Official Post about Shiny Days

And that’s why I hate Australian/American/Canadian/etc. (extra point to Americans and they 60+USD shipping cost.), They don’t care about the rest of the world.

The problem here isn’t the cut content, it’s the fact the store page says nothing about that.
Unless you see this thread, you will never know or suspect this game has removed scenes (Jast usa already released CP games before, who would thinks this one would have those scenes removed?).

Better use those 105USD to buy some “kanji learning” books.

"And that's why I hate Australian/American/Canadian/etc. (extra point to Americans and they 60+USD shipping cost.), They don't care about the rest of the world."

If you go with this mentality, you should hate the Korean/Japanese/Chinese/etc. more, because they care even less about the "rest of the world" than the Australian/American/Canadian/etc.

Sorry, I was out helping a friend move over the weekend. Looks like Peter covered a lot of things. Thank-you.

The special chains are all Mystery Boxes - we do not have any control over what we will get inside each one. They were produced, and we were able to get 1000 of them. So we wouldn't be able to let people choose which one they got in a fair manner (that and we would have to open all the chains, inventory how many of which we have before we can hash them out.)

As for the delay announcements, we were really down to the wire on "can we do something to get this out now" in both cases, the site changes (for jastusa's backend as well) were partially to blame but for the disc printing, there wasn't much we could do. As for hiring new people and division of labor, it would be awesome if we could do that, but depending on sale and other factors we would be reviewing those options at a later time. (there are positions that we'd love to fill like getting a coder but that is a different point of discussion)

The School Days patch should be in the list of patches in the (which is listed in the useful links post on the if there are missing patches please shoot an ask and I can hunt them down (I know there are at least 2 patches missing from the jast site, and hopefully I'll be able to add it to the support side, but if someone can give me a heads up that would be appreciated/saves a lot of time.

@ Alexis: JASTUSA has released CP games before? can you elaborate? I don't think we have had any games with videos of (definitely) a child being molested or having sex.

@sanahtlig it was kind of bad luck in this case, mainly that we're rolling out the J-List update this week (long delayed as it has been, we just don't want to delay it any more). This came about at this time due to the problem we had with the site last month, but also our employee getting married right in the middle of all this, and me going to his wedding (he's an imported employee, so I felt I needed to).

It will all be okay in the end.

"imported employee"

What’s that? Did you meant important?

"If you go with this mentality, you should hate the Korean/Japanese/Chinese/etc. more, because they care even less about the “rest of the world” than the Australian/American/Canadian/etc.“

Don’t be a retard, you know what I mean.

About us
"Where Japanese games reach the world.”
"We partner with game studios to release their works for their worldwide fans to enjoy"
If you talk about the world but only care for 3 countries, people from other countries will not like it.

@Alexis Colman, and the fact that those ARE the largest ENGLISH speaking countries which is the language they are translating this amazing game to, just completely went out the window huh?

@John, us missing the release date is actually part of the grand 0verflow tradition. We could arguably be criticized for not being "true to the original" without at least one major delay. Even Nitroplus, a huge company, is delaying the new game (which impacts some of our products, which is the story of our lives).

Thanks for elaborating on the keychains tim, I didn’t know they were mystery boxes, as much as it might be nice to be able to get the one I want by choosing, I cant realistically expect you guys to go through the trouble of opening them all up etc.

The thing about the mystery boxes for the key chains is really a pity, but since it's just a limited gimmick (noone will ever be able to count if it was actually 998 or 1002 key chains :D). Looking at the preview on twitter I'd prefer one from the first or last row, but I don't even know if I was fast enough to secure a key chain for me. ^-^

@Tim I don’t think you have any games with molested children due to the printed “Everyone is above age 18” text on your games.

But he was probably referring to the characters that actually look like children, like Saya, the ones in LittleWitch, youngest sister in 3 sister story, etc.

And looking like a child is decided by the internet to mean that you are short and don’t have big boobs. If you were short with big boobs you’d still be a child though. So technically being short is equal to being a child.

Hence you could replace your standard text message with “Everyone is at least 170 cm tall”. It would be equal to saying everyone is an adult.

sanahtlig said: "The pseudo-animation in titles like Nekopara and Monobeno is neat but it’s not the same at all. Playing School Days is like playing an interactive anime. The scenes themselves have a sense of movement. Simply moving sprites around the screen doesn’t capture that."

Do not confuse nor group together games using e-mote with “interactive animation” games, games listed as “Interactive Movie” on vndb are games like Dancing Blade and Dancing Blade II: Tears of Eden:

Dreamcast Dancing blade: Katteni Momotenshi! - YouTube

Dancing Blade: Katte ni Momotenshi! Kanzenban

"If you talk about the world but only care for 3 countries, people from other countries will not like it."

Not saying that English-speaking countries are blameless or anything (they are not, for these countries were built upon by imperialism and colonialism that just killed, displaced, enslaved etc. millions of Amerindians, Aboriginal Canadians, Aboriginal Australians etc. When it comes to the Western World its awful all around but the United States/Canada/Australia etc. right now are the least worse in that regards in comparison, if you want bad move to Greece, The Balkans or Poland. For example both France and the UK have a Neo-Nazi party that gets votes during the Elections, the difference? France neo-nazi party gets millions of votes during the Presidential Elections, while the UK neo-nazi party got at most about 500k votes back in 2010 (representing less than 3 percent of the electoral vote), while in 2015 it dropped down to 1k, so yeah.

Oh and hating the US because of shipping costs is childish, at the very least a few places offer international shipping, does the East-Asian countries such as Japan or Korea even ship internationally? Nope, you have to spend a fortune on using fowarding services or proxies because these countries dont care about the rest of the world and as such don’t care about shipping to foreign countries.

Every country ships internationally. It is just certain stores in every country that does not.

And the entire world consists of mainly idiots. It would be enough to outlaw abusing children. But then you add laws like “you can’t document the abuse” and “you can’t spread the documentation” and “you can’t write how you would in theory abuse” and “no sketches allowed on how an abuse could be performed” and “don’t even think about it, thinking is illegal now” and “abusing adults is also not allowed” and “we apply everything else again on adults too, we are clever” and “simply put, don’t touch humans.”

"Hence you could replace your standard text message with 'Everyone is at least 170 cm tall'. It would be equal to saying everyone is an adult."

Linus, thanks for that! That's quality humor (with a good dose of truth), and I got a good laugh out of it.

For whatever this is worth, a delay of this sort isn't a big deal at all to me. God, my weeks slip by so fast that I'll barely know the difference. Though, this attitude might also be partially a matter of longstanding personal practice. As a kid, teen, and even now as an adult, I tend to buy things long after they're released, and even for the ones I don't, I'm seldom in a rush to be in the "first wave" to play. Call it a psychological self-defense mechanism for not always having the bucks to plop down on each new release, but that's how I am with this stuff. I would be much more miffed at a botched release pushed out the door before it was ready.

With that said, JAST staff, maybe it's time to stop being optimists with your release dates? I work in a job that involves delivering government money to people on a certain timetable, and we have learned through long and weary suffering that it's better to give people an unimpressive release estimate and occasionally surprise them by being early than it is to set impressive release dates that depend on everything going right. Just a thought...† Looking forward to Shiny Days!

@Linus Gustavsson That's a good point, and it's also kind of where we can make a grey area. If the original game can give us the liberty to make some half reasonable point of why it's not CP (the characters age is ambiguous and can be said to be older, they are not human (are an illusion) etc the whole 300 year old vampire in a child's body trick...) and if it is something that can be rationalized artistically in some crazy fantasy setting... Shiny Days is more of a realistic story where these excuses can't really be made (or won't be accepted) so it's on a different level compared to Saya or other more surreal storylines.

It's a grey area that we have to work with, hopefully with the restore patches, we can have a good balance of wide release and full content. As laws change and the scene grows hopefully we can develop a policy that everyone is happy with but for now we'll go with this model which protects our employees and customers .. but there has been enough of that discussion...

@people who are interested in special key chains: I think that there are around 100 give or take 30 of them left. (I didn't check the exact number for all the cancellations and orders that have processing issues hence the range)

@ Jack Sprat: We actually put in some extra time on top of both the original release date and the delay, the reason why the delay announcements were so last minute were kinda of "shit happens/just happened" situations where we coulda threw some money at it and did an okay sort of smudge over (maybe just barely), or give it a little time and get it done properly (which is what we decided on). I guess we're still a little over optimistic... Playing game development ping pong to fix bugs really throws you for a loop though (in regards to the first delay), hopefully the future titles will have less of this.

Delays to fix unexpected bugs are the acceptable kind. But announcing delays on the release date (twice in a row) is just irritating. Don't do that.

@Tim I can’t believe that people on an eroge board of all places, cannot use simple logic in seeing why loli isn’t CP. I am 100% morally opposed to CP. Children are psychologically (and many times physically) harmed, and are exploited before they are old enough to properly understand sexuality. Their nativity is manipulated by selfish adults, and there are hundreds of simple moral and psychological reasons why it is wrong.

Loli is nothing but drawings. No one is harmed or abused in the production, and the “girls” involved in the voice acting are grown women, who happen to have very “high pitched” voices. It is sad that people cannot grasp the basic moral nuance to understand that what makes CP wrong is the harming of children, not the fact that people are getting off to “petite bodies”. Yes, it is a fantasy scenario where characters are having sexual encounters with “underage” characters, but people also have fantasies about getting hypnosis powers and making women/men sleep with them (also rape), and nearly everyone has fantasies on a daily basis about murdering those who “wrong them”. Over the top fantasy does not reflect reality. What we understand as immoral in our real life, does not translate to our fantasy life.

Comparing the real abuse and exploitation of children, to a drawing/animation, is both absurd and morally repugnant. It shows that people really hate CP because they find it icky, and not because of the legitimate reasons why it is damaging and morally wrong. I am so tired of this black and white view on Loli, when it is not even close to real CP. We need to see things in a nuanced way, even if European and Canadian governments won’t.

@Tim Oh and before you say anything, I was replying to you saying how because Shiny Days was a more “realistic” storyline, it makes it worse than something pure fantasy. Fantasy is fantasy, artwork is artwork, as long as no real kids were harmed, it is not CP. If Kokoro’s VA was underage, I would be morally opposed to the game, even if she wasn’t sexuality harmed in the production. She was an adult though, and so was everyone who made Shiny Days.

Definition of CP is different from culture to culture morally and different from country to country legally. But even within the same law there can be contradictions… for example in Germany it’s perfectly legal to consensual sex with a 14 years old. You can have as much sex with as she/he is willing to (and obviously physically unharmed). But having a top less picture of someone who is 1 day from becoming 18 years old on your cell phone can bring you into prison, because it’s considered child porn. So remember, fucking a 14 years old is fine, having pictures or drawings of a 17 years old is CP. After understanding that, you will also understand that not every country and society makes such stupid restrictions. I probably wouldn’t have ordered the LE knowing I might have to pick it up at customs duty knowing the game contained material I could bring me into prison. Well realistically I haven’t heard from someone being put into prison for owning lolicon material, but that’s just because of the principle of “No judge without a suitor”. The police sure has more important things to track in the net (terrorism, abused childs, cyper criminality, etc. etc) and surely has no “public interest” in pursuing people downloading lolicon hentais. :wink:

Bottom line: I fully support Jast USA on a “characters are above 18” policy and of course will hope for the “community” to be able to deliver a restoration patch.

PS: Which I will officially of course NEVER download. You read me, I will NEVER download such a thing for sure! If it happens to suddenly appear on my computer, this will be totally unintentional from me and some evil doing! Only Fox Mulder would be able explain what happened. :wink: