Official Post about Shiny Days

@ lidor nachman I haven’t yet, still patient, hope they don’t have any trouble with my card.

@lidor nachman, i had ordered a few other games with this game quite a while ago, so i asked them to charge my card earlier so i could get the download code for my other game at a decent time, however i believe if you use a credit card they charge you when the download “ships” not 100% on that, also i dont know how other payment methods work

its f'kn 12:15 over here right now... the stupid authorize server for credit cards is disagreeing with our system so we're doing everything manually and it's taking forever (we get an error 4-15 times before the transactions go through) so just bare with us while we try to get all this processed.

people who paid by paypal should have their codes already. Credit card people, we are charging as we send out the codes,(normally we charge as we are ready to ship, but since this is a prerelease...)

anyways back to work for me. then sleep for the rest of the weekend. Hope you guys enjoy the game.

It's a new system you're trialing for the first time. No surprise that there's unexpected issues.

@ Tim, thanks for the update, sorry to hear about the trouble with the cards, I will be even more patient. Keep up the good work, I’m cheering you guys on!!!

has anyone received the code from jlist yet?

@ monte mason, nope, not I.

Just finished downloading and installing the game. The process went smoothly except for one of files getting stuck at 77 MB when downloading. It completely downloaded after restarting it a few times.

It starts fine, but I am running into an audio issue where the BGM and menu SFX are working fine, but no voice dialog is audible even past the opening scene. I suspect it might be due to the remote connection that I'm on, but I thought I'd mention it in case someone else runs into this.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro.

@monte mason, Me neither

I pre-ordered the LE via J-List and was emailed my code about 6 hours ago, just finished installing so let the fun commence!

Still waiting for mine.

Waiting… I hope J-list email release soon …

Darn it, I should have raised my issue about geting a digital copy with paypal earlier, perhaps I would then be playing right now...

I paid via paypal so I've had my download ready since the morning, i'm waiting for that anonymous uncensor patch though.
It'd be nice to get an update on that.

Anywhere particular to report bugs? Noticed one or 2 regarding the incorrect costume being shown.

I ordered mine months ago still waiting for Jlist :X

2 hours later . . . . . . still no email from J-List, getting concerned now, it’s currently 3:05 P.M. in Michigan U.S.

I pre order the first day on j-list and .... no mail..

Same, nd its 8:24pm here and my payment was taken at 1:40, though it is J-list so i cant say i wasn't expecting this XD

Game freeze in opening scene after makoto say his name