Noob Needs Help

I am a complete noob to this genre of gaming and wish to buy my first one can you guys tell me witch one of them i should get.

(The X-change games looked cool.)

Well there are many that can be recommended depending on what you like, but a few recommendations are:

Kana ~Little Sister~ which is an excellent game but is very emotional.

Crescendo Another excellent game with some endings that can be emotional.

Brave Soul so far the only RPG translated to English.

Tokimeki Check in! lots of different endings here and one of my favorites along with the other ones mentioned which are also favorites.

Heart de Roommate is very good, about 26 ‘episodes’ long.

Private Nurse which is also a very good game.

If interested you can either look up info about these titles or I can give you more information.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-01-2004).]

W00T! Another new fan!
Welcome to the Peach Princess BBS!

I add Critical Point to SCDawg’s list.
If you like plot-heavy games, this is for you.

WHell I do not want anything to sad i just want something fun and relativly deep.

Are the X-change games any good?

I remember a time when the word noob wasn’t used. We internet old timers stuck with the more grammatically correct newbie and newb.
Sorry, showing old age again…

精神 の 神

Despite it being sad Kana is one of the best games I have ever played.

Well then from the given list I would recommend any of the following:


Tokimeki Check in!

Heart de Roommate

Private Nurse this one might have one of the deeper plots, along with Kana and Crescendo of those on the list.

The other games mentioned have excellent plots, and depth to the plots, and depending on the girl you focus on they can have slightly different plot paths. The only reason I left Brave Soul off the list was the nature as an RPG does not exclude plot but is perhaps is not the best game to start out with as an RPG and the only one or one of a very few of it’s kind thus far translated.

Originally posted by SlicerX:
Are the X-change games any good?

They are not ones I would recommend as a first game from a personal point of view, nevertheless X-Change 2 is worth playing at some point, but as said it is not one that is personally recommended as a first game.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-01-2004).]

Critial Point is a pretty good one too.

精神 の 神

Whell my friend told me it was a good game (X-change) so i was just wondering should i put down the $25 for it because it is pretty cheap and it looks good.

It would help if you defined what you meant by good.

X-Change is quite popular among the sort of people who don’t come and hang out here on the boards, who want to get something quickly that’s not too serious and has lots of ‘action’ in it. And isn’t too hard.

A lot of us board geeks are more into games with deeper stories.

That may be a good price, but if you’re really looking for a deep game, I don’t think that X-Change is probably it. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a romp with a lot of–well, by my standards, anyway–kinky sex in it, then go for it.

Games that I’ve played with solid story lines include Kana, Chain, Eve: Burst Error (although there is no hentai in this one, if that’s what you’re looking for), and Desire was actually pretty deep. Crescendo is supposed to be good, but I haven’t had a chance to play it yet.

For fun games, Brave Soul has to top the list, followed by a couple of the dating sims: Tokimeki Check In, and Season of the Sakura (pretty much only available on the JAST Memorial Collection anymore, I believe).

My two yen, anyway…

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-01-2004).]

Whell i am gana get it because i want something easy and with at least a storyline that is somewhat interesting.

If i wanted a deep story line i would go play Final Fanstay or read LOTR again. (I own them all I recomemnd FF7)

But, right now i just want to have a fun game that is easy and actioned pacted. And really are you guys playing these games for story or the fact they have nudity or both.

Well, most of us here do NOT only play for the sex. (We’d be lying if we claimed the sex did not interest us.) Really, a bishoujo game is more expensive than actual h anime, and doesn’t usually have animation.

As for XChange, it’s cheap because it isn’t that good. It has no voice acting and most of the sex scenes involve rape. It’s also quite short. It also barely pretends to be more than a sex romp - most potentially promising plot threads simply get dropped.

If you want something with a lot of sex I’d play Do You Like a Horny Bunny.

Or as Woolfson has said a better deal might be the JAST Memorial Collection. There are three games on that disc, Seasons of Sakura being one of the best and also Milky House Memorial Collection which has a game that personally I like a lot Nocturnal Illusions which has a very deep plot, but no voice acting.

If you are looking for deals to start with, I would get those two discs, it is something like 5 games for about 41 dollars, which is a good deal considering the price of new games. Some of those games are better then others and some are more action packed then X-Change. Personally when I think action packed, neither of the X-Change come to mind.

I also think Nandemonai summed up why most of us play quite well, to deny there is sex and nudity in the games would be pointless since it is part of most of the games. Yet that said it’s existance is not my primary personal reason for playing these games and at times the need for it being part of various games can be and has been questioned.

Originally posted by SlicerX:
Whell i am gana get it because i want something easy and with at least a storyline that is somewhat interesting.

Curious to know, if you had already decided why ask what is a good first game?

Also what is your reason for wanting to play these games, since you asked that of us I think it fair you answer the question yourself.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-01-2004).]

Me i want these games to futher my interest in gaming

So you are playing them basically to them? I am honestly curious.

Look i just want a fun game not to hard, good story or premise and, visual pleasing if you know what i mean.

I came apon these games saw they where cool and decidded i want to play them.

so anyway i should have said was is X-change a fun game and dose it have good art work because from what i have seen it looks pretty good and the secound one looks better and did you like the game.

P.S. was it funny.

I’d agree with Nandemonai and SCDawg: we’d be lying if we said that the adult nature of the games wasn’t a factor, but I’m pretty sure that most of us enjoy the stories that the games tell more than anything–it would be much cheaper to go out and buy a video. Besides, in most cases, there is somewhat of a challenge in solving for endings.

For my money, I’d recommend the JAST Memorial Collection. It has three good games on it: Runaway City, and Three Sisters Story both have plenty of sex scenes and solid stories, and even though they both have only one “good” ending, getting it–especially in the case of Runaway City–can be tricky. Season of the Sakura is a good, fun story, and has eight different endings to go for (nine, if you count the “oops, I screwed up” ending). Even though it has less sex than the other two, the replayability makes up for it. If you want to spend less money and get a good deal, that would be my recommendation.

Again, my two yen

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-01-2004).]

whell i just looked up the ones you guys mentioned Brave Soul looks good and the Jast Stuff is cool