Next CROWD game Peach Princess should take?

Ok, this topic may be here a little too early, but could still be kinda fun to discuss… Well, Peach Princess are now working on three Crowd games; X-Change 2, Brave Soul and Doushin… X-change 2 and Brave Soul seems to be nearly complette, or at least Lamuness’s hints seems to hint at that they are. Doushin is still way off in the future, but that’s still only one gmae. so… I’d like to ask you: When Peach Princess have finished an released all these three Crowd games they are working on now, what titles do you think that they should ask Crowd to release then? It’s as I said a question that perhaps is asked too early, and it will also depend on other factors, like if Crowd still are interested in releasing their games to the English market or not… But still!

Crowd has four “newer” games released that Peach Princess could license here in the west, if they were allowd to: Yaiba, Miss You, Obbligato and the Maid-game (don’t know what the name of the last game is)… Of those games, I’d say that I’d want to see Yaiba (most of the games released here in the west right now are games with stories that focuses on romance and things like that…t hat is good, but I beileve that it would be good to see some more darker gmaes at the market as well) and the Maid-games (while waiting for LMM, I’ve begun to become a fan of cute maids, or so it seems ). The other two are… Well, I don’t know, but Miss You doens’t really seem to suit my style, but I don’t know… althrough I could buy the game just to see what the heck is happening in this picture: . And Obbligato looks… kinda boring to me, but I don’t know much about that game or how it works either (downloaded the playable demo of that game, but it didn’t work on my computer ). What do you think?

Man…did I “hint” that BS and XC2 are “hearly complete”? I hope I am not implying anything like that. Implementation and play-testing will take quite a while to be honest, especially for BS.

This is what I was asked to do for BS playtesting, which I haven’t started to do yet (haven’t even received all the files):

- checking the English
- playing all the endings and make sure the game is ready to be released with no crashing bugs etc
- text trimming/formating (the line break/text wrapping thing
- polish and trim all funky text

And since this is a RPG, this will be one hella project to manage (AVGs I can whip through quickly, but can’t do that for RPGs), so that will take quite abit.

So my point is, I don’t think BS or XC2 is at “nearly complete” status yet. It’s at the implementation status, but nowhere close to complete. Also, the CD mastering and pressing process takes 3-4 weeks (they really do take that long, btw…I just found a famous doujin printing house in Tokyo who will do all the doujinshi and doujin-soft printing/production for me in the future and they too take 3 weeks to press CDs), so it will be quite awhile to have these games out ready.

Ok, back to the topic. Yeah, feel free to talk about what other future games interest you. But if you want more Crowd games to be released, you really should support them by buying their games (starting to sound like Kumiko so I will shut up now :P). I personally can’t promise anything on future releases since I am just the “errand-boy”, but I will be watching :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, sorry id I misunderstood you, but I got the impression from what you’ve been saying that of all Peach Princess’s games, X-Change 2 and Brave Soul are closest to being completed, right? But I never said that I thought that they’d be completed within a certain space of time, I just said that I got the impression that those two were closest to being completed .

And as I said, this topic is perhaps a little to early to discuss, but I wanted to see if people had anything to say on this matter . But as I said, things may change within the time it takes to complete the three games… Also, Crowd might make new games within the time it takes to remake the three games into English (since I got here to Peach Princess, Crowd have made three new games, and by the time Peach Princess might be ready to remake more of their games into English, they may have made three more games or even more… or perhaps less).

Don’t worry about it. It’s better to be correct and honest than to twist things and confuse people (stares at Kumiko). But then, after re-reading your 2 post for a bit there may be actually some misunderstanding. What I did say before is that XC2 and BS are most likely to be released the soonest, that’s what I stated, so compared with other pending titles, yes they are relatively “closest to being completed.” So it’s kinda like a “wording problem” since you just said it’s simply “close to complete” but not in comparison with other titles, so I guess that’s where the misunderstanding came on. So I may be the one who actually misunderstood what you wrote, sorry about that.

Don’t know if you guys still remember the other thread I wrote before about suggesting future titles, but yes, in my opinion it’s too early to give peapri the suggestions since we have way too much on our plates right now. However, it surely doesn’t hurt to talk about it and pre-speculate and discuss about them. That’s the purpose of this BBS: to discuss. So please go ahead and talk.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 06-22-2002).]

Well, Kumiko did sometimes confuse people, but she often spoke the truth too.

Well, no matter who misunderstood who, no worries nor grudges, right? .

And as I said, I too throught it was too early… and since no one except you and me speaks here, it probably is… Still, no one has nothing to lose by discussing a little .

Oh, by the way, I take back what I said about Obbligato in my first post here . I went to G-collections and read a little of what the game is about and the story in the gmae, and it looks a little more interesting than I first throught that it was, after all . Kind of like a “Training Rei (evangelion) - sim”, since you have to train that girl who doesn’t show any emotions to show emotions…

Also, that text has funny word in it. Is there actually a word as “pig-heaven”? If they had said something like “the seventh heaven” or “cloud nine” as they usually say, then I’d understand, but “pig-heaven”?

Well, I don’t know much about the gmaes, except for some vauge things I got out of babel fish… I know what Obbligato’s about through. Here is G-collections description of that game:

“Kazuki Ogata attends a private high school, Oseki Gakuen. He falls madly in love with a beautiful girl named Chisae Hizaki. She is very quiet and doesn’t show her emotions, but some unseen force somehow attracts Kazuki to her. Pondering over a strategy, he finally asks her out; she accepts, and they eventually become a couple.
Kazuki is in pig-heaven until he hears a rumor about Chisae;“Chisae sleeps with everyone.” Is this rumor really true? After hearing this, will Kazuki still love her? Will he be able to open her heart?

In this AVG, the player helps Chisae strengthen her own emotions through making love. Depending on the situation, Chisae’s emotional status will change in different ways. The outcome will not always be the same.
Here’s a list of the other characters you will meet up with:
Nao Kagayama: She’s like a big sister to Kazuki
Yukino Sakuraki: A very bright girl
Iori Ayagi: The daughter of a wealthy family, who owns the Ayagi Group
You’ll meet up with other interesting characters as well.
Will Kazuki be able to help Chisae? Come and find out!”… Don’t know about the rest, through. Let’s hear if Lamuness knows anything (don’t underestimate the power of an errand boy!) .

Hmm, interesting suggestion, through, this about offerign Peach Princess’s games n other languages too… Some games are actually translated in that way, to let
the people of every country enjoy it… it is somewhat rare, through, since it in most cases doesn’t seem to make any difference; most of my friends for example are playing lots of english games. That doesn’t mean that they’re good at it, through (I’m best in the class when it comes to english ), they just play the games anyway… Wish that adult bishoujo games were that easy to play, but alas… while it is quite simple to play an english game and have a vauge understanding of what’s going on, it feels even more vauge when you can’t understand anything at all (and besides that, Japanese feels completely alien to many people).

Don’t worry SB. I am not feeling upset at all. You will have to do much worse to piss me off (and unfortunately Kumiko and Dave E are one of the few who managed to do so…)

No sorry, I don’t know anything about the recent Crowd games ^^…hey, I am just an errand boy :stuck_out_tongue:

About games in other languages besides English…hmm, I don’t want to sound like Kumiko but peapri doesn’t have the resources or money to do so, nor do we see a big enough market to make it justifiable and feasible. I won’t go on since I don’t wanna sound like Kumiko but you can guess what I am trying to say anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Also, that text has funny word in it. Is there actually a word as "pig-heaven"? If they had said something like "the seventh heaven" or "cloud nine" as they usually say, then I'd understand, but "pig-heaven"?

I think they meant the term "hog-heaven". Not sure where it came from or even why since I've heard the term used in a few different ways. But it's the same general principle, "very happy"! (I'm not sure but I think it has to do with the fact that it takes "very little" to make a hog very happy, a good mud wallow and plenty of food usually.) Anybody know what's up with the term?

Ok, since Lamuness said that he doesn’t know anything about the four games I mentioned, I’ll post what I know of them here. Also¬Ö This info was made out of info I got out of Babelfish, and sometimes it’s not very¬Ö correct in its translations, or rather, the translation may be correct, but makes it difficult for the reader to understand anything, as you already know¬Ö Well, the first game is


In this game, you are Yuichi, a boy who decides to exchange school. Don’t know exactly why, but apparently he wasn’t too happy at his current school. So, he’s transferred to a new school. Another one is also transferred there a the same time. That person is Akira, and she later becomes the leader of the Gang at the school (someone, tell me why boys and girls can have the same names in Japan? In Europe and America and most parts of the rest of the world, girls and boys names can sometimes be similar, like Jean(boy)/Jeanette(girl), but in Japan, there doesn’t seem to be any such limits?). Anyway, time passes, and Yuichi gets something of a crush on a girl in his class, Yui. Then something terrible happens to Yui (and perhaps to Yuichi too, but the translation was very vague on that part) and the Gang are the masterminds behind what happened. Yuichi swears to take vengeance on the Gang for what they did and begins to plot his revenge¬Ö

And that’s how the game starts. Apparently, what you have to do is to look for and gather information and various items that can be used to take revenge on the girls in the Gang. Your movement is limited to the school only (or so it seems¬Ö there is perhaps other places you can go to too, but you can’t choose to go to them except for if some certain event/events have happened. You have only two weeks that can be used, so according to the information on the product page, your ability to take revenge is limited. Yuichi also have a “Feeling meter” that affects various events in the game. If the meter reaches “Furious”, then bad things may happen to Yuichi, but if you can keep cool, you can plan your revenge with calm judgement. The “feeling meter” rises always and can only be kept down by finding various pieces of items or information ¬ñthat’s it, every time you find some new info or item that can be used for your revenge, your temper goes down.

Apart from the main character, there is five female main characters in the game:

Yui: She is a gentle, kind girl that Yuichi has a crush on, and is also the main reason of why he wants to take revenge on the Gang after what they did to her. She doesn’t know about that he is taking revenge on the Gang for her sake, through.

Akira: The girl who transferred to the school and became the leader of the Gang. A quite hard-boiled girl with a cold and calm temper¬Ö She’s also a member of the Archery club in the school.

Nozomi: A member of the Gang. A quite proud, dominating girl who treats most other people, especially the main character, as dirt. A member of the Tea Ceremony club in the school.

Nagi: A member of the Gang. She trains often and is something of an athlete, and a quite proud girl too (a tomboy, in other words). She’s a member of a club in School too, but I couldn’t figure out which, since Babelfish just translated it as "Valley section"¬Ö

Mao: A member of the Gang. Before she joined the Gang, she was a kind, quiet girl, but since she couldn’t seem to get any friends, she joined the Gang and have become somewhat cruel since then. She’s apparently the manager of the Archery club and seems to know some of Akira’s dark secrets (in other words, she seems to be the weak link of the chain).

There seems to be more characters, too, but they aren’t shown except for in a few pictures and appears to be minor characters who aren’t important to the plot of the game. Ok, on to next game, but first¬Ö

Some additional info: don’t know if it has voices, the translation couldn’t tell it, but since it is newer than Tokimeki Check-In, X-change 2 and Doushin, I’d assume that there at least is voices for the girls. Is on one CD-ROM and requires at least 34 MB to install, but above 64 is recommended.


Miss You:

In this game, as the main character, you’ve always been struck doing housekeeping things, since the rest of the family (your father, older brother and grandmother) always have been very busy, so you have to manage the house while they are away. One day, your father announces that he is remarrying with a nurse from the hospital where he’s working. She is a window and have already two daughters, so that means that you have to move together and start to live like a family. And this is where the adventure begins¬Ö

Crowd has warned that the game is somewhat “short” for an adventure game and is quite easy, but there is some “puzzles” that you may have to figure out. Also, some of the sex scenes are video animated, meaning that just like in some of Zyx’s games, you’ll be able to watch video made sex scenes.

Apart from the main character, there is four female main characters. They are:

Ai: The youngest sister of the new family. A bright girl who seems to like the thought of getting a “big brother” in the family. She’s somewhat naive, through.

Ayaka: Don’t really know who she is, the BF translation were VERY vague on her part, but she might be the wife of the main character’s father, since it is she who does the housekeeping in the place of the main character no, it seems.

Miyu: A homeless girl whom you meet one day. Apparently she had paced herself in a box beside a homeless cat with the sign “Give me a new home!” or something like that when the main character meets her. She is a quite cute and tomboyish girl¬Ö

Sumire: It seems like she was originally the “oldest” person of the family, but after the main character’s father remarried with her mother, the main character took the place as the oldest in the family, causing Sumire to feel like she was being thrown aside. So unlike Ai, she doesn’t like the thought of having the main character coming into the family as a “big brother”. The translation may hint of that she is the former girlfriend of the main characters older brother, but the translation was too vague to be sure¬Ö

Not much else to tell about Miss you, but it seems for many reasons to be a quite short game compared to many of Crowd’s newer games.

Some additional info about the game: Only the women has voices, it seems to requite at least 5 MB to install, and at most 400 to install if you choose the “exclusive installation”.


The Maid-game (don’t know it’s name)

This game is apparently a fantasy-game, since the story seems to be set in a medieval world. You, the main character, were born as a nobleman, as the son to a mighty lord in a kingdom. Your father was a ruthless and arrogant man, through, who spent much of his time. might and wealth on searching after young, beautiful women and placing them in his private mansion as servants and sex-slaves for himself and his guests. Your mother didn’t like your father either, but your father didn’t care about that. Some years passed, and you were sent of to a nobility school for some years to learn how to be and act as a noble and things that a nobleman should know. Years later, you got a message from the mansion: your father had suddenly gotten ill and died of that illness. So, suddenly, you are the lord of the mansion and everything else your father owned. You quits the school and returns to the mansion to find out what destiny that awaits you there¬Ö There is four girls at the mansion at the time you returns there, and everyone of these has to obey your wishes ¬ñ and it is also your right to select who the one of these who’d be the favourite ¬ñ and perhaps your wife¬Ö

As has been mentioned in another thread before, this seems to be a maid/slave-training-sim, but I have yet to see any picture with any meters, so we can’t be 100% certain¬Ö But just like in games like Slave Bazaar, Little My Maid, Dokusen and countless other games like that; since you are the master, you have but to utter only one word, and the girls will strive to obey that wish and there is many things that it seems like you san do to “train” the maids; bind them up, use hot wax from candles on them, get them to have sex with each other and so on¬Ö

Apart from the main character, there is five female main characters in the game. They are:

Sylvia: She was one of your classmates as the nobility school, but she graduated before you did and was sent home. But somehow, her family angered the king and was disgraced. As a result of this, she was sent to the main character’s father’s mansion. Although she was disgraced and is working at the mansion, she still has her own great pride and may at first glace seem like a perfect woman. She is somewhat cowardly, through. The main character remembers her from the school, and since she was someone he kind of looked up to and thought of something like a faint dream, he has trouble to decide what to think of her now when she is a servant at his mansion¬Ö

Sophia: She is the daughter of one of the servants at the mansion and when you and she were kids, you, she and her big sister often played together. At that time, you even promised her that you’d marry her when you became adults. She have never thought anything bad about the main character and remembers the times when you played together with great joy and she has missed you since you had to leave for the school of nobility. When she heard that you was coming back, she was very happy, but at present she is also very unsure, since you might have changed during all those years. And she is also worried since you never again can become just “friends” but must act as master and servant¬Ö

Silje: She’s Sophia’s older sister and a quite kind, yet vulgar girl. She often played together with you and Sophia when you were young and often thought of you as a little brother. She is like Sophia also somewhat unsure and confused since she now has to think and act like a servant towards you, instead as a big sister¬Ö

Mary: She’s actually the princess of the neighboring country, which is very hostile towards your country. However, the country was apparently defeated (or there was a coup¬Ö it doesn’t say which) and the royal family was executed. Mary did however manage to escape into your country and hide her true identity. She did not come very far, however. Instead she was captured by a slave trader who didn’t know her true identity and brought to the slave market, where you happen to be. If you choose to do so, you can buy her of the slave trader at that time. And although she has to endure the shame of being a simple slave/servant, she is determined to survive. Of all those who work at the mansion, she is the youngest one, but also the most “proudest”, since she originally was a princess. She’s still immature, through.

Sian: She was your father’s secretary and stayed with him until the very end of his illness. And although she is the oldest of the maids at the mansion, she is still beautiful. The many years she served your father, through, she has become quite cold-hearted and are always calm¬Ö

Well, that’s everything about the characters¬Ö

Additional info about the game: Every character has a voice, except for the main character, it is 16 bit color and the game is on one (or so it seems) CD¬Ö Doesn’t say how much space it would take to install, through.

Ok, that’s it¬Ö I think you know enough about Obbligato from what I told you before, already, so I’ll just include some additional info about Obbligato:

It seems to require at least 300 MB to install and as most 1,6 GB if you choose the “exclusive installation”. The game is on three CD-ROMs and seems to have voices.

And all the games seems to be multi-path, multi-ending games as well, as it always seems to be with CROWD’s games. Well, now you know a little about the games I was speaking about, so let’s hear some feedback!!

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 06-25-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
I think they meant the term "hog-heaven". Not sure where it came from or even why since I've heard the term used in a few different ways. But it's the same general principle, "very happy"! (I'm not sure but I think it has to do with the fact that it takes "very little" to make a hog very happy, a good mud wallow and plenty of food usually.) Anybody know what's up with the term?

Well, I can understand that they are trying to say that he is very happy, but the therm"pig-heaven" really confused me for a while ^^;;;

Beats me, I’m always wondering about phrases. Like “naked as a jaybird.” Technically, aren’t all birds “naked”? Why is a jaybird more naked than any other? Or even “happy as a clam”? How does one know when a clam is happy?

Damn. Now I do want to play that maid-game-without-a-name, even though I have no stomach for BSDM. It sounds like it has an interesting plot and characters, which IMO the lacking of which was two strikes XChange had against it.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Or even "happy as a clam"? How does one know when a clam is happy?

It's shell grows a slightly redder tinge than the other clams and has trouble holding its place. ^_-

Originally posted by Zorian:
It's shell grows a slightly redder tinge than the other clams and has trouble holding its place. ^_-

Great, now you reminded me of a story we read in AP English. Something about a mussel. I forget the name. But in one part of it, mussel is talking about how it feels when it lifts itself slightly and allows the crashing waves to rush under it. When you read it carefully, you finally realize that the mussel was masturbating! (Hmm, no wonder I still remember about that story even after 10 years... [img][/img] )

Well my English teacher always had a strange sense of humor. I never asked but I strongely suspected she had us read that story just to see who would be the first person to point out what was happening during that part of the story. Actually, I can’t remember who did point it out. I know it sure as heck wasn’t me.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Damn. Now I _do_ want to play that maid-game-without-a-name, even though I have no stomach for BSDM. It sounds like it has an interesting plot and characters, which IMO the lacking of which was two strikes XChange had against it.

Well, may things with interesting things can include thins you really doesn't have a stomach for. I love to reade the books by Tery goodkind for example, but some of the things he writtes in his books is a little too much for me...

But I'd really want to see that game too [img][/img]. But since it is the verly latest of Crowd's games, we might not see it for quite some time... Well, by the time Peach Princess has finished Doushin, X-change 2 and Brave Soul, the game might be considered "old enough" by the Japanese companies to let Peach Princess have it.

(hmm, how come that everyone suddenly began to talk aobut clams, not games? ^^;; [img][/img]. Not much feedback on the real topic here...

no no no… not clams. Oysters. Much better aphrodisiac. You could have a beautiful couple on the beach eating oysters on the half shell… very romantic.

sigh Cook some clams, someoone! I’m hungry!

Heh, sorry Spectator-san, didn’t mean to lead off into the whole clam topic. I just tend to do really odd free associations and then some of them go really oddly here. (Not that I’m complaining… )

Actually was looking through the Himeya Soft’s listing of Crowd games. Of course some look more interesting than others. Hmm, can’t anyone figure out what that Maid-game is called? I feel silly calling it “that maid-game we don’t know the name of”

Originally posted by ekylo:
(Not that I'm complaining... [img][/img] )

Did'nt say that I complained about it either. It's fun when a topic goes kinda out of control, but it shouldn't be allowed to go out of control for a very long time, or what do you say? [img][/img].

(Actually was looking through the Himeya Soft's listing of Crowd games. Of course some look more interesting than others. Hmm, can't anyone figure out what that Maid-game is called? I feel silly calling it "that maid-game we don't know the name of" [img][/img]

You're looking at Himeya Soft? It's not an all that great place to look at, you know... The reviews that himeya's staff seems to do often sounds _very_ strange (they seems to be using Babelfish directly... no, G-collections does the reives much better), and most of the customer-sent reviews aren't much better either... Wish I knew what the name of the game was, but I don't know... HEY! Haven't anyone here got enough knowledge of the Japanese language to translate the name??