Nekomimi & Pregnancy Banned in Eroge

it really sucks all these things are getting banned from eroge

Well yes… Narg does tend to have a lot of free time. :o

Now, I know the REAL reason why Narg is so upset and decided to fight!!!

Ah… Err… what I mean to say is… Damn it… :oops:
Yea. I’m not a noble saint or savior. I’ve my own selfish reasons.

They threaten the Precious. THEY MUST PAY!!!

I’ll see them broken at my feet… and if you won’t stand with me… if you dare not help me fight this evil… Narg won’t share any twincest with ya.

Well okay I lied… I wasn’t planning on sharing twincest with you anyways. But I promise not to backstab anyone until we defeat them first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry, I shall simply steal it from you.

I’m not sure how helpful it will be, or whether they’ll take any notice of it, but I’m going to write to the Japanese government here like Minori suggested. (Yeah, it would certainly be better to do it in Japanese, but I don’t have the language ability to write a formal statement discussing these issues :P).

I did that. I have written formal statements to my congressman a couple times.

I’m afraid you must elaborate as my inner nerd has been enraptured by this News. :o