Nekomimi & Pregnancy Banned in Eroge … -in-eroge/

the rules are just getting stupid now

Is that the same source as was previously posted, with a vague suggestion that such a ban MIGHT happen but no actual proof of it? While we can’t put anything past the crazy people, it’s also irresponsible to post headlines of ‘It IS banned’ when the information is actually ‘It might be banned in the future’

edit: Yes, this is all solely referring to one newsletter put out by one eroge producer who said that there MIGHT be such a ban in the future and used it as an excuse for delays on a title.

We’ve been discussing this already in the rape thread. You’re awfully late to the game~

Sankaku Complex isn’t exactly the model of responsible reporting (note for example how they preface news accounts of sexual crimes with anime-style caricatures). The writing style cracks me up however. The author of the blog, in a comment, has said something to the effect of “if you just read the headlines and don’t look at the stories themselves, you’re a moron and deserve to drown in your delusions.” (Note this is highly interpretative on my part)

grin Sadly, even in ‘real’ journalism, headlines are often enormous exaggerations or even blatant contradictions of what’s actually written in the article. Sensationalism!

Sounds like they were probably trying to divert attention to their real problem: pushing back the release date. However, it could also be being used as a trial balloon to see how customers would react.

I basically treat Sankaku Complex as a tabloid about otaku culture that was designed to simply generate hits for the ads on the site; read about real news elsewhere, and go to Sankaku for the laughs.

I was away for a while, and what i see when i came back… :?

Man, i just HOPE that’s just something for not be taken seriously. Otherwise, what will be banned from eroges next: SCHOOLGIRLS?! :lol:

Besides, what’s so wrong about nekomimi/kemonomimi? It’s half-bestiality?

And about pregnancy? I allways thought that’s something what will happen naturally if a man and a woman have sex… wether because they wanted a baby, wether because they were not “cautious” enough.

Quite true. I rather liked that in YMK one of the endings was a pregnancy, given how many times the protagonist and a certain heroine had sex. After all, sex for anything other than procreation is a fairly recent thing to occur in nature.

That’s not really what is meant by a pregnancy game. There aren’t too many out here like that…closest might if your trying for the bad ending in Three Sisters Story, but that’s probably stretching the genre a bit too liberally probably.

Huh? When did the topic get limited to pregnancy games? My reference was to pregnancy in eroge in general.

Because that’s probably what the person from Norn was referring to, as opposed to just pregnancy in general.

I think the problem here is any kind of pregnancy eroge, general or not. But Pregnancy in eroges not allways is related to bad things like rape and domination.

In some eroges that’s a plot device, like the protagonist meeting his kid for the first time years later after being forced to separate from the girl he loved.

In some eroges that lead to a bad ending, but in others that’s a good/best ending… the protagonist really wanted to stay with the girl forever.

There’s many pregnancy eroges lately, that’s true. But i think many of them the events are still consensual, with the girl wanting the protagonist’s baby and the protagonist saying he would take full responsability.

Maybe all this fear about pregnancy and nekomimis is because of that infamous Illusion game… RAPE LAY… again.
I remember i saw some pictures of this game with girls using nekomimis and if i’m not mistaken there’s an ending were the girls get pregnancy and were forced to abort.

Um, the disgust with pregnancy in eroge isn’t due to a character simply becoming pregnant. The disgust is with the fetish of sex with pregnant women. It’s along the same lines as the controversy with rape in eroge. Rape as a storytelling device is fine. Rape for the sexual gratification of the player is not. Or at least that’s how the criticism goes. There’s this perception that we need to restrict or regulate (sexually explicit) obscenity. So they’re going down the list deciding what counts as obscene and lobbying for it to be removed / banned from games.

I don’t really care for the pregnancy fetish myself. I find it particularly abhorrent in tentacle / BSDM games. But censoring it out of existence is rather silly.

Wow… these censor maniacs are going overboard. People have sex during ALL stages of pregnancy: … nancy.html

With exception to a few unique situations, it’s 100% safe and medically proven to be that way.

Some women claim the sex is BETTER during pregnancy.

It’s an invasive religious taboo. Much like the church denies oral sex and foreplay: doesn’t stop people from doing it.

I just threw up in my mouth. Really, I did.

I’ll be damned if they take my cat girls away. Or dog girls, bunny girls, whatever.

Also, I really want to see an English translation of that game in the article. Or maybe someone can give me more info on it.

I did some looking up for ya, and it appears to be little more than a fetish sexfest. Not that I have anything against fetish sexfests mind you. :wink:

Really doubtful it will have a cohesive plot or characterization, as the incredibly low price - only 1500 yen - is clearly a sign it won’t last more than 30 minutes tops. Probably 5 minutes of meaningful talk, 20 minutes of sex, and 5 minutes of credits/intro movie.

I’d say its a bad sign if the credits take as much time as any meaningful dialogue.

I really don’t care, I’ll take what I can get. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, I’ve actually played this, which is by the same writer - slightly higher price than the Norn game (2000 yen on dlsite), and roughly 2 hours long. The scenario is completely random and nonsensical, which is to be expected, but more than that, it’s boring and badly written - the only redeeming feature is the art (just checked and the artist is working on another eroge for Softhouse Seal - he needs to be hired by a better company :P). For a sexfest, they didn’t really put much effort into those scenes either (20 all up, but there are only 20 base CGs, and it’s strictly a 1 CG with a few variations per scene deal) . Note that the Norn game might be better in this regard, but the scenario is almost certainly going to be rubbish, plus like Narg says, it’s probably really short as well.