New version of the forums!

Well, I’m still learning what’s new about the new version of the forums. Glad we were able to get it posted for everyone though.

So…who is looking forward to Doushin? I can’t wait for the game to ship (very soon now…) as it’s the same “old school” Crowd that’s so cool, the stuff that Tokimeki Check in and X-Change 2 were made of (all the same staff).

I’m wondering how many walkthrough requests we’re going to get for this one. It’s easily the most difficult game to get through (to get all the images and art from), with the most complex story, that we’ve done yet.

Is the main character in that game female? I love the artwork/girls in it but I’m not usually a fan of girl main characters.

I like the new boards. =) They’re much more attractive than the old ones. I’m glad to see that the board update came through.

Thanks for finally upgrading the forums! I’m liking it.

Even more than Little my Maid? :wink:

I still have a backlog to go through, and I’m on Windows 95, so… Probably later.

[ 05-21-2006, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

I’m with a backlog as well, not to mention a pile of bills :frowning: so, B-game purchases are on hold, but I’ll get Doushin eventually, as well as some G-collections titles that I’m missing

cool quick reply feature :slight_smile:
I eagerly await Doushin.

I love the new boards. Now I don’t have to log in everytime I want to post something! Love having avatars too.

I love this new board. I hope that it must block whoever try to release more spams.

Actually, the old board already had a sort of “Remind Me” function. I used it. It filled in the user name and password fields on posts automatically for you, and showed new posts.

Is Doushin one of those Frustrating “if you dont follow this exact path” you get the “meh, life is boring” ending type games?
oh and to keep this post on topic somewhat, nice new boards.

[ 05-22-2006, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Gambit ]

just a tad annoying but i (think i) have required new users to validate address upon registration so hopefully that will slow down spammers a bit

Oooooo! I’m so glad I reserved my copy of Doushin! I’ve been looking foreward to this game for months! Plus, the game is from the three girl’s points of view! This should make it highly orginal, and alot of fun! I can’t wait!! jumps up and down I can’t wait! I want it now!! fan girl squee, again

-Nicole Wagner

[ 05-22-2006, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: NicoleWagner ]

But we’ll be stuck with the preexisting, previously registered spammers forever, eh? :smiley:

Wow, I quitted Internet for a few days, and ALL’s changed :frowning: ?), but this isn’t happened. INSTEAD… oh, please, please, please, restore the old grey/white color order of the past (background color of the first post of a new thread: grey. Second post: white. Third post: grey. Etc. etc.)! Now, the various, LONG reviews in the Review Forum all share the same, HARD (on my eyes, at least) white background…
3) Personally, I find Avatars useless and invasive, but this is strictly my personal viewpoint. In the past, I’ve posted here a few images in my possession (see below for two samples), but if it’s necessary to cut an image for its use as avatar (my images are 800x600, I believe… ), I will use a random image/avatar from somewhere…

Free adult/sensitive image here!


[ 05-24-2006, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Baldo ]

Often ‘unusual’ characters get slightly messed up during a database move. We had that problem when moving our forum - everyone who had put fancy symbols like diamonds and spades into their topic titles to get attentions suddenly got things like ?%^ instead. But once the move is done newly-added stuff should be fine, your ‘test’ japanese text looks fine to me…

our good ol kagami asked me to change the board’s coding to UTF-8 but i guess that’s what happens

go blame him :stuck_out_tongue:

i guess i should turn this board into a shift-jis one then; we all type english and that shows up fine in virtually any encoding anyways

i just set the board to shift-jis by default. all the old posts with japanese should be readable now…except the one baldo just typed since he typed it while the board was in unicode

if you find avatars to be useless and invasive then why do you have one in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

i will try flipping the background colors now…

and one thing baldo: i will write in the future, as a board rule, to NOT post adult/sensitive images as visual thumbs/links. i am deciding this for the sake of members who may be viewing this at work. so please use a text link instead for your images from now on to make this board more work-safe

[ 05-24-2006, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

ok, changed alternating color, hope that solves all your complaints and whining :stuck_out_tongue:

Great… Now my browser will complain about there not being a Japanese language pack every time I visit. :frowning:

Which I’ll never understand, because you’re not meant to surf the web at your own leisure while at work. At work you… work.

There’s an option to disable them in your preferences.

My last out-of-the-house job had a break room with internet PCs for people to browse random stuff while they were on lunch or whatever. So personal viewing was fine, but you still wouldn’t have wanted Nekkid Pix on your screen.