New from BlackCyc: Gun Katana

Well the FPS section seems exactly the way I thought it would be. Fairly simple 3D environments with lots of 2D mutant none-human bug things to lay into. Thousands and thousands of them. I hope the body count is over 1 million by the end of the game. I haven’t had a fun gore fest shooter since Duke-Nuke’em/Ultimate-Doom and certinaly none of them had Twincest in it.

I wonder how many times in the game you do this FPS moment? And if how well/badly you do effects the story in anyway (other then Game Over if you fail).

It seems that the Non-Human members of the cast are going to be bosses. If so, I can’t wait to see how a boss fight looks and handles. :slight_smile:

Twincest Battle Mode!!!
Symmetrical Docking Crusher!!!

Narg would just let them crush him and die happy. :wink:

Well some of the teaser CG’s show what seems to be a “badguy” having all the dark sex. Seeing as how the lead person is a heroine - and thus a woman - I’m wondering how the hentai events pan out. Do you have to lose to get the… ahem… good stuff?

[ 06-27-2007, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Oops… accidental double post. :o

[ 06-27-2007, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Well, from that video, I noticed that the FPS part have too much “white fog” (reducing dramatically your Field of Vision), pretty outdated texture quality (look at the floor and walls) and effects (that explosion effect when a mosnter is defeated is kind of awful), looks like monsters don’t have a collision detection against your character, all of the “monsters” (giant hands) looked kind of weird and with some strange movement pattern - they just crawl forward to you (with no apparent AI at all), and to add to it, they’re not even 3d models! Overall, it looks worse than some PS1 FPS’… It looks really boring for me… :frowning:

(just a sidenote: With all those monsters, I promptly rememebered of Serious Sam, a simple yet extremely funny (graphics aren’t par with best titles nowadays, but they are good anyway and the quality can be customized from a bottom-grade to top-quality hardware.).)

I wonder if Cyc(BCyc) should get a contract with some western developer for the FPS part, or licensing a quality 3d FPS engine (no need for CryEngine2 or something like that, but just something that should be par with the rest of studio’s quality level.)

Cyc isn’t all that big a studio and given how fast they crank out titles in a short development cycle - at least 2 games a year; preferably 3 - I was really expecting 2D paper cutouts with zero 3D effects what-so-ever.

Like those old school arcades: Operation Wolf setup and whatnot:

Then again, I’m not really a FPS follower (mostly a Metroid and Halo fanboy), so I wasn’t expecting too much either. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 06-27-2007, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

I’ll pretend I didn’t see that.

I don’t believe anyone is buying this game specifically for the FPS part, I could be wrong but there really are so many better looking games out there. If the rest of the game is good then that’s fine. Getting actually gameplay other than hitting the skip button might be a good thing.

Well, I like some FPS titles - playing’em since good old Wolfenstein 3d (there are some FPS games older than it that!). My above post was based on what I saw from that video; althought the adventure part of the game might be good.

I think a shooter-on-rails (like Virtua Cop) would be better suited for this role.

Dirge of Cerberus is a third-person shooter, not a FPS :smiley:

Hmm. Gun-katana may very well be good - I haven’t had much to complain about as far as their games go, and I’m sure that they’ve come up with some interesting stuff for this one too :3. But we’ll see. Interesting that it’s a shooter too. If so, Gun-Katana may very well be my first bishoujo-game-shooter :smiley: .

Cyc is making a series of 4-koma about the game:

Also the title now has an official release date: :slight_smile:

[ 07-10-2007, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

My God… If I dont find some kind of translation for BlackCYC games, than I think I’ll go on a rampage.

I can understand that very well - the “Yami no Koe”-series, “MinDead Blood” and “Gore Screaming Show” are some of my favourites.

However, regarding translations…

  • puts a straightjacket on Nero Blackheart in preparation for the upcoming rampage *

If someone were to somehow get the license to translate and release MinDeaD or Gore Screaming in the West, I’d provide myself for FREE as a translator and programmer.

I’d quit my current job just so I could get quality twincest in the west! :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 07-17-2007, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Just wanted to point this out:

Special Edition

Regular Edition

For a mere $10 more, you get an artbook, a bonus side story expansion, and the soundtrack. If you’re getting the regular editon, Narg will have to hurt ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Back from the rampage, bloody as hell)
Well that was certainly fun but I’m still mad as hell. It really anoying that I dont know anything about the story of Gore Screaming Show and Mindead Blood. Damn those vampire twins cant get off my mind (twincest IS best:D). I want to know more about Gore and Yuka, is it that much to ask? (walows in despair).
Fu%cK I’ll go kill something (creeps off)
Oh by the way Unicorn thanks for the jacket.
Damn licence rights…
PS:I rate you both 5 stars

(Runs back for a last question)
By the way, as seeing that bishoujo game are starting to become rpg, fps, racer( :stuck_out_tongue: )hybrid games, I wonder if there are fighting h-games?
A guilty gear game like that would be fun (Dizzy,Bridget,ect.). But I’m geting off topic so I’ll shut my mouth.

Hmmm… too bad that Narg’s homepage has been raided - he had actually quite informative reveiews up - including the game’s storylines.

In a nutshell:
In MinDeaD Blood, the player’s character (Shizuru) has been awakened from being dead into a vampire by the twins Mayu and Mana and he has no memories of what he was before. Actually, the two only wanted to awaken him to a kind of zombie-state (as they did plenty of times before), but apparently Shizuru is something special - thus he becomes again more then just a living body and takes over control - and tries to conquer the entire island - also discovering mosaic pieces of his own past. However, the only one who could clarify the secret about who or what Shizuru was is Mayu’s and Mana’s father - who has been missing for quite some time. After all, the fact that this fun-pair of twin-vampires (whose personalities are almost each other’s opposite) had Shizuru’s body for awakening him means that he was a victim of their father in the first place.

In Gore Sceraming Show, the player’s character (Kyouji) has transferred back to a town where he lived before - finding there in his class at the new school four people he knew from before:

  • Akane, who was his childhood friend already when he lived in that town before
  • Aoi, who also was back then a friend of both of them
  • Shinta, the only male former acquaintance and also a friend from back those days
  • Kiika, who actually was in the same class with him in the other town, but apparently has moved at the same time there with him.

However, Shinta tells Kyouji some news about people lately disappering without trace.
Also, there is a guy (Sadashima) in the class who is a troublemaker - and has quite influential parents (his father owns the town’s hospital) and thus can get away with almost everything. Thus he also has a big group of henchmen in the class (about half of the class it seems).

While Kyouji’s parents are in america (because of his father’s job), Kyouji’s guardian is his mother’s cousin (Saitama Yamiko) who writes for an occultic magazine and wants to research a local legend of the town:
About two centuries ago, a man-eating monster has apparently appeared in the area. All attempzs to hunti it down and kill it failed, so apparently the people actually decided to declare that monster as their guardian deity and bound it to a small shrine. Yamiko wants to write that story and for that she wants to researcj what actually happened to that monster that had never been reported since two generations.

Thus, one day Yamiko asks Kyouji to join her for helping her in her researches. Depending on how the game was played until then, others of Kyouji’s friends may join them. And later, after they found the small shrine deep in a nearby forest, Yamiko and Kyouji and friends parted in order to search the area more efficiently.
Shortly after, Kyouji and his friends find a well - and there they are surprised by a little girl who asked them what they were doing there. And while she shows open hostility towards whichever girl the player has chosen to be friendly with so far, she also seems to have quite an affection for Kyouji.

However, this remained only a short encounter, but a few days later, kyouji and ALL of his friends get from their teacher an assignment to draw a map of the forest-area where the shrine is located. And then, they also went beyond that well and found a big mansion in western style, the walls half-covered with ivy.

Outside the mansion, they encountered an old woman with a bandaged eye who asked them to come in in order to give her ailing daughter some company. Because of her illness, she wouldn’t be able to go to school and has no friends…

Of course that “daughter” was Yuka! And she actually shows here first the best manners as a host to her visitors.

… and now I cut my story-retelling. It was just intended to give an impression how the story develops.

As for the original question regarding Gore and Yuka - well, let’s say that Yuka is definitely more than meets the eye and she somehow has control over / symbiosis with Gore.
And Gore is quite powerful. He might be that former monster/god or something entirely else. But he definitely is capable to warp reality itself and to draw other beings into that reality - removing them from the world they actually belong to. Oh, and he has sometimes quite a voraciousness - and prefers female meat over male!

There are - at least in the doujinsoft-domain. You might find what you want on english dlSite.

Actually there already were quite some time ago the two “Metal and Lace”-games that even were localized to english. However, they were released for the Win95-OS - and I have no clue how well they work with the XP’s compatibility-modes.

EDT: Oh, and I just recalled: there is also Duel Saviour!

[ 07-20-2007, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Thank you, no really from all my black heart, thank you. Heh when I first saw Gore I thought “hey look it a dark god of perversion!”, I’m glad I’m wasn’t far off. This really helps me understand things because I’m playing non-stop with Gore Screaming Show and it’s √ºber annoying that I dont know what the hell is happening. Yuka controlling Gore? After the tentacle scene I wouldn’t have believed it. But it was strange that she seemed to enjoy it. As for he/it really impresses me, I havent seen Pure Evil and sadism like that for a long time. I think he’s a really fun guy, you know in that “I’ll chew your head off” kind of fun. Well thanks again. Bye all I’ve got work to do. (Starts imagening Yuka in all sorts of act)

Heh… Unicorn beat me to it and did a better job of explaining things than I would. :smiley:

MinDeaD and Gore Screaming are tons of fun, and I’m really sadden that the chance of either title ever seeing official translation is zero. Add to the fact that Cyc has not licensed any of their titles for anime conversion, despite the popularity they enjoy.

On a side note: I read somewhere on 2chan that the next Black Cyc title will return to the MinDeaD/Gore universe. A poster quoted a magazine article as the source and others substantiated it, so it seems legit. I’m hoping that Gun Katana has a teaser for it, since EXTRAVAGANZA had a teaser for Gun Katana. Then again, Gun Katana is a continuation of EXTRAVAGANZA, so that might be the reason why it was included. There’s also the possibility the title is merely a remake of the Mana and Mayu Blood Transfusion… which is good and all (I loved the evil Shizuru ending)… but I want an entirely new title that expands the setting.

Sweet damn joy! Playable demo was just released! I’m downloading it now. :frowning:

[ 07-20-2007, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Suddenly my wish for there being someway to just download languages into your brain was a reality. Sigh. I’m barely able to grasp the language I was taught from birth, never mind a completely new one.


And throwing in the Artbook and soundtrack is just mean! Bleh. Still $90-$100+ for one game is a little rich for me anyway. At least I’ll get to enjoy the demo.