Nintendo wins... Sony is phail...

Color me skeptical. Now does not strike me as a good time to be introducing a new console. It’s doubtful Nintendo is going to get the huge mainstream audience it attracted to buy Wii Too, so introducing a new console would be abandoning the userbase they’ve developed. And if they’re worried about being underpowered … Moving first has some serious risks; the 720 and the PS4 can come out a year or a year and a half later, which would let them have better specs.

To me, it makes the most sense for Nintendo to drop the price of the Wii, and wait to announce the next Wii until after Sony or MS make the first move. EDIT: It’s going to be soon. I’d expect the successor systems to be announced by the end of 2012 (just in time for the end of the world :wink: and actually release around late 2013/early 2014.

As long as Wii2 dont’ force me to use the remote then its good.

I don’t know. I expect Sony to hold off even longer. They sunk a lot of cash into the PS3 and have only recently started to reap benifits from it. Meanwhile, while they are losing to 360 in the US, its not a total loss (unlike the 360 in Japan) and worldwide they are on top. They probably have dev team working on something, but I doubt they’ll see anything anytime soon.

Also, if they release something too soon retailers may balk and refuse to carry the systems. Making them backwards compatible helps somewhat with the games, but not the older systems stores have to shelve. There is also the exponential increase in programing costs. In general each system doubles the costs to new titles due to higher level of graphics and other coding.

Finally, the only real enhancement Sony and MS need right now might be 3D. They could probably do that with an attachement. Unlike the Wii, they are already HD complient, the PS3 plays the dominant movie disc standard, both have core audiances who, unlike many Wii owners, buy additional games.

You have to look at Nintendo’s position in the market. Right now the Wii is slowly losing steam and finally Sony is getting it’s money back for the PS3.

Nintendo’s problem is that the Wii is a great Gaming System and that’s it. They need HD support and at least DVD playback capability or they are going to lose sales to the consoles that already do.

PS3 already supports Blu-Ray 3D. Think you just need a compatible TV. Whetr the games can use it, not sure.

Hopefully Microsoft learned it’s lesson and will release a properly engineered system at launch, instead of 3 years too late. Microsoft may delay the announcing of the 720 to make sure they get great sales on the Kinect device. Then release a new version with the 720. I’m going to be hard pressed to even justify buying the new MS system. (Unless they keep paying Tecmo to exclusive the DoA series)

Why is that a problem? I was under the impression that was a selling point. It’s a game console, why does it need HD support or DVD playback? Not having these things is why they were able to launch at such a low price. I think they just need to lower the price again and they’ll be good to go for another year at least.

Of course, all the companies are working on the new consoles now (MS, for example, just hired some people to start work on designing the hardware.) But that’s a far cry from announcing something at E3.

There is too much buzz, however, for me to completely ignore it out of hand. It’s quite like SOMEthing is going to happen at E3. I guess we’ll see what happens.

Uh… you know how we prefer our eroges to be 800x600 or more and not 640x480 nowadays? This is why a game console needs HD support. The Wii, a console that came out in 2006, used a display resolution popularised by a display standard that came out in 1987. And you can tell, lord you can tell.

Nintendo confirms Wii2 is out in 2012, with demo machine ready for E3 this year.

Nintendo also not making the mad $$$ anymore. They’re making profit… but the Wii and DS don’t print their own money anymore.

They’ve made 70% less this time around.

Rawr. Nintendo stock dropped after the announcements. Me no likey when that happens. :frowning:

Yeah, when I heard journalists saying multiple different companies had leakers confirming the presence of dev kits, it got very hard to believe it was all bunk. Dev kits getting distributed are one of the sure signs of the Apocalype :wink:

I’ll be quite interested to see what Nintendo can pull out of their sleeves this time.

Found a funny review for the 3DS: … ntendo-3DS

Since this thread is about Sony… … ta-stolen/ … ers-2011-4

Sony’s Playstation network was hacked~

More about it: … 36469.html

Heh I was looking into the NGP but now I don’t even know. I already thought Sony sucked with software, now I know it :lol:

and umm, hi!

This is so not Sony’s day… … PSN-Breach

It’s kind of amazing, of all the online accounts I have…
I don’t have a PSN one. Fortune smiles upon me.

So… it’s fairly official that the 3DS is fail at the moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the plus side, Nintendo has dropped their 3D demands on 3rd party developers. They can officially make any kind of game they want, so long as they just make it. The “development approval process” is pretty much non-existant and the moment. If you make it, they will release.

Of course, expect the more powerful PS Vita to ass rape everything when it hits the streets… unless Sony decides to be jerks about approving what games can be released on it. :expressionless:

the new portable eroge platform? =P

Actually, I think the 3D would be pretty nice for VN-type things, since they wouldn’t be associated with the heavy motion you get with other kinds of games. 3D itself isn’t going to give anyone headaches or eyestrain, really- it’s 3D + motion that causes it. So the 3D could actually enhance these kinds of games.

PETA takes a (very stupid) stab at Mario :roll: : … is-Pro-Fur

TBH, I rarely use the 3D. I limited depth perception so the 2D limitation doesn’t matter. I got it mostly for the games. I was hoping there would have been more games that use the coins though… Anyway, as I got an early release I except my 3DS to actually be worth more in the long-run due to the exclusive titles.

Well considering how they like to treat their customers… Not that I thought the 5 max was smart, but they change the rules mid-game once there are a ton of PS3s out there.

On a positive note:

The PSP Vita will be region free. Let me state that again: ZOMG!!! REGION FREE!!! OVER9000!!!

Since the Vita is also backwards compatible, that means we can get all the PSP games that were released in Japan and play them on the American system (via the PSP store).

TokiMemo4? No problem. Princess Maker 4? That too. iDOLM@STER? Yup. So forth and so on…

Nintendo seriously screwed the pooch with region locking the 3DS – and Sony appears to have noticed and will fill the void. A rare example of them doing something right. :o