Nintendo wins... Sony is phail...

Lol wow, thats one determined fan.

More proof of the failure that is Vita: … For-Piracy

I’m starting to wonder if the CD-i did better than the Vita currently is

Sony, of course, makes the logical decision after laying off half its PR staff: … sued-sony/

Why hire PR staff when you can hire lawyers instead? Plus, if you’ve got all those lawyers just sitting around, twiddling their thumbs while on the company payroll, you might as well find something for them to do.

I will bet anything that buried in this actor’s contract is a non-compete clause for some period of time after he was no longer doing Kevin Butler. It doesn’t look like the ol’ KB’s been up to much lately, but the standard period for such things is anywhere between six months to a couple years. The real question is going to be whether the Wii ad is close enough to stuff covered by the non-compete that it would be enforceable.

Given that the other company yanked the ad, digitally edited him out, and so forth, I think there’s a fairly high likelihood it’s a breach. He’s probably prohibited from any game-related advertisements.

And Sony explains themselves…as best as they can :roll: : … vin-butler

Never heard of him therefore Sony just lied.

Also, my ps3 is still disconnected from playstation store cuz i’m too lazy to write a letter to sony telling them that i refuse to give up my right to sue them to death. Sony’s fault that they’re missing out on $$ XD

And i refuse to buy a vita unless Ciel no Surge comes out in usa. Until then, vita can go take a long walk off a skyscraper. Been betrayed one time too many in current generation.

A comparison between the WiiU and the Dreamcast: … -path-sega

It seems the WiiU may have a glimmer of hope (okay it would actually be two): … 1-23-2013/

The assholes at Nintendo censored the ass of the Yandere from Fire Emblem Awakening. :cry: … -487825312

It’s feature in one of the DLC add-ons. I hope Tharja stabs them in their sleep. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways… the game itself is made of win. If you own a 3DS, there’s no reason to not have Fire Emblem on it.

Tharja is a yandere for the Player Avatar. Also… her daughter, Noire, is a Yandere for the character Inigo (Olivia’s son). 8)

It looks like in a couple years the only games I’ll be buying are Nintendo games and eroge :expressionless: : … -game-drm/

I’m deeply skeptical it will actually work. I think if both Sony and Microsoft try to do this it’s entirely possible none of the new consoles will take off and the publishers will cause another market crash.

A friendly rivalry? … g-started/

Interesting… … -Than-Sony

This thread is almost 7 years old. Nintendo has been winning and Sony has been phailing for SEVEN YEARS.

In one way it’s funny… and in another it’s really sad…

Now if only Nintendo will get that goddamned Pokebank online. :evil: