Now, this was strange

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, since E-go's games aren't known for having great stories, I think those games would surely be good ^_^

Aren't you kind of talking against yourself there now Spectator [img][/img]?
And in my opinion E-go games do have nice stories,they might not just be so advanced thats all (but I like suggary sweet stories so that me) =)

Unicorn:moahaha prepare to have months of pain as that game will mock you and never ever give you a true ending :P

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Unicorn:moahaha prepare to have months of pain as that game will mock you and never ever give you a true ending :P

Do you want to bet your soul on that? [img][/img]

I think, I already know my biggest mistake, I did this time: Two-timing with Mylene AND Charlotte. Next time, I am going to stay faithful to only one of them (and not fooling around that much with Ema either).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You have to talk to different people and to get items in order to unlock some special training-options in the SIM.
So, from my point of view, this game is more than a pure SIM, because you don't just have to do train the princesses, but you also have to find new ways of training them.
EDT: Another point is: Some dialogs with the townspeople seem to have a bigger impact on the ending, than the training of the princesses itself.

Of cause, I wouldn't rate "Blood Royal" that much story-based as "Dokusen", that's for sure. However, I think I expressed before that I can't think of any real pure SIMs, consisting only of the SIM itself and no side-effects. So, if anyone could say how thin a story has to be in order to become ignored and thus putting such a game into the "pure SIM"-category, I would be pleased.
[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 12-08-2002).]

If your idea of taking quick trips into town just to go to a whorehouse or aquiring "tools" to train princesses, then it will fit your meaning of ADV, but that doesn't sound like an adventure now, does it?

I'm surprised you have not mentioned the Princess Maker games as pure simulations. Their storylines can't get any more shallower. Or do you also deny that?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Are you confusing "meaning" with "pronounciation"? I think, the meaning of the Kanjis are the same in chinese as in japanese.

Sure they're the same. "Œ¼ and •×‹­ are just two examples of this.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You have to talk to different people and to get items in order to unlock some special training-options in the SIM.
So, from my point of view, this game is more than a pure SIM, because you don't just have to do train the princesses, but you also have to find new ways of training them.

If it's just that you can go somewhere else (ot buy things or meet people), then it doesn't define an ADV... In most (all?) SIMs, you have that feature, if only to find information about the girls you're after or buy presents for them...
EDT: Another point is: Some dialogs with the townspeople seem to have a bigger impact on the ending, than the training of the princesses itself.
That's better... but that still doesn't define an ADV... Where's the "adventure" in it?
Originally posted by gaogao:
I'm surprised you have not mentioned the Princess Maker games as pure simulations. Their storylines can't get any more shallower. Or do you also deny that?

True! I forgot! So, let's see:
  • love SIMs: Pia Carrot, Tokimemo, Mitsumete Knight
  • girl raising SIMs: Princess Maker (well PM1 & PM2 have an ADV part, but...), Ebenbourg no Kaze (?)
  • slave-training: Natural (?), Machine Maiden[/LIST]
    I added evolution's "Machine Maiden" because I enjoyed it, if only for Arusia's cuteness. [img][/img]
    And, I know you'd want "Darcrows" as well, Spectator-san! ^_- (then you may want to add "Beat Angel Escalayer" as well [img][/img])

    EDT: I'm not sure about if "E. no K." is a love SIM or a girl-raising SIM... (^^;;;

    [This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 12-09-2002).]

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Aren't you kind of talking against yourself there now Spectator [img][/img]?
And in my opinion E-go games do have nice stories,they might not just be so advanced thats all (but I like suggary sweet stories so that me)

Talking against myself? Not really, I think [img][/img]. I said that Studio E-go isn't known for it's great stories, and by that, I meant that they might not be much compared to some of the games you can find at the japanese bishoujo market [img][/img]. But I didn't say that I wouldn't like a sugar-sweet story; if I didn't like those kinds of stories too, then TCI and Snow Drop would probably never have conquered their places in my colelction [img][/img]. Besides, I've alredy said that I will try at least one or two E-go! games, so until I've brought and played at least one of them, don't worry too mych about my opinion ^^;. I think that at least MAW and KnE will sneak into my collection, somehow.

Originally posted by gaogao:
Sure they're the same. "Œ¼ and •×‹­ are just two examples of this.

... *sigh* I really wish that the computers at my school were able to show Japanese... So, in short, since I can't see those, could you tell me about them? ^_^

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[BTrue! I forgot! So, let's see:
  • love SIMs: Pia Carrot, Tokimemo, Mitsumete Knight
  • girl raising SIMs: Princess Maker (well PM1 & PM2 have an ADV part, but...), Ebenbourg no Kaze (?)
  • slave-training: Natural (?), Machine Maiden[/LIST]
    I added evolution's "Machine Maiden" because I enjoyed it, if only for Arusia's cuteness. [img][/img]
    And, I know you'd want "Darcrows" as well, Spectator-san! ^_- (then you may want to add "Beat Angel Escalayer" as well [img][/img])

    EDT: I'm not sure about if "E. no K." is a love SIM or a girl-raising SIM... (^^;;;

    [This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 12-09-2002).][/B]

^_^; That's true, Darcrows is among those game sI want to. But I really don't see any reason of why it shouldn't; It has nice art, three beautiful characters, and above all, it's a sim [img][/img]. But besides that, judging from the demo, it looks like Darcrows isn't really a story-heavy game, so... But exacty how story-heavy is Escalayer, then?

Hmm, never heard much of "Machine Maiden" and the "Natural" series, so would you mind telling me a little about them? [img][/img]

However, I've alreday decided since I began to play th eenglish beta of PM2, that I'd try out PM3 someday, so don't worry about that part [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 12-10-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I think that at least MAW and KnE will sneak into my collection, somehow.

I think, you mean MAW2, now MAW(C), right?
However, either you mean KnN, EnK or WoE with KnE, right?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think, you mean MAW2, now MAW(C), right?
However, either you mean KnN, EnK or WoE with KnE, right?

Correct on both of those two ^^;.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
... *sigh* I really wish that the computers at my school were able to show Japanese... So, in short, since I can't see those, could you tell me about them? ^_^

I was being sarcastic in my post. First compound, touzai means "East and West" in Japanese, but it means "thing" in Chinese. Second compound, benkyou means "study" in Japanese, but it means "to force" in Chinese.

It’s completely fine with me, if you (or anyone else) corrects some mistakes, I make.
I admit, many things I tell here are based on assumptions and not real knowledge, so these corrections does help me as well as all others.

But are those personal attacks really neccessary?
EDT: I am only asking this once. The next times, I am simply going to ignore that aggressive content, take the correction and write no answer at all to it.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 12-10-2002).]

Originally posted by gaogao:
I was being sarcastic in my post.

*snip* *snip*

Second compound, benkyou means "study" in Japanese, but it means "to force" in Chinese.

...where's the difference here?

Now, it’s here at Gamelex GS… the CROWD- Album!

Originally posted by gaogao:
I was being sarcastic in my post. First compound, touzai means "East and West" in Japanese, but it means "thing" in Chinese. Second compound, benkyou means "study" in Japanese, but it means "to force" in Chinese.

Aha... And so, which of them you should "read", the japanese or the chinese one depends on the situation?

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Natural (?)

Well, you stillh aven't answered my question, but, is this a part of the "natural" series you were talkign about?:

If so it doesn't look much like a slave-training-sim ^^;. But the english interface makes it look more tempting...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Aha... And so, which of them you should "read", the japanese or the chinese one depends on the situation?

Actually, what I posted above has nothing to to do with KUN and ON readings. It was regarding differences in Chinese and Japanese language. You can ignore it. Humble apologies for the confusion.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, you stillh aven't answered my question, but, is this a part of the "natural" series you were talkign about?:

If so it doesn't look much like a slave-training-sim ^^;. But the english interface makes it look more tempting...

Time constraint. ^_^
But, yes, it's from the Natural series. Only, "Natural Zero" is a special case, since it's a "toybox". The official page is F&C of course. For more information, ask Kagami-san: he's a Natural fan and specialist. ^_-

As for evolution's "Machine Maiden", aside the fact it's drawn by Carnellian!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (me = big fan of Carnellian [img][/img]), in a nutshell, you were the student of one big AI teacher, so one company proposes you to work for them on their project... which is the development of an android called "Arusia". You're part of a team and responsible for the development of the AI part of Arusia-chan.
Hmmmm, waitaminute... *takes his old MM saves and files*
The game is divided into days. You have 30 days to educate Arusia. Each day is divided into 3 parts: morning training, afternoon training, night event. On morning training and afternoon training, you have to take Arusia-chan into a part of the scientific complex for her education: the maintenance room, the recreation area, the sports area, the data room and the residence area. At night, you can either visit Arusia-chan in her bedroom (for another kind of training #^_^#) or visit another location (for instance the maintenance room to check on her data [= game stats]). If you choose to have sex with Arusia-chan, you'll have the choice of... errrr, how you'll do it (normal, anal, SM, service, onani; with the possiblity to choose the position in "normal" and the kind of service in "service")...
Each activity increases one stat and may decrease another. Stats are ‹@‘̐«"\\ (= "Fuselage efficiency"; her "body"/"physical state" if you prefer), ƒf[ƒ^-Ê (= "Data quantity"; her "intelligence", ‹^Ž-lŠi (= "Artificial personality"; her personality), ]‡"x (= her degree of submission/obedience) and ˆ¤î'l (her love value toward you).
Events may happen anywhen and anywhere. Some are automatic, others are triggered by some previous events or Arusia-chan's stats. Not all events are tied to Arusia-chan; some are about the other team members (BTW, they're 3: Mari, the chief of the project, Yumiko, the engineer charged of Arusia-chan's physical maintenance [i.e. checking if everything is going well and repairing if needed] and Ryo, your rival [he has the same work as you, but with another android, Cynthia).
Also, according to her stats, Arusia-chan has five "moods": normal, sad, nymphomaniac, whining, playful.
At the end of the 30 days, Arusia-chan will be tested to see if the project was successful and something can be made of her... You have 5 endings, depending on her stats.
There 113 CGs total.

Good points: Carnellian, Arusia-chan's cuteness, Arusia-chan's cute voice, intuitive interface.
Bad points: well, it's a SIM, so there's not much story; you may learn a bit about your teammates personal story, but that's all. The beginning is a bit boring, as you would just choose Arusia-chan's activity for the day (and there's no little animation to show the activity taking place, like, say in Tokimemo) and nothing else would happen since Arusia-chan's stats will be too low or too high for any event to happen.

*reads what he wrote*
>_< And I said I would never write a review on this board...
Oh, well, it's not really a review... [img][/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
*reads what he wrote*
>_< And I said I would never write a review on this board...
Oh, well, it's not really a review... [img][/img]

No, it's not really a review [img][/img]. But arigato! It's no review, but it's useful information anyway. Hmm, that there isn't too much of a "great story" doesn't really worry me at this point, since I wasn't asking for that right now [img][/img]. One ything that worries me, through, is that it looks like it's a sci-fi title, and so, there is, for sure, lots of sci-fi stuff in the dialouges and stuff there, and it might be quite complex for a beginner >_<. But aside fom that, it sounds like a farirly good game [img][/img].

And as for Natural... *sweet voice*...Kagami-saaan!? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 12-11-2002).]