the Tony art for the After… pic (I did recognise the art style, but couldn’t place it). And I’ve heard of, but not played, Akiba-kei Kanojo before, but that didn’t come to mind at all. Facepalm.

By the way, Lancer-X, did you saw Tony will be drawing not one, but two new eroges for release sometime around june this year? THIS ONE and THIS ONE. At least, it seems his/her artstyle.

Just trying to keep this thread alive… :roll: :lol:

Well, the former, definitely. Tony girls playing tennis, mmm. Not that that would make me get the game, but still =P

The latter I’ve seen too, and yes, that’s Tony too. I’m interested in the latter one because it’s being written by one the HaruKani writers.

Ok, I’ll bite. :stuck_out_tongue:

This eroge goes on sale this Friday.

Hey! Eroges not released yet are cheating! :lol:

Anyway… This is Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji from ALCOT.

Now from what eroges are these pictures?

First one is ???, by Silky’s. I haven’t played it, but Flutter of Birds artist is OBVIOUS. Nobody else draws like that. =P
Second one is ??? ???, by Lucha. Never played it (and probably won’t play it), but I figured it looked like the ONE*BOKU artist’s work, so…

Shouldn’t need any hints for these; they’re both pretty easy.

First is from Liar Soft’s ??? (Youtou Jiken)
Second is from Cotton Soft’s RECONQUISTA

The top one might be difficult, but the bottom one is quite straightforward.

Hints for top image: This game was originally a full price commercial release from 2001, that was later released by the company in 2006 in an upgraded free! version. Another eroge made by this company has an (almost) identical title to one of Mangagamer’s currently released games.

Hint for bottom image: This eroge was made by the same company as one of Lancer-X’s recent pictures.

Let me post some more pictures!

Bottom one appears to be ??? ???.

Don’t know the top one but I’ll counter with this