New Mangagamer licenses? (Update: Partial confimations)

Yes I’m talking about the original release. I bought it the first day it came out.

From their forums (posted by the Soul Link/Overdrive fandiscs translator)

cool to see the dates
soul link is a must get for me
is it the first koihime musou or shin koihime musou

I’m all over Soul Link. I haven’t played a good “oops, you’re dead. again” eroge since Critical Point. Tried it in Japanese years ago, but kept dying without knowing what was going on. Now I can keep dying repeatedly and know why :stuck_out_tongue:

Trust me, it doesn’t make any of the bad endings less bullshit =P

But yeah, I didn’t mind it. Certainly better than Shuffle!, although space thrillers isn’t exactly Navel’s forte and it shows.

None of MangaGamer’s previous titles have interested me enough to get past my aversion for DRM, but (either) Koihime Musou just might. I’ve been watching the anime on CrunchyRoll, and I really like the concept…but the anime is kind of cheaply animated. The original game looks to be of much higher quality. Yeah, I could definitely see myself getting this if the translation is Shuffle-quality and not Edelweiss-quality.

Might get Soul Link just as a charity purchase, to try to help them stay financially afloat. Plus I like SF.

Oh, I know they were bullshit, but at least now I’ll know just what the heck killed me.

It’s not really my favourite genre, but I liked Critical Point enough to want to get Soul Link. Not that I played Critical Point all that much, I seem to recall it had a lot of various endings and from what I remember I only bothered to get 2 of them (the android chick and… someone else). Maybe I should pick it up and play it again some day when I have some days off (and nothing better to play).

I liked Shuffle! well enough, but man it was a lot of wasted potential. Amazing potential in that setting, and they never took it beyond your average high school romance story (with a very tiny pinch of magic added).

So it means it’s useless to buy Edelweis and Kira Kira now.
I’m lucky I still didn’t buy those two VN.

This’ll be their first game with actual gameplay. This is huge, and will attract an entirely different crowd than their previous releases. I’m very interested which version they’re going to translate. Shin Koihime Musou is supposed to be a marked improvement over the original, although it’s more fair to call it a different game entirely. I don’t believe there’s any overlapping text between the two games.

Edit: It appears they’re translating the original Koihime Musou.

In any case, those who liked Princess Waltz will probably want to pick this game up when it comes out.

Not really. Kira Kira’s fan-disc is continuation to the first game, you won’t understand much without playing that one first.
Edelweiss’ fan-disc contains two new routes, for characters that didn’t get them in the main game.

So just to clarify, original games do not come with the fan discs.

Thank you.

Just curious, what’s Koihime Musou’s gameplay like? Final Fantasy Tactics? Sengoku Rance? Fire Emblem?

A little bit like the field battles in Sengoku Rance (i.e. NOT the whole expansion/conquering part), I suppose, but greatly simplified - sort of like a glorified Rock-Paper-Scissors game =P.

Battles are not a large part of the game and can be skipped after you’ve beaten them before anyway.

Are the battles as…challenging (more like pull your hair out cursing like the AVGN difficult) as the ones in SR?

No, nowhere near it. The game is pretty easy.

So Mangagamer has announced three new games coming out in their lineup?

How come they didn’t announce that on their website or update their catalog pages? I’d would have thought Higurashi would have had it’s own page in the catalog section, but it’s nowhere to be found…

Most likely because they are being tested or proofread or something, they don’t want to put the titles on the website till they have a proper release date.

Since Soul Link is planned for November my guess is it’s in beta testing and if all went well we’ll see it on the website within 1-2 weeks unless an error came up.

Higurashi will probably be put on the website as soon as the all ages website is complete since they already have a release date for it.

If I were to guess, I’d say it probably has something to do with repeatedly delaying things. Repeatedly failing to delay things, no less, in that they several times released a game for a few hours, then realized that the game was supposed to be delayed and yanked it.

I’d guess one of the things they did with their updated website was rework the whole way it works in the back end so it no longer automatically does stuff like that - meaning they probably have to update manually now.

Which means new releases will get websites sometime after they first come out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it still doesn’t really make much sense not to announce it on their website either way, especially considering the fact that nobody said they had to mention a release date of any kind–I don’t see why they can’t just annouce that they’re releasing “x” game just to get some attention and slap a “TBA” label next to the game info until they get a concrete release date. They could use the added attention/hype, even if they aren’t sure when exactly they’re releasing those games.