New from BlackCyc: Gun Katana

What are your system specs? I’d probably update the video drivers and make sure you have at least directx0 installed.

GK 2.0 patch. BACKUP YOUR SAVE FOLDER BEFORE USING IT!!! It will overwrite the data and you’ll need to recopy that stuff back into the new sav folder.

Fixes stability issues and enemy AI is tweaked.

[ 09-05-2007, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

GK 2.1 patch has been released. It fixed the fatal crash I kept getting in “stage 5” of the game - and I’m certain it fixed others type errors elsewhere.


In other related news: I UNLOCKED THE TWINCEST!!! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

88% of the game cleared so far. Anyone else having success?

Ordinarily I’m not a loli-man, but Kana is just the CUTEST thing ever… in a really wicked demented Children of the Corn kind of way that is. :smiley:


[ 09-14-2007, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Too bad that ego-shooters aren’t my kind of game - she really has quite the Yuka-look!

For some reason she reminds me of Mayu as well. I think it’s the overall brattiness and demonic mischeviousness.

Ah… 100% complete. Well… except for the “achievement” medals. :slight_smile:

It’s almost online. Trust me. Just on the horizon. That 21 days thing is just a random number… it could be shorter… or longer… but maybe not. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 09-16-2007, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Played a bit of Gun Katana and am enjoying it, but I’ve got a question. Since this takes place in the same world as EXTRAVAGANZA, will I need to play that first or is this like how it is between MDB and BSS storywise where I don’t need to, but I’d appreciate a character cameo or a reference if I do?

Oh BTW, on a side note, has anyone besides me noticed that Sayuri of EXTRAVAGANZA looks alot like Mitsuru Kirijo of Persona 3?

Really good news :smiley: ! Can we hope for the old reviews from your demolished site :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, having played through the game, the connections between EXTRA and G-K are rather superficial. An obscure reference here, and the possible connection there… honestly you aren’t missing anything at all if you never played EXTRA.

There’s no character cameo, and the best connection I saw, was someone mentioning a biotech corporation from EXTRA.

While a friend of mine disagrees, I found EXTRA sorta lacking… a good title - but considering the quality of other Black Cyc plots, it wasn’t what I expected. Plus the music was an overall low point… no memorable tunes like the others. However the characters in it were fun and memorable… so it kinda balances out in an arguable sense.

I don’t tell people to get EXTRA unless they really, really have to complete their Black Cyc collection.

MinDeaD. Gore. Gun-Katana. Those are the only mandatory three. Next would be the MinDeaD expansion if you really enjoyed the original… a pity it wasn’t incorporated into the DVD remake. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Baldo:
[b]Can we hope for the old reviews from your demolished site :slight_smile:

Eventually they will all be reposted - but not immediately. The new site has a somewhat different scoring system from before, so the reviews will be slightly modified to reflect it. For example my old method didn’t provide a score for the quality of the actual sex content (it was mentioned in the text review). I’ve already started on doing that, but it’s taking longer than intended, and it also slows down my progress with the new reviews for new games.

Once the site goes live and things are stable, my intention is to have at least one new review and two old reviews per week.

Just curious but what’s in the MinDead Expansion? And since I have the DVD remake, can I still play it; what I mean is do I need to have the original version of MinDead installed on my computer or is this expansion a separate game?
Also, I hear there was a bonus disc for Gore, what’s in that one? And do you know where I could find it?

MinDeaD BlooD: Mana & Mayu Blood Transfusion

It’s a complete stand alone expansion, so you don’t need the original MinDeaD BlooD to install or play. Basically it’s like this: either the original MinDeaD BlooD was not complete, or the creators had new ideas after it was released.

The expansion has alternate “good endings” for several of the girls who you couldn’t get endings for at all, because bad things happened to them in the original.


I would add the entire Yami-no-Koe-series to the at least recommendable Black Cyc games. Or at the very least the firstthree parts that I have played. I doubt that Ibunroku would disappoint me, though…

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
[b] It also provides an alternate storyline, where Shizuru fully accepts his vampire curse. MinDeaD BlooD - even when Shizuru turns evil - still has him hold on to his humanity. The expansion provides a story, where he abandons it and goes down a truly evil path without redemption.

Everyone gets screwed… literally. :frowning:

Yeah, those are fun. And hard. I still haven’t gotten all the CGs. K really makes the series, she’s an awesome character.

BTW, you can download the first three Yami No Koe games now. That’s how I got one and two.

Did anyone ever play Mugen Kairo? They advertised it as a "pet life adventure’. Not that I’d recommend it, I thought it was really dark, twisted and sadistic. I actually felt sort of guilty playing it. But I did spend a lot of time with my dictionary trying to figure out what the heck was going on, why some of the girl’s eyes would suddenly turn red at certain times and a werewolf was wandering around their house.

Also from what I gather, those girls really had some issues. Think Mayu and Mana psychosis.

Anyways, I love Gun Katana so far. I’m glad they went back to the MinDeadType Interface. (Although Gore Screaming Show was awesome without it.)

One thing, is there a way to skip the arcade scenes? I can’t get past the level where Himena meets up with Justine and there are just mad spiders everywhere biting me. I passed it the first time I did it, but lost it due to the patch. (I tried to back up my savefile, but I got an error when I tried to retrieve the games.) And anyways, I was up all night last night just trying to get past it. I did that whole “I’ll just try it one more time” thing.

[ 09-18-2007, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Hhaze ]

For reasons that escape me, I could never get into that series. I mean don’t get me wrong: great character designs, dark mood, violent sex… But something I can’t explain keeps me from loving it as much as most everyone else. Like there’s not enough “oomph” for my twisted imagination…

I should reload them and give the series another run through… maybe knowing how others greatly enjoy the series, will give me another prospective.

Ah… Gomen. Gomen.

I only repeated information that the official site and trailer reveal (“turn back the clock” - “walk the path of true darkness”)… but now I realize that’s bad too. Like how the ending to Final Fantasy X was spoiled to me, after playing X2 for a few minutes.

Sorry about that… but what I slipped would be a minor spoiler. It’s not a huge revelation or anything. I try to avoid those types things. :frowning:

Yeah, the sex scenes in Yami no Koe were rather poor, I thought they were really short. I think they were still testing their wings, because the plot wasn’t anywhere near as complex.

But I found the gameplay sort of addictive. It was fun to see how all the characters changed as their dark sides were brought out and how they interacted with the other possessed people and completely freaked out the people who had yet to be possessed/betwitched. I also liked how in the first two series, the witches always had one character that opposed them right up to the end and ended up stopping you if you didn’t do it right. (Nanami, that shrine priestess from the second one.)

It brings back memories of Yuka…

I totally understand your dislike of Mugen. It gave off sort of a weird vibe and I got straight up disgusted at times. And I’m saying that when I can play through the majority of the torture scenes of MinDead and Gore Screaming Show without getting offended.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll have to see if I can dig something up or some how pass that level. I don’t want to resort to downloading a savegame from someone else, because it will be ruined. If I can just beat it once, I’ll be set.

I love how they let you skip the arcade sequences that you already beat. It makes it a lot easier to concentrate on the story.

I think you hit it right on the nose: Mugen is different, even for a studio that release titles that are different. Had it been another company, I might see Mugen in a different light - but as a Black Cyc title it’s like a bastard stepchild. :stuck_out_tongue:

It just seems… odd… compared to the remaining lineup.

I’m curious if their going to continue the series next year. All of the other series have “quasi-sequels” to them: but not Mugen. Will one of the 2008 released be it? I honestly hope not… but I’d probably buy it anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh god, imagine what other kind of pointless, perverse, degrading dehumanization that they could dream up of to expose their “ko-inu” Taro to. (Actually I can’t.)

Yumiko was the only character that was even mildly intriguing. From what I was able to understand, she was the “nice sister”, and she treated him with kindness, but it was like even she couldn’t really think of him as a human being. It was interesting too that she only really had one scene. The rest of the famiy and those two maids I absolutely hated! Especially that red-headed amazonian lesbian.

Anyways, you must be good luck, Narg. I passed that level right after I read your response. Thank God. (Stupid spiders, kept poisoning me every five seconds.)

[ 09-18-2007, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: Hhaze ]

Look at it from this perspective:
They are the gradparents of our beloved “MinDead Blood” and “Gore Screaming Show”. That were the promising first steps for Black Cyc to develop even greater products.

Plus some of the individual developments of the characters in the first part are really nice - nyaaaa? :frowning:

Nah, I don’t think so. While I haven’t touched this game yet myself, Spec did - and he sounded quite disappointed too.

With the kind of games they’re making now, I bet if they ever made another sequel to the series they could do something really awesome. I’d like to see it.

BTW, did anyone else think the artwork for that fourth Yami No Koe game really wasn’t up to par? Looking through the CG’s on their page, it doesn’t even look like the same artist. I wondered what happened there.

[ 09-19-2007, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Hhaze ]