Official Castlevania Figures

then watch this:

if i remember correctly, and based on the footage, the 5th (ship) stage has only one boss: death, and no alternate routes/bosses (other than the engine room that only maria can access), and i think stage 5’ directly leads you to shaft with no bosses

but that said, what i am very curious about is, at the end of that pspfanboy video, i see a very unfamiliar boss prep stage, and then richter comes into contact (or combat) with two snakes/serpents wrapped around pillars. care to enlighten me regarding which/what boss that is in the pce version, mr. vampire twincest fanboy? :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 06-25-2007, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Heh… I know what that is…
I sorta stopped watching the video half way. I’m also getting my Richter titles mixed up. :slight_smile:

[ 06-25-2007, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

official page is up

The PSP CG movie is good and all, but I still think the DS anime intro was far, far better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bored… yea… pointless post… :stuck_out_tongue:

Very neat reading on the Castlevania series.


Interesting thing #1: The completed PSP port for Rondo of Blood had been approved for sale (at the time of the article) by Sony of America, but not the European and Japanese branches. Weird but neat.

Interesting thing #2: Castlevania is sold better (I assume this also means more popular) in the US than Japan. So now Iga is gonna tailor the series for “Americans” in mind - although I hope he keeps the twincest. :smiley:

Interesting thing #4: XBOX? Wii? Hmmm… :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 09-13-2007, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

sorry for not participating lately; currently in jail mode and for the next few months

so…nothing on a saturn symphony for the psp?

Nope. :frowning:

Everything I hear is that it’s a port of the PS1 version, with new voice acting. Graphics and audio were resampled, but it’s not a massive improvement overall.

If the 2.5D remake isn’t enough to fork over the $$$, you might wanna wait until the third DS title is released next year: it might be the legendary 1999 battle everyone has been waiting for - although Iga mentioned he REALLY, REALLY wanted to make a Castlevania with Elizabeth Bartley (the female vampire from Bloodlines - Drac’s niece IIRC). If it is, I hope it returns the Portrait or Ruin cast: for the twincest of course. Although I’m sure typical fanboys will want Charolette and typical fangirl will want Johnathan… :smiley:

[ 09-14-2007, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Ugh… this Castlevania sucks:

Checkout the suckage for yourself:

Seriously… who pays people to make this crap? Why not just give me the money… I’ll do the series a favor, and NOT make something… except maybe some Stella and Loretta hentai. Can never go wrong with that.

[ 10-02-2007, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

new video, with a release date only 4 weeks away!

i am currently hooking up with my contacts in hongkong to see if i can get myself the new slimmer psp

I might trade in my PSP for the new Slim: the hardware improvements reduce load times to nothing.

Oh! Devil May Cry 4 site has been given major upgrades. Fans of Castlevania tend to be fans of it, so I thought it wouldn’t seem too off topic (gothic games as they are):

Lady is even sexier in her “adult” years, than her “teen” years. :slight_smile:

Trish though… I think she’s a bit uglier. Then again, given that she’s as old as Dante’s mom (at least physically) - I suppose she’s not too bad. MILF? :smiley:

Aside from Richter walking like he took a dump in his pants, this game is ultra cool.

You got it yet Lamuness? :slight_smile:

Another Iga interview about the future of Castlevania:

He wishes he didn’t reveal the timeline, because it limits his creativity now that everyone is using it as canon. :slight_smile:

If I were Iga, I’d use the “bad ending” from Portrait of Ruin, and have John & Char continue chasing Brauner and the twincest, with Elizabeth Bartley entering the picture somehow. But that’s just me. :slight_smile:

Go thru this hidden path and beat the skeleton boss at the end. Now you should be at an alternate Stage 3. Yippie!

Okay… First thing first… GET THE AXE SUB-WEAPON. No if, ands, or buts. Once you grab one, DO NOT change it. Now then: scroll along this stage until you get to the part where you can go up. Go up, up, and up. :slight_smile: You’ll know you’re in the right location, because you’ll have to fight a white dragon and there’s a green bag. Use the Axe to hit the green bag. I think the Cross sub-weapon would work too - but I haven’t bothered with it yet. So just have the Axe to save you some headache. :smiley:

This will create a platform. Take it, then follow the top path. You’ll reach a tombstone. Break it. There ya go. The improved PSP version of SOTN.

[ 10-24-2007, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

i dont think i will get my psp until january so u go ahead and have fun first :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
[b] i dont think i will get my psp until january so u go ahead and have fun first :slight_smile:

A rather neat article Castlevania sprite art:

narg, how much did you pay for the psp game itself? (either yen or usd is fine)

my contact is reporting a price that is lower than i expected (and of course it’s MISB, not used/second-hand) so wanna check with you first

[ 11-04-2007, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

$30 American dollars. I didn’t pay tax, because I got it at the Navy base. Mine is the regular edition. I don’t think there was a special edition, but I just wanna be sure. :slight_smile:

was your game US version of JP version?

Mine was the full US version. I don’t import PSP games unless it’s a Japan only title.

However to my understanding, there’s not much difference between the Japanese and US version, because both let you pick between Japanese and English (the spoken language at least, I’m not sure about the text).

The intro CG movie with Shaft is always in German though. :slight_smile:

Still… the US version for a US PSP is probably best. Sony keeps changing the firmware, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they try to region lock things in the future.

so you are in japan right now?

ya, my contact is reporting the US version selling for 25USD in hongkong, 30USD for JP version

since it’s just an action game, i can live with the relatively cheaper US version :stuck_out_tongue:

my contact also told me that you should not have any “region” problems with playing psp games, except for UMD movies of course; he got himself a HK version of slim psp and a US version of silent hill and he said it worked fine for him