No more Win9x support

Originally posted by Matthew:
In what alternate universe is Win9x better than XP? IMO, XP is the first consumer OS that Microsoft did right.

Then you must be one of those people who uses computers as a tool. Like most computer-illiterates. The thing treats you like an idiot.
XP is 99% the same of course.

I've worked with both, and XP is Win2000 + flashy stuff, bloat, and services that treat you like an idiot.

One thing XP definitely does better than 98 is setting up drivers for hardware. I had a terrible time getting new devices (modems, sound cards, video cards, etc) to work in 98. Now they work with no fuss at all.

I’d like to think of myself as fairly computer literate. XP annoyed me at first when I switched from 98, however I grew accustomed to it and now I like it better than 98, mainly for the hardware compatitibiliy improvement. It’s still annoying that you can’t boot in DOS mode w/o a separate DOS partition, but it’s gotten to the point where I don’t play DOS games anymore anyway. XP is also more stable than 98 since you can simply close programs to recover from the vast majority of system freezes, where in 98 you had to reboot and lose everything you were doing.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Yeah, they've been so generous that they didn't fix the zero day exploit in Win98 or WinME. And don't say Win9x, they haven't supported Win95 for ages.

derive from the same codebase; its Windows 9x.

[This message has been edited by aeiou (edited 04-28-2006).]

WinME is also from the same code base, and they didn’t lengthen support for that, so “Win9x” still isn’t correct.

Besides, not all Win98 software can/does work on Win95.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 04-28-2006).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
Yeah, they've been so generous that they didn't fix the zero day exploit in Win98 or WinME. And don't say Win9x, they haven't supported Win95 for ages.

If this is the exploit I think you're talking about, I read into their explanation of why, and they said that it would be a very hard issue to exploit on 98, which meant it wasn't critical, and they were only providing critical fixes.

EDIT: Not to say it's the right thing to do, but honestly - 98 is a pretty crappy OS that's almost 10 years old - and they did have a fairly good reason. I mean, should they be supporting 98 a decade from now? Two? Three? Four?

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 05-15-2006).]

For those of you who don’t want to upgrade, you can probably relax. I didn’t install the East Asian fonts in WinXP (which is, I believe, the issue, this isn’t available in Win9X). And the only effect is that names don’t display correctly in the font. Doushin is perfectly playable, even if it’s a little ugly at times. I don’t think either X-Change title will suffer from anything worse.

Great thing to ear, but i want more infos on the matter before make my move. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just suck it up and buy XP.

You can’t force people to buy a sucky OS.
Not everyone is a sheep.

[ 05-30-2006, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

In a way you can…if no one supports that system anymore in both hardware and software. Besides being sucky…not as bad a 9x (except it has trouble playing some dos games).

Not as sucky? Are you kidding? (mainly from the point of view of Windows 95)

-It doesn’t have Internet Exploder integration! Which means it doesn’t have the thousands of security bugs that infest XP.

-It’s pretty stable.

-It can run DOS games AND Windows games. (of course, if you want games, you buy a game console)

-Most good applications still run on Win9x. Windows 95 less, but still enough.

-It doesn’t have clutter. No extra sidebars, toolbars, windows icons, fluff, etc.

-It doesn’t treat you like an idiot, and allows you to get the job done in a minimum of clicks.

i think most bishoujo games in japan have their games listed as having no support for win95 nowadays…

People don’t need to use IE. I don’t. I haven’t used it, except when I’m forced to on other computers, for almost a decade.

Huh? What are you on because I’d sure like some of that stuff!

9x was more stable when comparing it to…windows 3.11. XP is based a lot of its core off NT. NT was touted at the time 95 came out as being far more stable than 95 and while 98 increased the stability issues over 95, it was still is highly unstable by comparison to XP.

Yes…it can run most dos games and most windows games, excpet newer windows games. XP can run most windows games and if you know what you’re doing can run a decenet amount of DOS games. In fact, some even more stable than they were under DOS!

Key words there: Most and Still. That will quickly change.

All of which you can turn off. You can even setup XP to look exactly like a stripped down 9x model. I personally disabled all those extra fluff stuff (except the most recently used programs).

Hah! Hahaahaha! Oh man that’s a laugh. For some stuff maybe, but try instralling hardware you don’t have a disk for and windows doesn’t want to recognize and its not on win9xs driver list. Yea…few clicks…right…

Look the only advantage 9x has over XP is that its easier to setup to play most dos games and if you have a cheap soundcard (or onboard sound) midis don’t slow down the system. That’s about it.

You oversimplify. That’s not the ONLY advantage. XP’s search function blows hardcore (it’s UI is terrible, worse than 98’s) and is much slower than 98’s because they decided to make searching thru zip files un-disable-able. This turns what should be simple search-by-name into very slow scan-each-file and makes it take a lot longer. XP is also in general going to be slower than 98 because it’s more bloated.

Compared to 98’s relative inability to use virtual memory, address drives > 40 GB, deal with “system resources” (I had serious issues because I had too much RAM and had to apply a hotpatch just to run it), support proper memory protection … XP does look better. It just … isn’t perfect either.

[Edit: And you already commented on XP’s MIDI ‘compatibility’]

[ 05-30-2006, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

I never said XP was perfect…i just said it was far superior system than 9x. Superior = better =/ pefect.

You are correct. That’s the whole core of the matter: the game designers are moving away from supporting Win 9x for their own reasons.

It’s not if 9x is better than XP or whatnot… its that more of their customers (75% to 80%) are on XP than anything else, and they want to reflect that. It may - or may not - be more work on their programmers to make it function on all Window formats. Only they know. What [u]WE[/u] know, is that the vast majority of new and future eroge titles are going to be for XP and Vistas format.

Sad to say, but eroge titles are made for the Japanese market first and foremost - and from what I’ve seen, their market is more XP than anything else… like ours… Just take a look at the OS-tan thing. It’s an interesting look at how they see their own PC market… and funny too. :slight_smile:

Has anyone with Win95/98/Me English ordered Doushin? I’d be interested in seeing if you the standard tools out there (NJStar and the like) will enable the game to run? I believe that they likely will since the font is probably going to be the same. If anyone is interested in ordering the game to test it, I am willing to give you a discount/replacement if it doesn’t work. Contact me directly if so.

I will test for you Peter… Would be more than happy to … I will test 95 and 98 … would that work for you? Please… I already e-mailed you too.

[ 05-30-2006, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

I found and dug out an old Win98 laptop for testing purposes. Preliminary report: Exactly the same as under WinXP without language fonts installed. it’ll probably take me until tomorrow to dig up a few of the standard tools and get them installed (the laptop’s hard drive is too small and it doesn’t have network support) but if you’re not too picky frankly Doushin should work absolutely fine. “Incompatible” it is not.

[ 05-31-2006, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: cmkus ]

You don’t understand. Even if you don’t use IE, it is still an open door to your system, simply because it’s integrated. That’s why you still need to update it.

Most people on the Internet haven’t experienced Windows 95 as stable because they installed IE4 on it, which makes it pretty unstable. IE4 integrates into Windows, transferring its own instability into it.

I never had it integrated, so my experience has been that it’s pretty stable. :smiley: