Name That Eroge

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The abundance of twincest related titles makes Narg happy. 8)

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She’s Kiara from White Cyc’s ??? ????.

What about this one?

The brand died years ago but the artist became VERY popular.

MACHINE MAIDEN from Evolution.

Now what’s game is this one:

No, she’s not doing what you think she’s doing! She’s just waking you, just the same way she does every day like a good older…

This is the second installment of a eroge released by a different company.

I am currently a but at a loss:
Either nobody has a clue which game I asked for or was my taking advantage of Baldo having run out of CGs not acceptable?

In the former case, I add another hint right now - and if still nobody tried within the next 24 hours, I’ll reveal the solution and direct my question towards another game.

Hint2: A former brand of one of the japanese companies that are cooperating with Peach Princess. (Because of that, I actually suposed that no hint would be needed at all…)

However, in the latter case please let me know and I’ll stop with that right here.

Actually, all of JAST’s titles are incredibly obscure. There’s very few, and I’d be able to look them up one by one, but there’s practically no information on them anywhere on the internet.

As I said above, I have NO images close at hand (from not-posted-so-far erogames, at least :wink: -besides, my hobby is collecting games, not game musics or graphics-), therefore don’t worry about me, it’s an unwritten rule of this game :wink: :mrgreen: .

It’s not the original japanese JAST because as far as Iunderstood, the original JAST isn’t anymore. Thus in case it would have been JAST, shouldn’t I actually have said “were cooperating” not “are cooperating”? :wink:

(No spoiler tag used, because this is hardly a hint at all! Particulary not without having the contents of the quoted reply or my second hint being revealed.)

Time is up. Nobody tried to guess this, so here the solution:
It is Kairaku (??) and was made by the now defunct Will-brand “rouge”.
The story is about angels and demons. The player’s character is Balbados, a high-ranked demon in hell with Beelzebub being his direct superior. While his job was so far all the time a quite boring administrative post, he now gets a special assignment:
Two angels have been apprehended near hellgate and he has now the duty to transform them into demons by performing a special diabolic rite that of course demands some quite un-angelic carnal actions - within a single month.
But there is more to it: The angels (actually siblings: “Filia” (the elder sister) and “Karin” (the younger sister)) were looking for an angel that had been missing since the last battle between the main forces of heaven and hell: “Ramiel”, Filia’s fiance.
When confronted with Balbados, the sisters facefaulted because this demon is the spitting image of Ramiel, but doesn’t act the least bit like him.
The screenshot is from a scene at the end of the first third of the story: Karin takes Maria (Balbados’ maid who also is responsible for providing food to the imprisoned angels) hostage and threatens to kill her with a fork if she and her sister won’t be released. However, Balbados calls off that bluff: because Karin still is an angel, she actually isn’t yet able to perform such an evil deed on the almost innocent Maria.

So that was that.

Now, the new screenshot:
Which game is this ?

Hint1: At the time when I joined this BBS, this game was one of the most intensely discussed games here as a possible upcoming candidate for localization.

Hint2: It was made by the same brand, that also made one of the games that is currently quite frequently recommended to people, who ask here what game they should give a try.

That old Will title Dokusen, maybe? Hmm… to be honest, I’m not really confident. I don’t have an image at the moment anyway, even if I am right. =P

EDIT: Back when you first joined the BBS was… about three years before I even got into eroge, so… =P

Nonetheless, the guess is correct - and the brand is “r√∫f”. That is the very same brand who made “Yume Miru Kusuri” as well as “Slave Bazaar”.

Well, I’ll give this a go anyway, despite not having pics handy.

This is a screenshot from the game’s OP (sorry, it’s the only thing I could dig up). However, to compromise, it shouldn’t be a difficult guess, because the game is AWESOME. There’s only so many games you could count as being AWESOME (it’s a hair’s breadth away from being on my top 25 list), and as an added bonus people are more likely to know about it than some erogamescape 30%er.

More hints please!
So far, this question has been asked for 4 days and no even a try for a solution yet!

While it appears to me that the girl in the CG has a close resemblance to Takase Mizuki, I don’t think she would actually walk in on and wake up Kazuki, so I also don’t even try to guess this being a “Comic Party”.

Narg is just dropping by, to say this thread is now lacking in twincest again. Narg must restore order.

I’ll answer it then. Aneimo 2 from BootUP!… that or it’s Aneimo 2 H - I get CG’s from the two titles mixed up. But they’re two halves of the same whole. :slight_smile:

This one is Carnival from the now defunct S.M.L

Correct! Studio dies after releasing one and only one awesome title… sad, really. Still, the main scenario writer went on to do Good Things and is still in the thick of it, so it’s not all bad. Anyway, to keep the thread going, here’s another one. Should be pretty easy, so no hints

That’s right! It’s ANEIMO 2nd stage from BootUP!. Funny, but the first ANEIMO game was released by another company, PAJAMAS. Besides the sequel, ANEIMO 2 H, it was released this month the 1st episode from the H-Anime version also called “Aneimo - Square Sisters”.

Sorry if lacked more hints, Unicorn! :lol:

If i’m not mistake, this one is HELLO, WORLD! from Nitroplus. Hmmm, no badass protagonists, this time? :roll:

Regardless, it’s still my favourite Nitroplus game =p

I see.

Because so far only one replacement for your two correct guesses has happened, I take the liberty and add here a title with twincest - though it might not be your favorite type: picture

Hint1: Quite dark game from a brand that is famous/infamous for even darker games - and a protagonist that is one of the worst bastards I ever encountered in a game.

Hint2: Hunting the murderer(s ?) of my little sister!

I somehow suspect that I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t guess it with the given hints nonetheless - I was just the one most vocal about it. :wink:

I’ll throw in a second image, just so we have two lines again. Please, when you answer a question, post a pic :expressionless:

That’s from light’s PARADISE LOST. I’d like to play it, but it seems to be completely out of print, and all the second-hand prices I’ve seen of it are at least double the original cost :cry:.

(Image posted below)

Ah… twincest. :smiley:

I know the answer to both of these, but I’ll just go back into lurker mode.

My work here is done. :wink: