Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

I like the idea of our thoughts on this game. {how do I put spoiler around my post?}

Anyway, here is my take on this:

There is no real back stories of Marie and her three children. I really wish there was one. Only snippet of a story you get is from the driver at the beginning of the game where he says little bit about the Mamya family's history and how they were cruel to the locals and that they have lot of incest going on throughout the generation (well since 1913). I wish there was a back story on Marie and her "husbands" and who exactly these people were. There are multiple pictures of royal looking men throughout the mansions that you can see in the background, as well. However, one can clearly surmise that her three children are from three different father. Marika is apparently deformed, which indicates she is the product of incest (Marie's father or father-in-law is the father perhaps?), Marisa is from another father (most likely one of those rich guy who came to the mansion for the party). Even in the party Marisa dresses up as a "loli" character to attract these guys (Ojisama or uncles). And finally, the son of Marie, who has close resemblance to her, but she wind up having sex with him, possibly as early as he can remember. The father of this kid is probably the real husband Marie is referring to when she says that after the husband died, she has to take care of her children. She's often time seen with her wedding ring on her ring finger. Because of the three children are drawn differently, this is a logical conclusion. She also says that she swallowed semen from hundreds of men, which means she has a very debauchery and slutty past.

I wish Mikako also had a back story. Mikako's son, Makoto seems like he is from a different father, as well. He has blonde hair and blue eyes but both Mikako and her husband don't have blonde hair. Mikako claims that her husband is the only man she is ever been with, but I am sure when Sei drew these characters, he probably didn't have their genetics in mind. I am probably over-analyzing it but again I wish there was some kinda background stories behind these two characters to learn more about their past. I know Marie is definitely fucked up and possibly had or forced to be this sadistic, which is why she applies her methods on everyone. It seems like she was trained sexually and most likely forced to do things the way she does with everyone else in this game. Most likely three of her children are forced produced, as well or probably not even her children (except the son, who is definitely takes after her looks) but I digress.

Anyway, if you ask me, I think Marie is the best character in this game because of her personalities and the dominant effect she has over everyone. She is the anti-hero of this game. She is the joker from the Dark Knight...add a little chaos to a normal life, and you have a perfect blend for destruction. You see, motives are rarely unselfish. We do things (anything) because it is a necessary part of our lives. We have reasons for every aspect of our actions. We breath because we need it to survive. We wake up in the morning at specific time because we may have to go to work or we may have to take our kids to schools. We watch TV for entertainments. We have friends because we don't want to be alone. Everything that we do in our lives...every aspect or moments in each seconds of our lives have purposes and are driven through motivations or reasons.

Similarly, in the game Mitari chose to remain in the mansion (permitting you flow through with the story instead of ending it prematurely) is because her brother is ill and she must do anything to save him. The main protagonist remains in the mansion because ultimately he wants a car the most quickest way possible and this job will provide it. Sachie stays because she is greedy. Mikako and her son stays because her husband fucked up big time and can't pay back the money he owes. Everyone has their reasons to stay, be it forced or otherwise.

I believe that this gives an opportunity for Marie to test her sadistic view points on these people by experimentation, which is why she keeps doing those training throughout the game. She wants to see how far she can push these people to break their spirits. Granted that she says she was preparing them for the party but toward the end of the game, she mentions few things like giving them hopes and dreams and telling them that they have great futures ahead of them and that they won't ever be alone because now that they have discovered their inner sexual fantasies, they'll get through life very efficiently.

I mean it's like in the movie Saw, where the Jigsaw killer never kills anyone but forced them to an ultimate stale mate situation where the victims themselves wind up taking their own lives. What does it take to push a person so far at the edge that he is ready to commit the most heinous crimes or most implausible or improbable thing possible? The idea here is very similar to psycho-social studies done to test the theory behind Adolf Hitler's SS soldiers and their absolute loyalties. How can an authoritative figure have absolute control over a subordinate through simple commands? To kill for greater goods?

From the game, you have the option to get to the best ending by choosing few options and avoiding few others. It is you who must choose wisely. They did not bring this to a broader detail but Sachie pointed out to the main protagonist several times that the servant must do whatever their master commands. That's the only test and if they pass this and go through whatever they're ordered to do, then easy 4 million yens are theirs to grab. Think about it! In the interview, Marie humiliates both characters because that was the responsibilities of the position. She even mentions in the interview. She knows that everyone has perverted side in personalities. She just helps them discover it. She repeatedly asks them how many time they masturbate. If these characters were innocent and haven't a clue what masturbation is, then that would have turned in to a different form of gameplay. But no, each character admittedly mentions that they masturbate several times a week. The main protagonist says he masturbates 6-7 times a day sometimes. They discover their own inner sexual deviant and fantasies throughout the game.

The point is no one is innocent in this game. Everyone has their own agendas and perverted fantasy that Marie knows how to fulfill or explore. She just gives that little push and they all wind up exploring that. However, if these characters defy these and the consequences usually end up being severe. But the punishment is not killing directly but sexually torturing them. If they listens and goes through with their contract and stay in the mansion within the time they are supposed to, then you head straight to a good end. That's all Marie wanted. She wanted an absolute allegiance without any questions and just follow through. She does not kill anybody unless they were needed to be killed, for instance, the Mikako's husband. He was given the ultimatum but he didn't take it seriously to provide the money he owes. Again I wish I knew more about this story rather than assuming it ourselves because most likely there is some form of extortion going on here.

Anyway, there is no doubt that Marie has multiple personality and one of them being a good person, which is where she helps Mitari's brother to get the transplant. But later we find out that some of these organs might be coming from human trafficking or murdering (Mikako's husband being one). She is good and bad at the same time but her extreme perverted nature mostly gives her a bad rap throughout the game because her desires are driven through extreme sexual appetite. Because of her such sadistic nature and she has extreme sexual desires, she try to explore these with others to see if these people also have such tastes.

These tests aren't limited to her children, either. The children goes through the same form of torture. For example, Marisa freaked out when she started to grow little pubic hair because she knows she will be punished if Marie sees those pubes. She explains why her son is in to MILF, too. It is because she could not breast feed him when he was a child. He was breast fed by the mature servants, and this is how her son got the taste of old women. There are plenty of dialogues throughout the game explains why these characters are what they are but these dialogues do not explain clearly, though. They just hint lot of these through rhetoric or presumption. I guess that's why it is a game because the audience will reach to their own conclusions. I think this was one of the best game because of how fantastically every aspect of human perversion was explored through different fetishes. This is why I think Marie is the best anti-hero character in this game as she isn't a good person but she isn't bad either unless you force her to become one.

@Dogma: you have some really interesting views. I also like Murderous view that each of the children reflect a different extreme of her different personalities, as she is probably the most complex character. She shows signs of being capable of the most love while being the most cruel. to be honest, her children have nothing on her in mood swings. One thing I want to point out about her son and the father that is dead, is I am very certain she killed that husband herself. I actually think the son gets probably less spoiled than the daughters, given how she commands him around not too different than the servants, though he does get leeway and obviously better than actual servants. She has expressed disgust at his incest thoughts at times, and others she really promotes it. I think this is one of the cases that, like the MC, she was quite fond of her husband and for whatever reason he had to die, and the son is his legacy. So on one hand she's disdainful of him and on the other, the idea of doing things with him and taunting him while asserting her dominance is a huge turn on for her.

This is all conjecture though since we really do lack a proper back story to it. I do agree though, I really like marie and think she makes quite the villain. It's pretty easy to give that role to marisa, but...honestly shes just a brat with no concept of consequences. Marisa's "evil" is limited to self indulgence, where as marie truly knows how to break and ruin someone. Marika is...also obvious slighted. Again, she gets treated well, family is taken care of, but you can see where Marie doesn't care for her much either.

Btw, as for spoiler and stuff...just write same text font and same background color when you post.

I agree about Marie’s husband being murdered but I don’t think she is the one who did this. She indeed loved her husband (well at least the guy who helped produce the son) but he died and not by her hands but possibly by the same process Mikako’s husband went through and died of. Just take a moment and try to notice how many times Marie mentions throughout the game about public show of impregnation/pregnancy fetishes/open public birth shows and other similar public related events where a person is humiliated beyond anything. In Mikako’s case, she is forced to watch her husband being killed while she is having sex with her son (if you choose the other route, she marries the main protagonist, then she has sex with her own son while she watches her real husband being murdered in front of her). Then Mitari is sold and impregnated, and end up giving birth in videos. Sachie, too, same situation of public show and humiliation.

So I believe similar incident of public humiliation took place in her life, when the son was borne. Maybe she, too, had to go through this public impregnation, and then public birth show where the husband was murdered. If she is disdain from her son is probably because of the demise her husband faced while the son is born. She doesn’t entirely hate him but she did not love him enough to make him very close to her and that’s because his birth was end of her husband. I guess she sees her husband in him and for that, she finds him sexually attractive, too. She seduced him sexually when he was growing up. She keeps saying that throughout the game but more so in the shower scene as well as how big he got down there, which indicate she started to have sex with him while he was very young. In this game they show that he is the same age as Makoto and Makoto is portrayed to be in Middle school. These are all just fragmented story lines that can add up to be a really fucked up one, which Sei realizes this and left it on the audiences to reach to their own conclusion. I suppose it makes a whole lot of sense to do since this game doesn’t really have lot of story to begin with.

Anyway, these are all speculation, hearsay, made up or fan made “what-ifs” and nothing more. I really wish there was a detail story written in those artbooks or something to indicate where these characters stand. Or Empress (Sei) could have worked together to give us a fan disc to explain all that stories that were never mentioned. Monster Park II fan disc did that and it added few more scenes to
explain the story a little bit.

By the way, thanks for the suggestion on how to hide texts. :slight_smile:

Sometimes fandisc don't come until much later so it's not like they still can't.

Even in the unlikely event they do make a fandisc, Jast said in this thread actually (or somewhere I read it it, maybe it was the school days thread) that they are really turned off from fan discs because they don't sell well since the market for them is very tight/small. I would personally love to see the fandisc for yumina get translated and the sequals to aselia (actually, I would really like it if they brought the 18+ version over, but from everything I read a snowball has a better chance in hell. Shame really...the content nearly makes it a new game, not to mention there is quite a few bugs that should be fixed in it...)

Maybe the best way to approach fan discs is to show support of how many people are actually interested in them, but I get the feeling thats been done and the matter is decided.

I was just humor myself with the fan disc mumbo jumbo, actually. Rest assure that Sei was very clear on few of his interviews about Starless, where he mentioned that the game ended exactly where he wanted it to be. Heck he spent nearly 7 years to just make this game right. In his interview, he specifically mentioned that he focused more on fetish contents than anything else in the game, so him not giving too much detail on the story was most likely very intentional and I highly doubt there will EVER be anything Starless related coming out in the future from Empress again.

However, I would just like to point out one thing is that some fans of Sei’s work were very unhappy when the Mamya family did not get their comeuppance at the end for their atrocities that they have portrayed throughout the game, so in some weird and completely different twist, the Marie and her daughter were punished in DominancE (albeit through different means, different settings and to completely different characters). In DominancE, if you ever played it that is, contain similar male dominance fetishes (duh the title gives away, doesn’t it?) but the female don’t go using their sadistic pushover attitude on these characters for too long as the mother and daughter get exactly what they deserve…yes, they were actually sexually degraded and humiliated in one of the ending. This was some subtle way for Sei to make up for the Mamya’s crimes from Starless. Now how much this is connected and it is true is anyone’s guess, but I’ve read on several blogs and some Japanese pages, where people wrote that it Empress and Sei’s way to just tying up all the loose ends from the previous works.

So yeah…Never another Starless. Not only that, but I will be very surprise if there will be another Starless like game in the future from Sei ever again. I think he passed all these hardcore contents and now focusing most on bringing Empress from going out of business…which means, they will have to do cutesy and cuddly stuff to grab lot of audience attention so that the demographic of such fantastic arts are not limited to one type of groups but everyone else at the same time. It means also that there will be varieties of fetishes still added in the game but keeping them at certain limits, like Lilith does.

Well they did the same thing with Discipline as well right? The best ending is you get back at leona as well. That said, I think she still got off easy in comparison. I dunno, a lot of people were like "Oh yeah! he really got her back!" but...when I compare the 4 endings to the 1....its pretty easy to see who was more effective, especially given she dominates basically the entire game play as well... is DominancE the same way? Like do they really get them back? Also kinda want to play it, but think starless filled my quota of dark and gloom at least until euphoria comes out

DominancE is little bit different. If I were to put give example, then I say this game is the conservative sister of Starless. It goes toward the dark side but does not cross the insanity barrier. The fetishes contents are balanced out a lot, which at some point may seem like it is lacking something. This game is also fairly rushed, so lot of these contents seem out of context. I mean some of these sex scenes seem like they were just there for the heck of it. I mean some of these characters spent enough time talking and then suddenly they just engage in all forms of sex. Some of the monster sex (which nicely replaces with bestiality sex from Starless) are also bit weird. That’s probably because Sei has never done any tentacles or monster sex before, so suddenly seeing that strange effect is very surreal. I just did not enjoy as much as I did for Starless. Again is probably because I still had the Starless-like expectations from Empress, so I was waiting for something that was going to top Starless.

Nonetheless, as you pointed out that you got enough dose of dark themed games like Starless, and if so, then that vibe will stay with you and you will definitely not enjoy DominancE, especially if you enjoyed Starless. If you just want to give it a shot, and see what the story is all about (it has none…just your typical semen drinking fetishes to stay young and vibrant and some sadistic tortures of the innocent characters), then Amiami sells it in a package version that contains 2 or 3 games in bundle (I think). It is also fairly cheap. Other than that, if JastUSA licenses this game, then you can just wait until then haha…

@Dogma you misunderstood. When I say I got my dose, its literally a dose. I have periods where I go for vanilla and periods where I like to go for darker and wilder side. I'm a masochist with a vanilla heart, but sometimes I really just want to see something darker. When that happens, I dip into games like this and when they are on par with Starless, I'm good for about a month or two. I figure this is just enough to tide me over until Euphoria's release

Guys, just a quick question, whats happening with Starless Limited Edition?

They are still printing packaging materials and they said it could take 1-2weeks.

Ya tho that was going on a week ago when I asked…Still b.s. that they didn’t answer my other question as to WHY it’s come to this since a game is supposed to be ready on the release date n everything.

Making the download available before the boxed release is ready seems to be the new normal (Littlewitch Romanesque, Starless were handled this way, and it looks like Shiny Days will be too). The alternative is delaying the release entirely until the boxed versions are ready to ship. I guess it doesn't really matter either way, but just realize that calling JAST on this won't make the box versions ship any faster. It'll only impact the timing of the digital release.

So is starless actually shipping? JAST posted a pic saying 'shipping now!!!'. I hope mine ships soon :o

Really looking forward to the LE too!

I'm wondering if they made the disc design like that of the JP version.

The box seem to be of the same base design.

Plus that interview! I'm hoping we learn some interesting thoughts about Sei, Starless and how he feels about the rest of the world playing his signature games.

@Dogma Yeah, DominancE doesn't go to the sexual extreme lengths of Starless. But I feel it's a similar overall vibe, yet different enough of a game to Starless to make it have a sense of unique appeal. Iriza being a alien and lead girl was something different along with her "abilities", plus the switch from bestiality to alien/monster sex differentiate it from Starless.

I feel Starless gives a message of no matter what you do some people in life will get away with treating people like shit, due to power/money/influence. While DominancE, being set in space, which is more lonely/hostile/lawless environment, gives the MC more of a chance to liberate from the situation, leading to the revenge ending.

Both games are somewhat related in overall themes, like DominancE is a more toned down Starless. Yet I think people who found the most extreme elements of Starless too off putting will find DominancE a easier experience and some what more rewarding one with its complete resolution. We both agreed that DominancE didn't have the depth of detail that Starless had most likely due to the length Sei took on Starless and the amount of work he did on the overall project of Starless in the various roles required to make the game. It's very unlikely we will get a Sei game that packs the volume of depth like Starless got, unless Sei gets a smash hit game (robs a bank!) and can afford a longer development cycle.

What's the 411 on the patch?

Which patch? -Starless Bug & Typo Reporting- (spoilers) Or the cut content patch? Because the patch to add stuff back into the game was released. The bug fixes/typo stuff is still being worked on.

Obviously I would only be talking about the bug patch. Even the torrent had the cut content patch, I'd have to be a real idiot to have found that by now.

@Murderous Int Do you have a pic of the original disc? I can give u a simple yes/no if you post a pic :wink:

@Totoro Updates are in the bug and typo reporting thread as Hearts pointed out~, and just fyi there have been people still asking about the content patch, so just because you found a torrent with everything in it, doesn’t mean everyone else has.

Those are the only torrents out there.