New Crowd Game: ???????????3???? ?????

The proxy at no longer allows access to Crowd.

On that subject, 666 no Houhou is out now. Anyone here actually going to buy it though? Like I said, looks like a bit of a ripoff (but that’s usual for FDs)

Holy hell, yes I’m getting it.

Just got a proxy to work. I might post some of the images I saved from the site, shouldn’t be a problem since they ARE releasing the sample CG to the public, right? It all looks SO SO good.

Of course, you must understand, I am a huge gender-bending fan. If Jast were to license and translate these two games, I would buy one of each of their games in stock from the Jast library.

One thing… I think some designs are for phone cards and stuff? I’ve seen it with the other games. I’d KILL for larger versions of those images or for them to be used in-game. This spin-off has a lot of them in design.

found this on getchu
the game’s protag get her own hug pillow

Where could I host some of the Crowd images that wouldn’t take them down?

i think you can post them on flicker or here
how is the drm on 666 maou

Anyone actually played this yet? It seems to have been largely ignored by the eroge-playing community so far. No reviews on RSS Checker, nothing on EGS…

from what i heard crowd has yet to put it on dl site because of a new drm they are working on

I wouldn’t know, my disc is still on order. I was going to host some of the stuff from the website for those without proxies.

I hope the DRM isn’t too bad. Makes importing hell. Also makes it hell trying to backup for my own records.

Hear hear. While I’m a fan of most modern improvements to eroge, DRM is not one of them. It’s probably one of the worst modern innovations in eroge, just after nearly eliminating denpa games and seriously defanging tsundere.
I don’t mind it as much on my DL sales titles but it should stay off package titles.

i am not sure if the drm is on the package version but some friends told me the new drm is at least delaying the dl version release
at least jast killed vmate


The package version has DRM. I remember also seeing it mentioned on ???

now how bad is this drm

It’s akuchi (ALPHA activation), which is on a couple of titles I’ve got, and is pretty benign really. Needs an internet connection for the first time you run it and again to reactivate if your hardware changes in the meantime.

Got mine before that whole postal freeze. Delayed by customs, but that’s to be expected.

Couldn’t get the activation to work, so I ended up patching it over.

The activation also screws over AGTH since it refuses to accept the hook as a valid extension. This was manually bypassed.

The game… was well worth the money. The script was well written. Voices were perfect, like before. A bit short, yes, but the quality makes up for it.

Peter Payne, please, license these two titles.

Could you elaborate?

Well, understand that I know little Japanese, and run AGTH and Translation Aggregator.

The plot again centers around a potion meant to give strength that instead reserves the gender of the user.

The characters really seem to have emotion and depth to them. One example would be in one path, Lisa changes into a guy so she/he can be with Rusty now that he’s a woman. Cecilla has some good dialog as well. I haven’t fully played the game yet.

There is a lot of comedy in the game as well. In one path, you can accidentally split yourself into a man and a woman. There’s really only a few parts where I couldn’t understand the intended meaning behind the Japanese.

However, it is short on plot choices and paths. The acting and dialog is still the same top quality as the main game, however.

Correction: It’s actually a lot longer then I expected.

The plot is still very well done.

There’s a Romeo and Juliet bit with you and Cecilla where you attempt to fake your own deaths, an option to form a demon/human land pact with the King, and a lot more that I won’t even begin to spoil.

One minor complaint… the “scene jump” feature only collects the material from the main path.

There a bunch of sub-scenarios that you can select, and I don’t see a way to store their h-scenes for easy access besides using save game slots for each one.

However, the CG room stores data from both the main game AND the subplots, so it’s even more confusing as to why they didn’t put the scenes in the scene jump.

Also, whoever said this game was short… you are wrong. I just now finished the “main” section of the game. I still have about 10 separate subplots to go through.

i am pray this is part of the big december announcement shingo mentioned in the demonbane tread