Official Post about Shiny Days

"The only reason an official, western VN, industry needs to exist, is if it can actually give us a higher quality release than what we could get from a simple fan one."

No, that's not the reason an official localization industry needs to exist. No one is entitled to free entertainment simply because it was created in a foreign language in a foreign country. Official localization exists to help you support the original developers while enjoying games in a language you can understand. The idea that fansubbing culture is ethically defensible is nonsense. Even pirates rarely pretend that what they do is justified.

In an ideal world, machine translators would translate text perfectly between languages, and you would simply buy the game from Japanese sources, cutting out middlemen such as JAST. Demosaiced content would be something you pay EXTRA for, instead of the significant discount that English publishers typically negotiate.

"I don't feel guilty when I pirate something that made its profits elsewhere, and doesn't get an official release where I am."

Let's review your comments so far:

  • It's not my job to fund development of the Japanese games I play.
  • I only buy official releases.
  • There's no need for official releases if free fan translations accomplish the same end result.

We can conclude from these statements the following:
  • Translators don't deserve to be paid for their efforts.
  • Japanese developers have no right to make money on sales of their games outside of Japan.
  • English fans are entitled to enjoy content made for Japanese audiences for free.

Does that sound like an ethical viewpoint? Or a self-serving viewpoint cobbled together to rationalize unethical practices?

You're free to prioritize how you spend your money. But if you're going to try and justify shady ideology, you're going to be called on it.

The fact is, whether you like fansubs or not, they will happen regardless of an official western release. It’s common knowledge that the best way to fight piracy, is to be a better business. It is how itunes and Steam have gained success. Companies cannot see themselves as above this logic, even if they are the “more ethical” option. I am not outright fansubbing things myself, but I won’t buy a bad official localization, and if an official localization is not made, I will download a fansub if it is available. By your logic, the loyal fans who fansubbed Mother 3 did a horrible thing, despite Nintendo refusing to release the game officially in the west. I download fansubs only when they are necessary. I won’t support an official release, unless it is well made. If I don’t support bad business practices, it will lead to more fansubs. I am not outright cheering on fansubs and decrying official releases, but if the industry cannot keep up, then the lack of money I give them will lead to more fansubs. It’s a nuanced issue. You cannot simply boil it down to the altruistic perspective that “all piracy is pure evil”. Hopefully you understand what I am trying to say.

Slightly more on topic:

I filed a ticket at J-List requesting that they apply a $10 coupon code to my Shiny Days pre-order. Customer service replied promptly and said the discount will be applied. After the discount, my Shiny Days LE will cost $42, which is less than what Rightstuf is charging for the game (with shipping).

Order Shiny Days on J-List with discount code NEWMEGUMI for the $10 discount.

Mike you're an entitled whiny faggot, pls just stop talking and just whack off to kokoros videos on youtube since its the same as playing the censored vn anyway according to you.

I paid via paypal and was already charged when i placed my order back in may, did you pay already and got refunded 10$ or are you just ordering now?

@ayy nigger
I have logically defended every one of my positions. Ad hominem attacking me by calling me “whiny” does not dismiss what I have said. Actually use logical arguments if you want to discredit me. I am only standing up for my ideals, and trying to have a complicated discussion on the topics of censorship, and fansubs versus official releases. I have no malicious intent towards the people I have discussed this with, or Jast themselves. If I was a “whiny faggot” I would be saying things like: “SCREW YOU JAST, I WANT KOKORO!!!” and shouting racial slurs. Instead I am trying to have an actual discourse. Apparently you can’t have a dissenting opinion these days without being called whiny though.

"I paid via paypal and was already charged when i placed my order back in may, did you pay already and got refunded 10$ or are you just ordering now?"

I pre-ordered via credit card. I haven't been charged yet, as is customary with pre-orders placed with a credit card.

"I am not outright cheering on fansubs and decrying official releases, but if the industry cannot keep up, then the lack of money I give them will lead to more fansubs."

No, the lack of money will lead to developers like Overflow not making games anymore. If the games don't get made, there's nothing to fansub. Games like Shiny Days are more popular in the English market than they are in the Japanese market, relatively speaking. It's probably why Overflow was so keen to reach out to the English market in the first place. If Shiny Days succeeds, maybe Overflow will start making games again. Maybe where the Japanese market failed in funding their creations, the Japanese and English markets together can succeed. Now wouldn't that be something?

Well this conversion has taken off in a way against fansub projects or official releases.

Me I support both which might upset some members, In the end once this game is released by JAST within the first week it will be cracked and added to the usual sites which is why VN’s need limited editions or physical releases to try and convince more people to buy the game.

To the few comments about steam I refuse to buy a VN on steam. Certain VN translators are using it as an easy method to release VN’s in the west which is all good but they are then only releasing the censored version and saying stuff you to fans who originally supported their R18+ (Sekai Project is one of these).
As an example Mangagamer have setup both were you can buy games some games on steam but then you can also get the full version which is DRM from their website so why can’t other groups do the same and release both versions.

Which leads me to why we need fansub groups many of these groups will create a restoration patch for the censored games and then release that patch and game DRM free, yes it means the Western groups did not get the money for a purchased copy and that does annoy me a little but I rather play the game in full (or close to full) then a cut down version released for all ages. I have even brought a few Japanese VN’s for games I really enjoyed that were released by fansub groups.

"If Shiny Days succeeds, maybe Overflow will start making games again."

Do you really think this? Is there even any of the minds behind the Days series left after Klon ate Overflow? Would it even matter if they don't have the same talent back, making new games? I dunno, man, I think Overflow is dead and any resurrection wouldn't be a pretty one.

Anyone play island days? How did that one turn out? If i'm not mistaken Klon developed it and it was some tower defense game, did it even have H scenes? It was on 3DS after all so probably not.

"Do you really think this? Is there even any of the minds behind the Days series left after Klon ate Overflow? Would it even matter if they don't have the same talent back, making new games? I dunno, man, I think Overflow is dead and any resurrection wouldn't be a pretty one."

I'm not aware of Overflow's circumstances (perhaps we'll learn more in the interview that comes with the Shiny Days LE). Yet if the team behind the Spirit of the Eternity Sword series could reform under a new brand and continue the series 8 years later, I don't think the possibility of new games from Overflow is completely out of the question--especially if Shiny Days does well in English.

If there's a market, content will be made for it. And I think the potential market for fully animated eroge is possibly even larger in the West than it is in Japan. Such games simply have wider appeal than stock visual novels. The attention that NekoPara is getting highlights the demand for visual novels that innovate in their visuals and convey a sense of movement.

@Sanahtlit I think the Grisaia no Kajitsu kickstarter also highlighted the demand for vns really well too. It surpassed the goal by a incredible amount.

@Sanahtlit Until they went from Full Version physical to only All Ages, Then going to steam version first before All Ages Physical meanwhile the fans who want full version have to wait for all 3 games to be released on both Steam and All Ages before we can any news or updates.

Whenever a question is asked why they kept changing their minds very little feedback was provided raither they keep announcing more translation projects for steam only with no word on physical or full version releases.

The original Kickstarter was removed due to the R18+ goodies they were offering but once they took place the kickstarter went down hill yes they still smashed their requirement but they still lost money and gave their fans the cold shoulder to focus on newer fan bases


Thanks for the discount code!

@sanahtligI preordered with PayPal. So I am looking what I can do with the code when back home from work. And i am still overthinking the preorder.@topicAs someone mentioned that i could have investigated more before the preorder, I agree with that and on one side i am angry over myself.On the other side, a quick look showed me, mangagamer has hints and dlsite even hints me, when a VN needs changing the local settings of my PC. So still angry too for the missing hint on JAST and JList for Shiny censoring.

Some people in other communities don't understand why fans here are upset about Shiny Days. I attempted to explain:

"Some of us have been waiting 3 miserable years for another chance to bed our waifus. How would you feel if you were separated from your wife for 3 years--then when you went to the airport to finally reunite, she not only wasn't there, but you were told that her genitals had possibly been mutilated beyond recognition? AND you wouldn't be allowed to have sex with her because she's a minor?"

I did my best to describe the situation in a way that others can relate with.


You have the most nuanced perspective that I have seen here so far. While I don't agree with everything, it's nice to see someone not going to extremes, or "taking sides", in the "fansub vs official" debate. I think that fansubs are important in allowing people to play games with no official release plans, and to help those games acquire a western fanbase. At the same time, I think they should only be a temporary solution until a western official release eventually comes. As for the Grisaia situation, it is beyond annoying. It is the opposite of Little Witch (which release the +18 version first, and then made the all ages version available), and seems very insulting. I played the original fansub, and the game is very much an eroge. An all ages version is a neutering of what the game is. This being said, if they eventually release the 18+ version, I will instantly get it. I adore Grisaia (mainly because the unofficial release made me a fan in the first place), and actually would support the official release, if it wasn't butchered horse crap. Still, it's sad to see all of the self censorship these days. I miss the simple days of Manga Gamer releasing Shuffle! (sighs).

are you telling me this not like hq version this not 18+ i getting kinda confused

for those waiting on an update take a look at the jast devlog