Official Castlevania Figures

now please keep this in a separate thread for discussion; dont want to get too off-topic here

These last few months I’ve been going back and forth between Japan and the States. Seven days here, seven days there, repeat… Unfortunately this unusual activity is due to unusual circumstances, so I haven’t had been able to spend much time for fun in either country. :frowning:

He’s right. PSP has no region lock for the games: not yet at least. I hear buzz from time to time, that Sony intends to add region lock via a firmware update one day, but it never seems to actually happen, so I suppose it’s just overexcited rumors and anti-Sony propaganda. Then again, it sounds like something Sony would do, so just to be on the safe side I bought a US PSP: I don’t play Japanese exclusive games on it anyways.

Getting the Slim is a REALLY good choice. It has twice the internal RAM, so games load twice as fast. Fortunately the load time for the Dracula X Chronicle isn’t too bad.

You really don’t notice it all in the Rondo remake, but sometimes the music or voice acting goes out of sync in SOTN. Not a big deal… it fixes itself in two or three seconds.

Nintendo has never had region locking in any handheld, despite having it in every console. Their reasoning was the Game Boy is intended for people to take it with them, and if they go on vacation out-of-region and buy something, they should be able to play it.

Sony went region-free for PS3, so I can’t see them rescinding it for PSP (where it makes MORE sense, for the same reason Nintendo did it). They also appear to have decided that if they’re region free, people making modchips have no legs to stand on – “playing imports” is a FAR more legitimate activity than “hoist the Jolly Roger”. There was a court case in … Australia, I think, that basically say “mod chips for region unlocking are not copyright circumvention devices, rather region locking is an illegal restraint of trade.”

So apparently Sony felt like “well, if I have to choose between region locking, and cracking down on mod chips … gee, this ain’t a hard call to make.”

I wouldn’t worry about them locking the PSP.

Ah… well that makes sense. :slight_smile:

Then again, seeing as how the PS3 costs $600 a pop, it better not have region lockout. In fact - at that price - it should also make breakfast, do the laundry, wash my car… :stuck_out_tongue:

but it doesnt do twincest for narg, what a pity :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I understand the problem with your project :frowning:

Check your inbox :wink: .

Is it just me, or does anyone find it kinda odd that Iga used to work on Tokimeki Memorial, then jumped straight to Castlevania?

I mean why aren’t we seeing more whips in TM, or more moe-love with Dracula? :smiley:

just got my psp today :stuck_out_tongue:

booooooooo, beat dracula already (with no walkthrough of course, got all paths and levels, thus beat the hidden boss too)

i want my 25 dollars back :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 01-02-2008, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

LOL! That was fast. So just play SOTN or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

The “new” lady boss and Drac were quite a surprise, no? I didn’t get spoiled, so when I saw them I was like WTF!?

Fun game though… although a bit too much on the easy side. I assume you beat the game with Richter, right? Only wimps play the game with Maria. She makes it waaaaaay to easy. :stuck_out_tongue:

ya i fell for the clock tower locked room myself the first time i played

i tried playing maria for a bit but i dunno if it’s me but i find her to be more difficult to aim/control her jumps in mid air; it seems like she is floating a bit before she actually falls. she fell down a pit several times because of that

and i forgot if it’s possible in the PCE version but was richter able to throw 3 crosses consecutively? might be just in the symphony of the night version but i was like “awww” when i could only throw only one cross at a time with the PSP version :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 01-02-2008, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Dependant on how many hearts you had. The more hearts were stored, the more crosses you could chuck out… or at least that’s how I remember it.

Been playing so many variants of Richter, I sorta forget myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh… an how about that “Richter Stomp” thing?


[ 01-02-2008, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

the stomp unnatural but i got used to it, i guess it’s not that bad if ur not concentrating on his legs when playing

i played the pce version and found out that richter can only throw one cross at a time

i’d be honest though, i beat the game using maria first, and then finish again with richter after finding out how to avoid the last boss’ attacks :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
[b]i’d be honest though, i beat the game using maria first, and then finish again with richter after finding out how to avoid the last boss’ attacks :wink:

And is it just me, or is Iris (the doctor) better looking than Anne? She can’t hide those MASSIVE boobs under that men’s clothing. :wink:

[ 01-04-2008, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

when i fight the last boss with maria i just use the genbu shell and just sit there and watch/analyze the attacks…until the final ground trail attack (not used until low on HP); it cut through the shell

harme? well who knows, maybe richter is a lolicon :stuck_out_tongue:

but honestly i prefer the pce anime loli maria design than this new one :stuck_out_tongue:

played a bit of symphony, wow the sound emulation is a bit disappointing, and to be honest i am not too found of the chara designs for the remastered version of rondo either

cant believe i bought a psp just to finish this game in 6 hrs…booooo :stuck_out_tongue: im gonna go play ff4 DS (jp) for now

[ 01-04-2008, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
[b]cant believe i bought a psp just to finish this game in 6 hrs…booooo :slight_smile:


Oh yeah… there’s the PSP version of Princess Maker 4. You should be able to find a copy in a Japanese bargain bin. That’s where I got mine at least.

[ 01-04-2008, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]