New from BlackCyc: Gun Katana

As some of you might know, I’m a HUGE fan of titles made by BlackCyc. They’ve done a lot to increase the quality gamers expect to find in the “darkside” of the genre.

First it was MinDeaD BlooD - pretty much vampire horror at it’s finest, with some of the best damn twincest around. The protagonist is an ultra badass to boot.

Then that was followed up by Gore Screaming Show - so far the crowning achievement of BlackCyc: it’s a masterpiece in story writing and features PERFECT audio work: from flawless voice acting to incredible music.

Sadly Extravaganza, their last major title for 2006, wasn’t up to par. It tried to be the latest king of brutally violent tentacle eroge, but a lackluster plot and poor music didn’t help. It was also out done by a certain TinkerBell title that rightly earned the title for being so damn awesome with tentacles - well… insectoid creatures really (see here and for more info).

But it’s now 2007… and BlackCyc has begun teasing the masses with their newest eroge, which hopefully recaptures the glory of MinDeaD and Screaming Show:

Gun Katana

From what I can tell, Gun Katana takes place in the same setting as Extravaganza, and characters from that eroge will be making guest appearances. However, I am not sure which “timeline” their using from Extravaganza (long story… let’s just say there are “three” settings in Extravaganza).

I don’t recommend that one gets Extravaganza if Gun Katana interests you. The title is average at best with its rather confusing plot, and there’s better “dark stuff” in the TinkerBell title previously mentioned. However, I will admit that Extravaganza has it’s moments with the gore if you get the bad ends. Those were some vicious tentacles. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 03-26-2007, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Woo! Double post, but for good reason. :slight_smile:

There’s the character page for Gun Katana. Take note at the “Non-Human” section at the bottom:

Under Beatrice, there’s two “shadow profiles” yet to be revealed, who seem to know another “shadow person.”

It’s still too early to tell, but could those doubles be Mana & Mayu from MinDeaD BlooD - and perhaps the ‘connection’ to the other profile is Shizuru?

Man… I hate suspense. :wink:

Don’t forget that Gun Katana is part FPS (!). I’m curious to see how developed that side of the game will be.

As for me, I bought Tinkerbell’s first Inyouchuu title based on the art, but didn’t finish it… I like my falls from grace hard and fast, followed by long periods of pleasure, which is the same reason why I’ve avoided Black Cyc titles until now. Ail games are a different story, though… where’s the next Team Loveless release, is what I want to know. I heard a rumor that their lead artist was hospitalized; I hope it’s nothing more than a rumor.

Oh, and on the tentacle “ikimakuru” theme, next on my list are Mahou Shoujo Nayuta and Gyakushuu Ni. Tanoshimi tanoshimi… ahem.

[ 03-28-2007, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Sweet God yes! YES! YES! YES!

Black Cyc is the best! They love me! They really love me! Can’t wait… uber priced Special Edition must be mine!

Doesn’t take place in the MinDeaD BlooD and Gore Screaming Show universe, but it does take place in the same setting as Extravaganza.

The Darkside just got all that much better. :smiley:

I thought varying hair color violated your identical (versus fraternal) twins rule? Though I get the feeling you’d overlook such sins if committed by Black Cyc. :3


Well even identical twins aren’t always identical.In MinDeaD for example, Mana and Mayu had different bust sizes - same goes for Chihiya and Chihiro in a certain Giant Panda title I worship… although in both cases, it might just mean one sister was a late bloomer.

Either way, Sakurako and Mitsuruko are NON-HUMAN twins, which means they might get special treatment from Black Cyc. Oh how I hope! HOW I HOPE!!! :smiley:

Swing! Double post! :wink:

Last I read, title isn’t out until August… but preorders are being taken now.

More NSFW proof that BlackCyc knows what Narg wants. :slight_smile:

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

The Faith of Two is always best!

However Beatrice is quite a cutie too. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 06-09-2007, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Ah BlackCyc!
I’m always tempted to buy there games even though I can’t read a word of whats going on. The Gore Screaming Show demo I got was awsome - even if I had no idea what was going on. Still no point in getting it without being able to read. Bugger.

I might get my hands on that sound track though. Don’t need to understand the language to enjoy that.

Actually first saw Gun Katana just yesterday. Damn they can do really good artwork. They seem to do some Manga stuff of there games as well. Wonder if I can find them anywhere.

One day Narg I hope they make a dark VN game filled with nothing but Twins, just for you (and everyone else who loves Twincest).

Hey Nargrakhan, I’ve checked on a Cyc’s “affiliated” website (looks like it sells almost or all titles from Cyc “flavors”) and I found out that B.cyc have other titles. Have you ever tried any of the “older” games? (older than MDB).

By the way, this title (Gun Katana) have another artist in charge than the one who developed the artwork to MDB and GSS? (these have a awesome artwork quality from what I’ve seen from shots.)

Damn, I think i’m going to have to learn my 4th language… If there’s a title with a good plot, I have to check it out :smiley:

Aye. Cyc Soft has several branches.

For myself, only Black Cyc really matters ( :slight_smile: ) but they also have White Cyc which releases dark titles that aren’t on the violence level of Black Cyc, Rose Cyc for the boys on boys action, and just plain 'ole Cyc for “normal” stories.

Musashi Taiken was my first Black Cyc title. I’ve played their entire line however.

The quality of the pre-MDB titles are quite good, but it was with MDB when they started doing the ass kicking stories with multiple plot twists.

Yes. Same artist who did MDB and GSS is in Gun Katana. He also did EXTRAVAGANZA - which is set in the same universe as GK. Lastly, Musashi Taiken is the prequel to both Gun Katana and EXTRAVAGANZA.

On a sidenote: I rate MDB and GSS as two of the best eroge I’ve ever played. :smiley:

I’m guessing this is new information but the system page has been updated for those interested.

The whole FPS that’s a b-game is really ambitious.

I’ve already signed aboard for the twincest alone - Black Cyc has never gone wrong when it comes to the sexing - but that I have to master the FPS part is gonna be interesting. Granted the engine isn’t Doom 3 or anything - but it seems to be okay so far. :slight_smile:

Just look at the HORDES and HORDES of things you gotta kill. :smiley:

[ 06-20-2007, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Oh Damn yes, if all those ARE stuff you get to shoot then this might just be damn fun to play as well as to eh… ‘enjoy’.
I wonder how close you have to be to use the sword? I wonder if you can use them at the same time? And can you see the number of bullets that gun holds!? Thats just totally awesome.

I mean… yeah. Looking good so far.

This looks pretty cool actually. Whether the gameplay works out remains to be seen I guess. As long as it’s interesting and can provide that (illusory) sense of accomplishment, the shooting parts may actually make you MORE invested in the game.

Here’s hoping :slight_smile:

[ 06-21-2007, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: Faust ]

Aye… a Japanese poster on 2chan said it best:

Checklist for Success (Prerelease Hype)
[x] Studio Reputation
[x] Dev Team Reputation
[x] Budget Spent
[x] Artwork
[x] Music
[x] Sex
[ ] Gameplay
[ ] Replay Ability
[x] Originality

7 out of 9 known factors ain’t bad. :frowning:
I want to play it now!

[ 06-21-2007, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Gameplay movie for the FPS part was released and also part of the System page was updated. The site is running pretty slow for me and I’m too lazy to wait for it to open again but here is my copy and paste of the movie.

Damn… the FPS is BETTER than I thought it would be. As expected, it isn’t going to make Doom 3 blush, but they actually put some serious work into it. :slight_smile:

Plus you get to kill THOUSANDS of things. :smiley:

All this with awesome dark sex, twincest, and an ultra badass plot with multiple twists that Black Cyc is known for. I have to preorder this RIGHT NOW… No… wait… I alway preorder their titles months in advanced. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Black Cyc! Black Cyc! Black Cyc!

Must… hold… out… until… August…

Is this a video footage of the final engine running?

From what the site and dev blogs show, thats the actual FPS mode of the game. The game itself is complete: their just doing final phase bug testing and compatibility checks.

Not to your liking? :frowning: