New Crowd Game: ???????????3???? ?????

Honestly, I think they should translate this before X-Change Alternative 2. I’d still like that to be released, but let’s be honest, the possible loli is an issue, and the content isn’t as good as 3/6 methods.

There are no problems with methods, aside from some parts where they might screw up translation.

There are a few sections that I hope they would be able to leave alone, such as a confusion over lily meaning flowers or yuri, or Rusty practicing his “feminine” speech patterns.

This is one of the few games right now that seems to have everything. Touching romance, great voice and sound effects, comedy… and the fact that almost every hentai scene still works wonders for me after multiple passes.

It would almost be a crime if these weren’t released.

Another possible problem… there’s’ a CG sequence critical to the plot where a message is written on a food dish in Japanese. I would hope there would be a way to preserve that without editing the CG. Maybe add a small translation caption to the CG instead of editing the entire graphic into English?

It’s now up for DL sales. In some cases you can gauge the success of a title by how quickly the company decides to sell it online (because it’s in their best interests to keep it selling in stores as long as possible, or even reprint if that proves fruitful) and I think that this, along with it being nearly totally ignored on review sites and not even making the top 30 sales list for October hints to me that CROWD does better with new things than with fandiscs.

I really don’t understand it. From what I’ve played, this game had pretty much everything for everyone, without anything really off-putting.

The romances and plot were well handled, and almost every fan service possible was included.

Yes Narg… there IS twincest. I’m not saying this as just a fanboy, but I honestly think it’s one of the finest games Crowd has done, and one of the best I’ve played.

I’m STILL playing the dang thing and still haven’t gotten all the content. There were numerous times that I laughed out loud because of a gag or joke in the game. It’d be a shame if it doesn’t register as a success.

Newest patch by Crowd removes the DRM, hooray!