Next G-collections game: Do You Like Horny Bunnies?

G-collection are revealed the next game : it is not Kango 2, but another Zyx game: H na Bunny-san wa Kirai? -Do You Like Horny Bunnies?

it arrive the 5 march.

The next game coming are:

Sekilala’s "Watashi ni Konya Ai ni Kite - Come See Me Tonight -,"

Trabulance’s “Kango Shicyauzo 2 - Is The Sorority House Burning? -,”

and Sekilala’s "Hitozuma Hime Club -Secret Wives’ Club

[This message has been edited by Groschat (edited 02-25-2003).]

It’s ok by me. It and Kango were the two I was looking at for immediate purchace. Don’t know much about it, but it has bunny-girls. A definite plus in my book. Definitely sounds more concentual than their previous two releases.

Yeah it should be more silly fun. They needed a change after releasing sensei2 and tsuki. Now if they would bring over fortuna and cresendo.

March 5th? Hmm, payday. This is not helping my addiction any…

Well, you were complaining in the other thread that there aren’t enough English bishoujo games left for you to sample…

<<March 5th? Hmm, payday. This is not helping my addiction any… >>

complete sympathy … more than that … complete empathy for my next paycheck, i am looking at kyan kyan bunny (i-mail ver.) you can pick up bunny girls thru i-mail and stuff, pretty cool

G-collections, have put an information page on theirs sites:

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Well, you [b]were complaining in the other thread that there aren't enough English bishoujo games left for you to sample...[/b]

Then again, if I really was fighting my addiction, hanging around all of you isn't helping either... [img][/img]

Had a slightly off moment before I realized that one of the character's listed for the game was actually one from Tsuki. (Which reminds me, I really should finish that game already...) Definitely looking forward to a "lighter" title. And speaking of other titles, been reading up on Crescendo. I really do hope they bring it over. (I'd hate to have to live with just the bookmarks from the game...)

g-collections seems to keep my account empty ya know it?
Its almost disturbing how fast they pump these games out…

looks at bank account, starts crying

Oh yea, umm, just noticed the other titles… where did they pop up all the sudden? what happened to the 6 they said (was looking more for kango 2)… but i cant complain i guess… least they keep em coming (and no offence is intended to peapri here, quality over quanity?)

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 02-26-2003).]

Originally posted by Gambit:
Its almost disturbing how fast they pump these games out...

Number of factors we don't know about that might account for the speed. Amount of prior work on the titles before they started becoming available. Size of staff. Working relationship with the original Japanese companies. Lack of large amount of picketers with lemons outside their office. Those types of things...


Oh yea, umm, just noticed the other titles... where did they pop up all the sudden? what happened to the 6 they said (was looking more for kango 2)

Er, actually, I'm trying to remember which titles constituted the 6 they had original mentioned. (It's all sort of blurring together.) I think Kango 2 and Horny Bunny were both in the group as well as "Watashi ni Konya Ai ni Kite". Hmm, then I guess Tsuki, Sensei 2 and Tottemo Pheremone would round out the 6 titles. (Still can't remember if Private Nurse was before or after the 6 title announcement.) But I think only "Hitozuma Hime Club -Secret Wives' Club" is actually a new listing.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Number of factors we don't know about that might account for the speed. Amount of prior work on the titles before they started becoming available. Size of staff. Working relationship with the original Japanese companies. Lack of large amount of picketers with lemons outside their office. Those types of things...

The inferior quality of their localization as opposed to Peach Princess's probably also factors in.

I donno, I don’t mind G-collections localizations and they sure do pump out the games quick. Good thing too because I’m running out of b-games to play Hopefully PP will start ramping up too so I can keep this addiction satisified

Ya know im kinda wondering… why does g-collections wait until the day of release to start selling their product… wouldnt it be better to pre-order to see the demand?

Would that actually matter, though?

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Would that actually matter, though?

Well its easier to have an item sent asap when its pre-ordered because then its first on the truck... it dont really matter to much... but that way it would be sent the day of... instead of the next day...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The inferior quality of their localization as opposed to Peach Princess's probably also factors in.

Actually I disagree, most g-collection games have every feature I want in a game and the engine runs very smooth on my Windows XP machine. While X-Change and I believe it was Snow Drop had text issues running on my XP machine. Also I have seen grammar mistakes in every English release to date, but they are for the most part (exception Hobibox) very few and far between. So in my opinion there is nothing inferior about the localization of g-collection's products.

Although PP's newest upcoming releases Brave Soul and X-Change 2. I do think they require more work to localize due to the size and in Brave Soul's case the type of game.

Originally posted by Gambit:

Well its easier to have an item sent asap when its pre-ordered because then its first on the truck... it dont really matter to much... but that way it would be sent the day of... instead of the next day...

That's more on the customer side for having a pre-order than the vendor side. But could be a couple reasons why they don't do the pre-orders. One could be that they don't want to deal with the hassle of pre-orders in general. (Think of all the fun and games with preorders of Transfer Student.) Or maybe they feel that there's to big a disparity between pre-order demand and actual sales to warrant using pre-orders as a marketing determination. Or maybe they just like the mad rush as the lunatics, er, customers whap they're website on the day a title becomes available. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
That's more on the customer side for having a pre-order than the vendor side. But could be a couple reasons why they don't do the pre-orders. One could be that they don't want to deal with the hassle of pre-orders in general. (Think of all the fun and games with preorders of Transfer Student.) Or maybe they feel that there's to big a disparity between pre-order demand and actual sales to warrant using pre-orders as a marketing determination. Or maybe they just like the mad rush as the lunatics, er, customers whap they're website on the day a title becomes available. [img][/img]

It's also good for keeping customer sanity. Since they don't offer pre-orders everyone who orders knows that when they order a product, it will be in their hands in a few days. Instead of waiting for the new pre-order record holder Little My Maid. (No offense meant guys!)

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The inferior quality of their localization as opposed to Peach Princess's probably also factors in.

You know, I hate to ruin this comfortable anonymity of mine, but I feel like this comment might end up getting less attention than it deserves. A few people have responded to this already, more with a dismissive shrug than anything else and that brings up a couple of questions in my mind. First off, this is all my opinion and shouldn't be perceived as antagonistic in any way. Second, I know that there are many fans of bishoujo games who speak English as a second language, but as to how many exactly, I'm a bit uninformed.

That out of the way, I was wondering what everyone really thought of the G-Collections translations. Was everyone here wholly satisfied with the scripts? I mean, that is one of the most important parts of a bishoujo game, right? Well, I'd like to think so, at least. Unfortunately, I thought the scripts were terrible. This is based off of Kana and Tottemo Pheromone alone, but from only two games so far I'm considering not buying anymore games from G-collections.

I admit, It's been a while since I played Kana. Even my memories of it were pretty decent. The script was good enough and I didn't have many problems with it. However, I recently purchased Tottemo Pheromone and everything changed.

I know that any game with this much text to be translated is going to have typos and mistakes. Almost every game I've played there have been moments where I read a line several times and wonder if my brain suddenly stopped working because all of a sudden whatever it is I'm reading makes absolutely no sense. Pronouns and character names might be misplaced, leading to confusion, but these things don't get in the way of the story very much in my experience. Even in Pheromone, I'm able to just keep clicking and, soon enough, that one confusing line which my brain couldn't handle is forgotten...

... because I'm clutching my head and groaning from the pain of every other line of text. I know this is, ultimately, a "porno" game, but I was under the impression that this was a stigma that fans and companies wanted to get rid of (to some extent). One way to do this, would be to have a script that is on par or above the artwork (and nudie pictures). It's too bad that my hopes of getting into the story are constantly being impeded by the horrible narration, cheesy dialogue and repetitive diction. I can only read that he or she "embarrassingly smiled" so many times before my head explodes (the one on my neck and shoulders, pervert).

I don't know... I would imagine that a company could get at least one person to read through the script once to make the writing just a tad better. Maybe add a little variety in the sentence structure. Perhaps even manage to successfully pull off some of the humor. The H-scenes... well, those may be a lost cause, in my mind at least. They may always end up sounding corny and devoid of any romance or erotica (though there are some exceptions). The H-scenes, cheesy as they are, are at least funny in a slightly painful way, so they aren't completely irredeemable.

Okay, by now I think I'm just rambling and ranting (sorry). I just found my latest G-collections purchase to be pretty unenjoyable. Which is too bad, because it had potential to be a pretty fun game. So, with my babbling coming to an end, I am asking the members of this board a couple questions...

1) For a game that is pretty much a(n interactive) graphic novel, are you really enjoying the literary aspect of the game as much as you should be?

2) Are there quite a few bishoujo fans here that speak English as their second language and would prefer a less wordy script, maybe making it easier to understand?

3) What do you think of "loose translation?" And what I mean by that is a localization that doesn't translate a script 100% literally. I don't mean anything like adding bad Clinton jokes or changing the actual characterizations or story, but more like what they do in dubbed anime.

For example, Excel Saga, where a line may be "I love you a hell of a lot" in the Japanese script, but in the English script its "I love you so fucking much." Or (if you know the series by heart) the episode where the Across sewer lair is being infiltrated and Sumiyoshi is stuck to the wall by some weird white sticky fluid, the English script includes the line "stuck to the walls with smegma" where the Japanese script (to my knowledge) doesn't even allude to the curious fluid. Small things, that don't change anything major, but make a punch line a lot funnier.

Sorry for the length of this post, but this topic was something that I was extremely curious about. And, as always, a reminder that this is merely my opinion.

[This message has been edited by Gorky (edited 03-01-2003).]

Edit: I realize that I've spent nearly a page moaning about how companies should make their scripts well-written and more pleasureable to read, but I failed to admit that sometimes attempts like these can go terribly awry. What I really should have said is that they should hire me to edit their scripts! (That, of course, is a joke... maybe.) Anyhow, in an effort to end this post on a lighter note, I offer a link to a satirical H-game review which serves as a cautionary tale of script editing gone wrong (...horribly wrong).

[This message has been edited by Gorky (edited 03-01-2003).]

Edit^2: Gurvon, your cough has been noted. Also, I (hopefully) fixed the link. Now, someone punch me in the throat, please, because I seem to be retarded today.

[This message has been edited by Gorky (edited 03-01-2003).]


Your link doesn’t work :stuck_out_tongue:
But I’m guessing you are trying to link to the Gloria article? (one of the best written one’s over there)
Atleast thats the only game I remember to have truly horrible dialog that made you bend over with laughter
(though Divi Dead was quite bad also)