Nintendo wins... Sony is phail...

Better start saving up then

Until 2 years down the line they change their TOS and region lock titles.

Very bright idea Sony… … dvertising

On the bright side, because they’re patenting it nobody else will be able to do it.

It didn’t sound so bad just from reading the URL (I expected, you know, showing advertising while you’ve got the game paused) but it’s true, that would be unbelievably bad to the point I don’t seriously expect Sony to actually do it.

I want to play ciel no surge, and with the region lock removed, only language remains as barrier now.

Please note that Sony did a complete 180-degree turn a few months after I made that post.

The VITA now has region lock by default… which is the dumbest fucking move they ever did with the damn thing. Oh well… the VITA is a total failure (and thanks to region lock, I’m glad it failed), so the original title of this thread still applies.

Ah okay. Thanks. Well I still don’t have a reason to buy Vita then xD

Sadly, I do, it’s called Persona 4: The Golden. I intend though to buy used so Sony won’t get any of my money and who knows maybe I’ll get an early model with the no region lock

Depends if they region locked it before or after release. Then again, maybe not … they could just region lock it via firmware update >_> Seriously, Sony, WTF? You didn’t even lock the PS3.

And trust me – if the Vita crashes and burns as much as it looks like it will, expect The Golden to get ported somewhere. I’m really interested in The Golden (less now that I figured out how to completely break P3P, and I expect P4 to be broken in the same way) - but I’m not buying a Vita for that game. The system just seems like a dead end. There’s not much else I’m looking forward to, and their ‘yeah, just buy all your shit again, or don’t upgrade’ attitude has me saying ‘well, OK’.

I have a Vita, I like it, like mostly getting anime on it, it’s great and i love the bigger screen. Just wish there were more games I want to play on it, that aren’t games I already own on the PS3 (only exception I made was for BB: Continuum Shift Extend , I already had Continuum Shift for the PS3) I also got the new Hot shots golf game, but it’s nowhere near as good as Pangya: Fantasy Golf for my PSP.

Well, right now the lack of games is its chief problem … It just doesn’t represent good value-for-money at the moment. It might eventually … or it might not. It really depends.

So I’m going to wait awhile; it’s entirely possible that the Vita crashes and burns, and then the developers who had Vita-specific titles that were actually interesting to me (like Atlus with P4G) will port the game to platforms that people actually bought. It’s also entirely possible that in 6-12 months’ time, it’s worth buying a Vita because several other good games are out for it. Only time will tell.

Would it actually be possible for there to be a repeat of the Atari 2600 and 5200 bit where the latter was created to replace the former but it failed and the former’s life span continued?

High retail cost + few games + poor economy + tough competition + Sony’s anti piracy bullshit = POOR SALES. 3DS sales are ass raping the VITA with sandpaper. Nintendo considered the 3DS a “failure” when it didn’t hit 4 million units sold in THIRTY DAYS (currently over 17 million have been sold so far, and Nintendo is STILL disappointed with that). Vita has only sold 1.2 million units in three months, and the number units sold after the first 90 days has been abysmal.

It’s the PSP all over again.

That’s not uncommon:

VirtualBoy (1995) failed to replace GameBoy (1989). GameBoy reigned until 2001 (when the GameBoy Advanced was released).

Dreamcast (1998) was supposed to replace the Saturn (1994). Japanese game companies officially continued to support the Saturn well into 2000 (the underground longer than that). SEGA officially gave up on the Dreamcast in early 2001, and have never been the same again.

Wow. I didn’t realize the Vita was THAT far behind. No way am I buying a Vita then, unless they do something drastic it’s doomed. And they won’t do something drastic. As for P4G, well, it will get ported somewhere else.

Hell, I don’t even own a 3DS yet; I’m waiting for the inevitable redesign with improved battery life and the second thumbstick built in.

The Creator of Mario and Zelda Wants to Make a First-Person Shooter: … on-shooter

That’s right. Him. The living God of Game Design.

Whose ass needs kissing, and why hasn’t it been kissed yet?

So, I was thinking of creating an official ass kissing fanclub so we can get this done pronto. Need members stat. Just imagining his games in FPS… One second and I’ll be back. Gotta clean up a mess :oops:

I definitely support this. Not that I’m a huge fan of his games, particularly, but I think he’d give the genre a sorely-needed shakeup, and anyone looking at the flood of Call of Duty 6943 and Battlefield 71 games can’t deny it really needs one.

Good to see Nintendo has more common sense than its two rivals: … used-games

Just because the console itself doesn’t stop you doesn’t mean the games won’t. You can bet developers will be free to include their own awful DRM. Then again I suppose the thing with modern Nintendo consoles is that the only decent games are the ones Nintendo themselves make so maybe it won’t matter.

Who knew you could give so much away with so much advertisisng? lol … .html#more