Nekomimi & Pregnancy Banned in Eroge

Well, it’s pretty obvious this eroge is not a nitroplus or typemoon-level visual novel. :lol: It’s just another fetish-filled yarugee game.

If anyone here want a kemonomimi eroge with a great story and incredible characters, it’s better to play UTAWARERUMONO. There’s even an english translation patch for this one. :slight_smile:

here is the next batch of terms and cg that might be banned


Gang Rape



"Reverse" Rape



"Reverse" Assault



Student Council




Train Molestation

Enjo Kousai (Prostitution)







Pregnant Women



this is from here … -in-eroge/
so i am taking it with gran of salt but it would make eroge just boring

So it’s all yaoi games from this point forward? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it me, or are they trying to create massive outrage?

Better source: … trictions/

…which Japanese source is:

they are feminists so yaoi not being on the list makes sense
and the characters can have sex just the least creative kinds
just one position will get boring fast

So yea even those who like heart-felt school romance titles will be out, unless they’re yaoi.

Hmm…i wonder if this such a sweeping ban really will push for more self publishing doujin titles. This isn’t just “we’re clamping down on rape titles” its a broad swath of eroge, effectively killing 90%+ of it…maybe that’s there intention (though I would hardly see it as profitable). It may be more to incite fear into their customers to lobby against such restrictions.

Also sites like Minori are denying non-Japanese access. While there are ways around this, the average user won’t know.

Not extensive enough. Too many loopholes. I propose:

Animalia, Bacteria, Chromista, Eukaryota, Fungi, Plantae, Prokaryota, and Protozoa.

That should cover everything offensive. If things still remain too wild then the following will be axed for sexual depiction:

Electromagnetic, Gravitation, Strong Interaction, and Weak Interaction.
(Have you ever seen bosonic particles getting it on? Not very pretty. Could be too kinky.)

Ultimately they should reserve the right to banning eroge in 11 spacetimes, 5 membranes, and 9 matrices.

And that my friend, should cover everything, except God. We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that is a distinct possibility. If they create massive outrage now that leads to widespread counter protesting, it might just be what saves eroge in the end.

I think so too. Fear mongering, or scaremonegering is the term and it works. It’s a tactic used very sucessfully every 2, and moreso every 4, years in the US.

However it’s not a good sign they are restricting foreign access to the websites. It’s easy to get around, but the implication is more worrisome. If its temporary, that’s once thing, but I think it may be more-long-term.

Remember, the little group of whining protesters DID NOT WRITE THIS LIST. The EOCS made up this list of what THEY think they need to restrict, based on what THEY think might offend someone, and this list may or may not be all-inclusive.

Even in this list, it’s hardly banning everything in existence, it’s mostly trying to ban anything related to underage, anything that might be conceivably thought of as nonconsensual, and would therefore have nothing to do with consensual yaoi/yuri between adults. On the other hand, for all we know, the EOCS is reading all these posts with people talking about “They didn’t ban yaoi!” and is planning to do that next week. It’s insane.

There are bondage and S&M people, though, yet both are being banned, even if both are perfectly legal, admitted, known, etc. IRL.

It’s becoming completely insane, yes. We started with “banning rape games” to “even the word ‘rape’ shall be banned”. With all the words banned, one wouldn’t even write a thriller story with terrorists taking hostages (no ‘imprisonment’, after all --and no tight binding anyway), or with a character who got a rough childhood (not family violence, please --and, obviously, the character cannot be the result of a rape, or something), which may have nothing at all with it being a “rape game”.

So… with sex being outlawed and violence next on the list, you guys have plans to take up a new hobby?

Might I suggest firearms marksmanship? Then when they come, they can pry them from our cold dead hands. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :cry:

I don’t care about most of those fetishisms… but that’s too much! :shock:

They want us to play just yaoi games or eroges with grannys?! :x

Maybe i start a new kind of sniper game: “Shooting Feminists”. So i’m with you, Narg!

Oops… double post…

lol… we could do that in GTA4. :wink:

Actually I’m sorta divided on these feminists. I mean by definition, all a feminist wants is equal rights for women. That’s a good goal. I can agree with that. There’s nothing evil with the word or concept of feminists… just like there’s nothing evil in the word or concept of socialist (despite what American Republicans are claiming). On the other hand, in a lot of things women have achieved their goals. I mean yes: there’s still some sexual prejudice around, but the same can be said of ANY prejudice. You’re not going to get rid of hate and ignorance, no matter how hard you try.

Today it seems the more vocal feminist groups want MORE rights for women than men have, or they pick and choice what they want. Take the mandatory war draft for example: currently it only dictates men must follow it. You don’t see NOW demanding that the government make the mandatory war draft be revised to include women. Or how about the many legal advantages women have in child custody and alimony court cases? You don’t see NOW demanding those be eradicated or have men included.

I’m not saying that women aren’t treated unfairly - in many situations they are - but organizations like NOW don’t care if men are treated unfairly. Thus in my eyes they give off the aura of women superiority, not women equality. :expressionless:

In general I’m with papillon: feminists aren’t evil. NOW isn’t the voice of the feminist movement, anymore than Rush Limbaugh is the voice of the Republican Party. Yet it’s the radicals like NOW and Limbaugh, that get the most attention, and apparently getting the most results (negative of course).

I’m not sure why people are suggesting that yaoi games will still be ok: after all, the list is incomplete and if they are proposing to ban the terms ‘shoujo’ and ‘loli’, then it would be logical to ban the male equivalents ‘shounen’ and ‘shota’ as well.

Edit: If anyone wants a challenge, look for eroges that would be legal under these restrictions :stuck_out_tongue: (finding one that doesn’t contain the word ?? (or ?? if it’s yaoi) at all is probably nigh-impossible). I thought Kagerou Touryuuki might be safe, but no luck. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree, that might also scare the fans enough to quit selling old Rapelay copies on Amazon for good.
However I can’t see the eroge shops getting EOCS-Approved games only if EOCS is really serious on this, those new restrictions cover 99% of the eroge genre, nothing less. And we foreigners CAN make our voices heard simply by using our money to buy EOCS-Unapproved games galore from DLsite, HobbySearch, etc. etc.
How much are you willing to swallow for Freedom Of Expression?

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

If you’re going to act like that, then don’t expect to see me crying any tears if they do ban all your hobbies and put you in jail. :slight_smile:

The thing is, there’s only so many hours in a day. It’s simply not possible for any organisation to try to single-handedly right every wrong in the world. Special interest groups form to focus around a special interest and work on things relating to that interest - and solicit donations towards that particular cause.

It’s not a feminist organization’s job to protest against people eating dogs in Asia, even if their members are against it. It would be inappropriate for them to use funds which were donated in the name of feminism to fight against meat-eating.

If NOW is actively opposing men’s rights then of course, they’re in the wrong. If they’re simply failing to fight for them, that’s understandable, as it’s not their particular job.

Are they actually opposed to such things? I’m not exactly a member, you may know more than I do here!

Yes. But if you’re crazily panicking and overreacting - which it seems like the EOCS is - and you want to prove that you’re not doing anything evil at all, then you may think that people can’t tell the difference between consensual BDSM and rape. (For that matter, how often is BDSM in hentai truly consensual?)

Without the ability to talk to the EOCS and find out what they’re smoking, we can only guess.

Well if they are working to get eroge industry to remove certain items that mostly men would watch/play in their own home and don’t go out and do those things IRL because they know the difference between a game and RL, then yes, they are. Don’t know if NOW is part of the group that is complaining, but it wouldn’t suprise me.

Yea, not all feminist are like that, but they don’t get vocal like NOW does, which does matter. Often small, but vocal groups have more power than larger, but quiet ones because they are vocal.