No more Win9x support

From today’s newsletter:

(Please note that the game requirements for all three of these new titles have been updated to Windows 2000/XP only. We are unfortunately not able to officially support Windows 98/Me for these games based on changes to Crowd’s game engine.)

Being a Windows 95 user, who despises Windows XP and has selected Windows 98 SE as the OS of his future new PC, this sucks hard. Windows 2000 doesn’t count as it’s not a home OS and has been known to not work all that well with games, especially bishoujo games.

A couple of weeks ago Mozilla dropped support for Win9x as well, on the trunk development. Something can still be done about it, though, but I don’t have the necessary skills.

This sounds like a conspiracy against Win9x users… Oh well.

I guess I’ll just won’t be able to play the newer releases then. Though, it’s not like I don’t still have a backlog, or that there are no other games left to buy and play.

There comes a point in one’s life when one has to decide what’s more important: keeping up with the times while compromising one’s values, or staying set in one’s ways and getting left behind. I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.

You can always get Windows Vista in 2007…

Windows Vista looks set to be even worse than Windows XP. Besides, it’s known by now that when a new version of Windows comes out, it takes one year to get it mostly stable and supported.

just because we say we dont support win9x doesnt mean you cant give it a try…but of course it’s at your own risk

im relatively confident that you may be able to run the game just fine…with some hitches

Heh, it’s not like you supported Win95 for long officially. Since years the descriptions only specify Win98 or higher, and the games run best on Win9x.

This seems different though, as the newsletter talks about the engines having changed.

I never actually had any problem running games on win2000, despite people saying it would be bad for them.

I was ‘upgraded’ to XP against my will because someone thought that my recurring computer problems might be better under a new OS. They weren’t. (The problem was a dodgy motherboard, it would overload buses every now and then and really screw things up. Hell of a problem to track down.)

2000 isn’t that popular and you might be able to get it cheap.

Microsoft will officially drop support for Windows 9x beginning on July 11, 2006 … three years after the original date.

if Microsoft is not going to support the OS, i highly doubt other companies (including Peach Princess and Crowd) will support it either.

if Microsoft is not going to support the OS, i highly doubt other companies (including Peach Princess and Crowd) will support it either.

I highly doubt that has anything to do with it, as the problem is in the engines of games that were released one or more years ago.
If you like Win 9x that much, then creat a 1 gig partition and install it there. If a game really fails to run properly in Win XP, boot in Win 9x :P.

You mean, if a game fails to run on Win9x, boot XP. :P I'll almost exclusively be using Win98 SE, at least before trying Linux.
Originally posted by Benoit:
[QUOTE]at least before trying Linux.

Good luck getting games to run on that. [img][/img]

Hehe. I’m not going to try to run them on that. Linux will be on a second partition.

Do you genuinely hate XP, or are you just mad becauser your PC isn’t powerful enough to run it?

Originally posted by Benoit:
I highly doubt that has anything to do with it, as the problem is in the engines of games that were released one or more years ago.

if the creator of Windows no longer recognises its OS as a viable product to provide any support, there's little reason for other developers to do the same with their own products. as i mentioned, Microsoft extended their support by three (3) full years to give people chance to transition to 2000 or XP.

[This message has been edited by aeiou (edited 04-24-2006).]

Do you genuinely hate XP, or are you just mad becauser your PC isn't powerful enough to run it?

I genuinely hate it. I have a laptop that runs XP, and even after turning off all the stupid cookie-cutter stuff, it still annoys me with tooltips and stupid messages. Also, it's bloated with way too many services and functions, and has crappy backwards-compatibility.
if the creator of Windows no longer recognises its OS as a viable product to provide any support, there's little reason for other developers to do the same with their own products.

You're basically repeating what you posted earlier. I'm saying that the engines were created when there was still one or two years of support, which is largely enough.

I’m sorry we can’t officially support 95/98. Mainly for Doushin and the other two Crowd games, they require the Japanese fonts from Win2000/XP to be installed in order to display properly. I am actually pretty sure that all the things that make the games work in Win95/98 like NJStar will work for you, and if so, we’ll make a note of this. Japanese Windows would also work fine, of course.

Oh well. Me, I’m overall pretty cool with it. To me it does after all in essence only mean I can’t save space by installing my english b-games on my second computer with Win 98, instead for on my main computer with Win XP… Pity, but it won’t kill me (I hope)…

Originally posted by Benoit:
[QUOTE]You're basically repeating what you posted earlier. I'm saying that the engines were created when there was still one or two years of support, which is largely enough.

one or two years of support that was never intended to exist in the first place. i believe Microsoft has been very generous in their extension of their service for Windows 9x.

Yeah, they’ve been so generous that they didn’t fix the zero day exploit in Win98 or WinME. And don’t say Win9x, they haven’t supported Win95 for ages.

In what alternate universe is Win9x better than XP? IMO, XP is the first consumer OS that Microsoft did right.

It’s just a mater of re-learning how to fix stuff. I personally like 2000 – very minimalist, very clean. XP is 99% the same of course. There’s a lot of that in the Mac world too, old OS 9 types not wanting to give up their knowledge of how to debug stuff, vs. the smart people who have moved to OS X (like us).

(Testing XC3 at full speed in Parallels, the Windows virtualization program for Intel Macs…it works great, and I look forward to selling games to Mac users in the future.)