Next CROWD game Peach Princess should take?

  1. Thank you for the name of the maid game! Endless nights, eh? Somehow, the name itself sounds kinda tempting

    2. Well, in Japan, those kinds of games are called “insult”, alhrough I think that there could have been a better word for the genre ^^;;.

    3. I used the mouse pointer at many of the pictures of the characters to figure out the names, and in the small window at the bottom, the main characters mane was “Yuichi”… It may be a mistake or something liek that, through, but as it is written in this: , the name seems sto be Yuichi…

    4. I don’t know either if the game is a sequel or not… Hmm… That doesn’t need to be the case, through, since some “sequels” only is about the same theme as the game/movie/or whatever it is made before that, but doesn’t feature any characters from the first game/whatever it is… If that is the case, Peach Princess could perhaps get the rights to it anyway. Also, the first Fukushu is older than X-Change, it seems, and Kumiko stated before that Peach Princess won’t release anything older than X-change, so I left it out when I made the list…

    [This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 06-24-2002).]

Sounds like the name needs to be "Endless computer nights" instead.

Yes, that may indeed be the case [img][/img].

If the first game is real short, they could release it as a boxed set of two games on the same CDs.

That sounds like a good idea! Would be a quite rare thing to happen, through... Perhaps the "errand-boy" should pass on that suggestion to Peter or whoever has to think of what titles they should work on after the three titles they are working on right now has been released [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 06-25-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
You're looking at Himeya Soft? It's not an all that great place to look at, you know... The reviews that himeya's staff seems to do often sounds _very_ strange (they seems to be using Babelfish directly... no, G-collections does the reives much better), and most of the customer-sent reviews aren't much better either...

I was at Himeya already because someone was asking where to get Gloria on GameFAQs and I wasn't sure if Himeya themselves still had it in stock. (I know they were probably asking about a Gloria download but I gave them the benefit of a doubt.) Actually I do look through G-collections occassionally but I usually just go through the titles at random.

Oh and Nobody-san, thanks for the title. I feel less silly now. (Then again, maybe not... [img][/img] )

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-25-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Actually I do look through G-collections occassionally but I usually just go through the titles at random.

Really`? I've gone through all their titles by now, I think... [img][/img]

Oh and Nobody-san, thanks for the title. I feel less silly now. (Then again, maybe not... [img][/img] )

Hmm? Why should you feel silly now when you know what the name of the game is?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm? Why should you feel silly now when you know what the name of the game is?

Feeling silly is my natural state of being! [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Feeling silly is my natural state of being! [img][/img]

Oh, I see... [img][/img]

Where’d you get the nifty animated gif?

Heh, you’d need the same ability as the guy in the adult bishoujo game where he/you can “pull out” the girls from any adult bishoujo game if you want to pull out Multi fromt he screem .

As for where I got it, it’s… a secret! Naw, just kidding . But seriously, I forgot where the site where I found the picture is… I just found a site and saw that gif and this: and decided that it would be a shame to forgot those gifs, so I saved the URL to the gifs…

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 06-26-2002).]

Just a little note to you people here who liked what you read about Endless Maids’ Nights; GamelexGS, the japanese version of it, has put up a movie demo of Endless Maids’ Nights in their downloads section. The music in the demo is good, and the backgrounds looks fantastic but I’m a lirtle disappointed that they didn’t show any CG they haven’t shown alreday

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Just a little note to you people here who liked what you read about Endless Maids' Nights; GamelexGS, the japanese version of it, has put up a movie demo of Endless Maids' Nights in their downloads section. The music in the demo is good, and the backgrounds looks fantastic but I'm a lirtle disappointed that they didn't show any CG they haven't shown alreday [img][/img]

A demo? That would help me to kill some time until the real (japanese original) thing arrives at my place.
By the way: The japanese original is a preorder (LE, estimated release 7/28), so I think, it's a bit early to think right now about it's english conversion.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
A demo? That would help me to kill some time until the real (japanese original) thing arrives at my place.
By the way: The japanese original is a preorder (LE, estimated release 7/28), so I think, it's a bit early to think right now about it's english conversion.

You're buying the Japanese vrsion of the game!? [img][/img] . Yep, a demo. It can be found here , but you've probably found it already [img][/img]. I know that it's a little too early to think about a release of that game in english, but I was speaking about AFTER Peach Princess's finished with X-change 2, Brave soul and Doushin. There should be a helluva lot of time before all those three a re done, and when they are done, CROWD has probably alreday released a new game and Endless Maid's Nights should be cpounted as "old" by that time already [img][/img].

Besides, as I said, it's a movie demo, so I can't see how it could keep you occupied for a longer time, unless you've got a really slow modem (30 MB takes some time even for me to download [img][/img]) or watches the movie until both eyes and ears bleeds ^^;;.

I was actually referring to the time needed for downloading the demo and, as I just started the download, I see, I will not be disappointed. 32 MB take some time.

And I already have pre-ordered “Owarinaki Maid-tachi no Yoru LE”. Now I have just to wait for the shipment. Himeya just mailed me a confirmation that the other Items, I ordered along with it, just were sent away, and I suppose, I have to wait for this game until August.

So, sufficient time for watching the demo over and over and over again, learn some more kanji and search for further endings in … (no, won’t say it, because it would make you cry again).

Maybe, I will get to the maids even before I become able to place my order at G-Collection. Has your shipment already arrived (I feel like recycling your crying smiley at this place)?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-09-2002).]

… you’re cruel, Uncihorn .

No, Kana hasn’t arrived. according to what they said at, it should have been sent yesterday, so I except it to get here at th eend of this week or the beginning of next week, at earliest.

So, if you’ve finished downloading the demo, then what did you think of it? I think it was good, althrough I wouldn’t have minded seeing at least a few more backgrounds… I mean, sometimes I think that they focus a little too much on showing sex scenes instead of showing things like backgrounds (and the background sin that game looks amazing! so detailed…) and things like that… Sex scenes are fine, but, well… you know what they say, if you make it too sweet, it won’t taste good, and if you make it too sour, it won’t taste good either.

There’s a Limited Collectors Edition of Owarinaki Maid-tachi no Yoru!? Oh NOOO!

… Oh, no, becuase of my crying, the floor is all wet! Well, I’ll just let Multi clean it, then

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 07-09-2002).]


I think, it would be more cruel, if I told you, what game is the one that keeps me going while I wait for… (you know, what I mean, right?)

On the other hand, your cleaning-girl, Multi, is really too cute. Hmmm. I consider, telling you about this secret game, because after this I will see a whole row of them cleaning up…

OK, a hint: A cute pink-haired schoolgirl, named Inuyama Mutsugi is involved in this…

(Allright, that was really cruel. If you have not already understood, which game I talked about, you’d better not try to find out… or perhaps, fly me to the moon again … )

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-09-2002).]

ARRRGGHHH!! strangles Unicorn

Gahh, you just had to mention that the game you are playing is the only one I would truly sell my body and soul for to see out at the english market!

But, isn’t Inuyama’s second name Tsumugi, not Mutsugi?

Besides, you didn’t answer my question about the demo

Now, as for your punshiment for mentioning it… hunts Unicorn with this:

Cough! Cough! Cough!

I almost knew, this would happen…

I think, you’re right about Inuyamas first name (in japanese writing, the first name follows the name of the family). I will check at home later. Because most of the time, she is simply called Inuyama, I have not memorized her first name well.

About the demo: I may have already downloaded it, but I have to wait until I am at home in order to watch it. I may say something about this tomorrow.

Too bad, you put out the spacecruiser instead of Multi…

continues trying to escape from it

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-09-2002).]

Hmm, so you’re visiting Peach Princess homepage from your work right now, eh?

Hm… Besides,the X-wing would be a too nice punshiment for you… Hmm, should I take the gun instead? The Uzi? The Bazooka? The Riocket Launcher?.. No, wait, now I know! I’ll speak a little to the Devil about this, I think… hehe, prepare to have a real hell after your death, Unicorn

From one of the comic strips of the comic “Herman the Heathen”:

The Devil: "Here, we have an experiment-hell for childern who didn’t want to read their homeworks. After you!"

Herman: "Thank you."

Herman: !?

Herman: "A 33-size TV, a game console and 8.000 games… You call THIS a hell?!?"

The Devil: “Try to get the TV to work…”

In that case, I think I start right now praying to our bishoujou-goddesses in order to get some salvation for my poor soul.

A broken T.V.! Shudders

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
ARRRGGHHH!! *strangles Unicorn*

Gahh, you just had to mention that the game you are playing is the only one I would truly sell my body and soul for to see out at the english market!

*perks up*


Originally posted by Unicorn:
A broken T.V.! *Shudders*

Yep, a broken T.V....the console gamers and TV watcher's worst nightmare [img][/img]. Not the computer gamers worst nightmare, through [img][/img].

But it sure sound slike a funny comic stip, eh? And that's one from one of the comic strips where Herman visits Hell - a sure funny and hohorrible visit... here's one more:


Herman: Yo, what's the main purpose of this place?

The Devil: Mainly it's a place to take care of indviduals who've done a helluva lot of bad things during their life time.

Herman: It's quite empty here... Is everybody so damn good?

The Devil: No, but our company started quite recently...

Heman: And why didn't you make hell COLD? Who the hell suffers from a litte heat?

The Devil: Ask those sweaty Icebears...

Herman: !

Icebear number 1: (thinking) Just because I tortured some damn seals!?

Icebear number 2: (thinking of a barrel filled with ice)

Icebear number 3: *holding out a knife to Icebear number 2* Borje! I can't stand it! Skin me!