New from BlackCyc: Gun Katana

This is a mean and materialistic world, always wawing the good things in front of your eyes, but putting shit in your hands:D
But dont play with demos, they’ll make you go crazy and your going to find yourself buying things for twice as much money.

ooooookay I just saw the opening on youtube…crap where will I get this one 2.

Not out yet. 24th of August is the release date.

Preorder info mentioned earlier… but here it is again for convenience. :slight_smile:

Will any of Black Cyc’s games appeal to the 's¬è- lover in me, Narg? Also, what is the ratio of ero scenes to non-ero scenes in these games? If they’re packed full of ero and don’t have much noncon I might consider picking up Gun Katana (although I should probably get Extravaganza first, shouldn’t I). ^^;;

The OP from GUN KATANA is great! All the Black cyc games have great OP videos. They always have this dark atmosphere…It’s just wonderful and gives me he chills! I wish it was less hardcore though. Then I will purchase it immediately.

I’m also wondering about the ratio of the ero scenes. I guess it will be a lot but I can be wrong…but judging from the website…

-The first game I would consider it would be MinDeaD BlooD but for now I will stay clear from Black cyc titles until I’m ready. -goes back to watch OP vid-

[ 08-06-2007, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: Bento ]

There’s always at least one in each title… or if there isn’t, some sort of spell or curse is used to make one - milk and all. :slight_smile:

It’s possible that Gun Katana will have spoilers about EXTRAVAGANZA since it continues the story (I’m really interested to learn which timeline is canon) - but then Gore Screaming Show takes place in the same world and follows the events of MinDeaD BlooD: that didn’t give away anything… but the cameo crossover was waaaaay cooler if you knew who she was.

Just for the record: technically Katana/Extravagaza and MinDeaD/Gore are not in the same universe… although they would have been if Gore didn’t exist.

Even insane tentacle rape beasts have a positive side to being around. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 08-06-2007, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Thanks for the rundown, Narg… I’ll definitely be looking into these in the very near future. :3

Edit to mention that Gun Katana’s release has been pushed back a week to August 31st.

[ 08-08-2007, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Yeah? You sure about that? See I tried this black magic spell I found on the net and I cant seem to be able to get rid of our favorite abomination. So say that again when you’re raped and killed daily and resurrected to be killed and raped again (note: the order of rape and killed). So I would like to say that Gore is not a POSITIVE THING. Sorry to lecture you but…OH GOD NOT AGAIN!!!


[ 08-09-2007, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :frowning:

Why God!? Why? What have I done to offend thee?

I just want more twincest… just good evil dark twincest that will corrupt my soul beyond all redemption and salvation.

I have to see the new twinest! My life… is just not complete without more…

More… days… making… me… go… crazy… :stuck_out_tongue:

YoUr GeTiNg CrAzY?! WhAt AbOuT Me???

(WARNING: Gore has unleashed ALL of his tentacles)(God have mercy on my…oh no)


There’s another game demo for Gun Katana available, this time showing how the story mode works. Also lets you see some of the great CG scenes:


Also the site has been showing off what you get in the Special Edition version:

Again… all these goodies for a mere $10 more compared to the standard edition. Just save yourself the trouble and spend the extra ten… Narg won’t hurt ya that way. :frowning:

[ 08-10-2007, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Game is out. Don’t expect to hear from me for about two weeks. :slight_smile:

I hope I will have tales of dark and glorious twincest when I return. :smiley:

Waiting on my preorder for Gun Katana to ship.
In the meantime, Godspeed Nargrakhan!

aargh! I’ve been pulled to the dark side >___<
I said I will stay clear until I’m ready but…oh what the! I will just skip those scenes…if I buy the game of course. I’m downloading the Demo right now. Just couldn’t resist the OP. Takes quite a long time though…

anyway. If I enjoy this I will get my hands on the Special Collection. ouch…wallet am cry…with all those new releases and all XD

[ 08-31-2007, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Bento ]

This. Game. Is. The. Shit.

3D Shooter isn’t anywhere near the level of anything US gamers are used to - but it’s fun. The story is also outstanding Black Cyc quality - not to mention dark, twisted, and violent as hell.

Hard though… and I think at least one level has a fatal reoccurring glitch… although there are patches in the winds.

Still haven’t gotten to the twincest yet. :frowning:

For a moment, I thought you typed “this game is shit!” and I was like “WTF?”. lol.

Does it have tentacle-rape scenes os just monsters to shoot and such?

It has tentacle monsters - although that’s not the main focus, and there are shall we say, alternate… forms of dark sex also present. :slight_smile:

Music is pure divine: MinDeaD and Gore quality stuff. Sex scenes are as creative as ever. Character designs are ultra bad ass… and there’s some major plot twists and deception going on. It seems everyone - and I mean each and every person - has their own agenda… damnation to all the others who are against them. :slight_smile:

If you got the Special Edition, the artbook almost 100 pages. Shows the character design process, how the CG’s were made, and some cool developer insight on the characters themselves that’s not mentioned in the game.

I’m in Heaven honestly. Well… back to more gaming. Must unlock the TWINCEST!!! :frowning:

[ 09-05-2007, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Well. my friend has this game so I decided to play it at my friends house. Lovely. I think I will get the special edition. Love the music. (All the vocal songs,Calling, Paradise of lie, The Diarist and Raison d’etre instrumental) I did watch all the Cg but I can’t help but be disappointed that there aren’t many non hcg scenes : (

  • and I hate some of the sick stuff. Skipped all hehe.

about the twincest…not a fan but for those who are…there isn’t much twincest cg…

Last thing…yay for Hyo and Himena scenes! my fav.

[ 09-05-2007, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Bento ]

Oy! Oy! You know you’re spoiling yourself by looking at all the CG’s before playing the game, right?

Black Cyc does plot twists and foreshadowing in their stories. By seeing who lives or who dies, who is the real evil, who gets betrayed or is the betrayer… you’re really taking out the fun. :slight_smile:

I’m hoping there’s a preview for the next Black Cyc project when you unlock 100% (EXTRA showed the teaser video for GK when you got 100% and saw the last ending).

Me hopes it’s MinDeaD 2… oh Narg hopes!

[ 09-05-2007, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Ah well, this is one game I’ll miss out on as the demo doesn’t even seem to run on my machine. I mostly get a black screen for the menu system and I’ve never got the actual shooting part of the game working.

Guess this game is to “big” for my PC. Ha. Oh well.

Shame as the intro movie, which runs fine, is awesome.