Next G-collections game: Do You Like Horny Bunnies?

Hmm, since the only G-collections game I’ve brought is Kana, I can’t say anything about G-collections other games, and I was fully statsfied with the script of Kana; onlt a few minor errors here and there; not really anything to complain about. But one thing i do know, and that is that translating from a alnguage to another can be kind of diffcult at times. I have english as my second or third language, and I’ve done a number of translations at times. And it’s harder than you may think.

For example, whenever you translate something, you’re confronted with the question “should I translate it exactly as it’s written, or should I change the sentence somewhat, but stick to the meaning of it?” and questions like that. and I’ve found out that translating things with humour, such as jokes or such, can be VERY difficult, since jokes can be strangely written if you try to compare them to jokes in your other languages. And aslo, there may not be a joke like the one you’re translating in your own laguange, so if you correctly translated that joke, people might not understand it, and the joke would fail. So, in clases like that you may have to come up with a solution; you may have to “chnage” the joke when you translate it, for example, into a joke that is in your own language, but still is similar to the joke Ìn the Japanese language. Now, I’m saying this because that most of G-collections games are supposed to be “funny” games, so they may, in a way, be a lot more difficult to translate than games like Kana or so.

Still, in a way, I suppose that you’re right; if a translation is strange, the company is responsible for it, and should perhaps have looked closer, or at least had one or more translators. Maybe they were in a hurry; they’ve been trying to release gmaes non-stop since they strated as a company. This may be a side-effect of that; masybe they didn’t have time to re-check the script in order to keep their schedule? Ther amy be other reasons too.

Still, I don’t think they should be judged too harshly. After all, they do bring us new games here, aand I’d prefer a bad dialouge to a dialouge you can’t “read” at all ^^;.

I am sure they go through a read the text before they release the game, although I am not sure how closly they might pay attention to grammar type errors. I see alot more “grammar” type errors than typos usually, but I can make sense of it. I guess its not a big of a deal for me because I can take a poorly written sentence in my mind and convert it to what I think the sentence should be. I can do this very fast and with little effort. So sometimes I tend to notice a mass of translation errors less than most. Also I almost always skip through most of the sex scenes text, since I agree, they tend to be corny. That being said I have not seen what you are referring to in most the games. I have not finished Tottemo and am only maybe 1/6th the way through it so if that was a bad release I can’t comment. I can comment on Private nurse, Tsuki, Sensei 2, Kana, DOR (actually no comment on DOR ), and Kango since I have finished all of those. Maybe if I went through and replayed them I would notice these horrid translation and grammar mistakes more, but I have never been so put off by the grammar that I had a hard time playing the game. This even goes for Hobibox which is much worse than anything else I have seen but I can easily translate their sentences in my mind on most occasions. Now to answer your questions:
1. For the stories I like, yes I am enjoying the experience.

2. English is my first language. I would definitely like a more detailed (wordy) script. I feel that alot gets left unsaid and you end up with some awkward situation where out of the blue you are standing on a street talking to some girl. This happens way too much in bishoujo games, I always want more detail and more choices!

3. I dislike most loose translation because that puts to much in the hands of the translater. Also its more prone to be mistake ridden and disturb/change the mood of the game that was originally intended by the designers.

I am NOT talking only about the translation! I’ve said this before, but nobody really seemed to pay attention, so here goes.

Localization encompasses EVERYTHING.

When playing Chain, I noticed that sometimes a character would spout a lengthy monologue that would be translated as a two-word sentence. I also noticed evidence of poor grammar. This is the only thing I ever said aboug G-collections’ translation job.

When I said their standards were lower I wasn’t talking about JUST that. In Private Nurse there are flat-out untranslated portions. There are sections of the game where a character speaks without a textbox, and these have no translation at all.

If Private Nurse had been done by Peach Princess, they would have added subtitles. Peach Princess has converted entire game engines-several times-because they were inadequate.

This is the difference between, say, your average Working Designs and other, less fanatical, companies. Working Designs is a bunch of perfectionists, and you can tell; they release a few games a decade.

I am not bashing G-collections; I’m glad they’re putting out so many games. If the average quality isn’t quite where I would like it, it still remains that I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of their games except DOR, which is another topic. I am glad G-collections exists, and I’m glad their business philosophy leans more towards “actually releasing things is good”. But that doesn’t change the fact that G-collections isn’t Peach Princess.

Final Fantasy Tactics’ localization was undoubtedly far worse than Lunar’s. Does that mean it’s a worse game? No. Would I want to wait as long for FFTA as Playstation gamers did for Lunar? Probably not, but I would anyway–it’s FFTA.

Originally posted by Gorky:
1) For a game that is pretty much a(n interactive) graphic novel, are you really enjoying the literary aspect of the game as much as you should be?

2) Are there quite a few bishoujo fans here that speak English as their second language and would prefer a less wordy script, maybe making it easier to understand?

3) What do you think of "loose translation?" And what I mean by that is a localization that doesn't translate a script 100% literally. I don't mean anything like adding bad Clinton jokes or changing the actual characterizations or story, but more like what they do in dubbed anime.

1) Of the 3 G-Collections games I own. Yes. (Those being: Private Nurse, Kana, and Kango.)

2)English is my first language, so I can't comment on that question.

3)I am glad they translate them the way they do presently.

[This message has been edited by Allarian (edited 03-02-2003).]

[This message has been edited by Allarian (edited 03-02-2003).]

all the sudden this has become a bash the dubbers forum… i say… if you dont wanna watch it… turn it off, if ya dont wanna hear it… mute it, if you dont wanna read it, take ur glasses off.

All im saying is dvds are dubs or subs… not one or the other… pick the one ya like and go with it. (thats why they release both)

Originally posted by Gambit:
all the sudden this has become a bash the dubbers forum... i say... if you dont wanna watch it... turn it off, if ya dont wanna hear it... mute it, if you dont wanna read it, take ur glasses off.

All im saying is dvds are dubs or subs... not one or the other... pick the one ya like and go with it. (thats why they release both)

Err.... *Scratches head.* Why you would feel that way is beyond me. After re-reading the entire thread I only found two refrences to dubbed Anime.

One was......

Orignally posted by Gorky:
3) What do you think of "loose translation?" And what I mean by that is a localization that doesn't translate a script 100% literally. I don't mean anything like adding bad Clinton jokes or changing the actual characterizations or story, but more like what they do in dubbed anime.

For example, Excel Saga, where a line may be "I love you a hell of a lot" in the Japanese script, but in the English script its "I love you so fucking much." Or (if you know the series by heart) the episode where the Across sewer lair is being infiltrated and Sumiyoshi is stuck to the wall by some weird white sticky fluid, the English script includes the line "stuck to the walls with smegma" where the Japanese script (to my knowledge) doesn't even allude to the curious fluid. Small things, that don't change anything major, but make a punch line a lot funnier.

The second was part of my answer to this question. (Which was removed.) Sorry if you felt that my opinion on "dubbed" Anime is bashing. It was there to help clarify why I like the way they are translating Bishoujo games currently.

ok, u took me to serious… i was going for semi-funny there… im never serious… i just thought it would be funny to say what i did…

Originally posted by Gambit:
ok, u took me to serious... i was going for semi-funny there.. im never serious... i just thought it would be funny to say what i did...

One of the problems of a BBS, it's hard to tell when someone's being serious, being sarcastic, or just joking. I know when I'm in doubt, I usually assume the person is being serious and treat their remarks as such.

As for the translations, I'm okay with them so far. The only thing that's really bugged me so far is the untranslated end voice-over of Private Nurse and the odd "sound" words in Tottemo like "Zank!". Like Bigdog-san, I tend to automatically convert grammar errors so they don't bother me as much. And I tend to be forgiving since I'm able to enjoy the games to some degree instead of feeling frustrated if I played the original Japanese version and tried translating on my own.

And I know it's difficult to catch everything, even with multiple people reading and reviewing the text. My friend at a local newspaper was telling me how a story had gone through a proofread by another reporter and through two editors but they didn't notice some errors until she had been typing it up for their webpage. And it's not like they were going through the headaches involved in translating from one language to another.

So, have G-Collections translations been perfect? No, but few things ever are. Could they be better? Most likely. Am I okay with the job done so far? Yes.

Originally posted by ekylo:
So, have G-Collections translations been perfect? No, but few things ever are. Could they be better? Most likely. Am I okay with the job done so far? Yes.

Could'nt've said it better myself. And I tried.

Something g-collections has started to do in the last few releases is start the orders at midnight (10 here) where as the first few started at like 3-8 pm…

Anyway, ordered it… (posting this so yall know its now available)

Originally posted by Gambit:
Something g-collections has started to do in the last few releases is start the orders at midnight (10 here) where as the first few started at like 3-8 pm...

Anyway, ordered it... (posting this so yall know its now available)

Glad to see I am not the only one who ordered as soon as the title was available. Now just comes the waiting period....

Several of us are rabid enough to order immediately. (Though if I had know the exact time, I would have ordered last night instead of this morning…) Should be interesting since I know several people held off on getting Sensei 2 and Tsuki, but I don’t think there’s going to be the same problem with Bunny. And I definitely could use a light title now. (Finally finished Tsuki, now if I can just concentrate enough to write about it…)

Well I just emailed g-collections and posed as Ekylo. They are sending my his copy now, mwuahaha. He didn’t want it anyways .

Well ordered it in the morning hopefully I’ll get it before friday. If I do I’ll see if I can put up an early thoughts post on it.

Do you like a horny bunny? Hell yes, and bring in those lesbian strippers while we’re on the subject…

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Well I just emailed g-collections and posed as Ekylo. They are sending my his copy now, mwuahaha. He didn't want it anyways [img][/img].

Don't do that. I'm already having an identity crisis or two as it is...

I did order Horny Bunny. Then I may like it or not. Oh no!!! I need to concentrate Economy course again. Just I knew that I failed Economy course last semester. Then I withdraw it and re-register it next semester (tomorrow class)

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Hell yes, and bring in those lesbian strippers while we're on the subject...

Oh, by the Great Lemon, not THIS again.

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Oh, by the Great Lemon, not THIS again.

Why? What's wrong with lesbian strippers?

Nothing particularly wrong, I guess, it’s simply that… Oh, forget it, I’m tired of the entire schtick to explain.