Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

So basically cons are over and now hopefully we have maybe something like another month. ._. Thank god I didnt preorder raidy yet.

Raidy is done, we're just getting it prepped so that shipping and the online codes will go smoother than last time.

JAST was selling Raidy 3 at the convention. It really is done. They just don't have the staff on hand to manage the full-blown release.

I more meant after launch problems. If Starless went like this where I still havent played it then Ill wait like 3-4 months to see if Raidy is fixed and patched before buying it.

"Playing the game about 200-300 times over i had the text on skip for the most part, so trusting the translation and also trusting that the script splicer didn't screw anything up wasn't the best choice in retrospect."

Good Lord, what are you testing for? 200-300 completions excluding script quality and splicing checks sounds insane?

Are you making sure Starless gets along with the 300 most commonly used software programs in existence or what?

Not that I don't appreciate your testing of the skip functions themselves. I've had some issues with the skip functions in the past where the game would freeze, crash or just revert back to normal play when hitting certain points in the game (mostly with Nitroplus titles such as Demonbane and Hanachirasu).

200-300 completed storylines so each ending = 1 completion. so 10 endings = played each route 20-30 times (I'd have 200-300 "keys" not full completions X,x). It was mostly because there are so many art layers, when then we change one it doesn't mean the scene has change, it means that 1 has changed... e.g. the bathtub scene i watched 20-40 times making sure all the balls were "good". That and some mosaics were cut up for god knows what reason. so taking out the biggest of mosaic layers leaves a thin 2-3 pixel line that i might have missed somewhere. There were some transition errors, and script errors that I happen across when I scroll from the history to check on the scene (which we mostly fixed). But obviously i didn't get a chance to full read through the whole script. I was mainly concerned with "did we miss some graphic element" "are the cut parts cut properly" <- didn't want a pig popping in out of nowhere...

tldr - found new stuff to fix each time i played, so checking each route took 20 something tries - dick and ball mosaics are the worst...

I'm confounded why mosaics would need to be implemented in multiple layers. Don't they have some sort of... standard way to apply them?

20-30 times sounds more reasonable but still grueling. With this being the King of Hentai games in both length an CG count, the unique nature of this project, and one person being responsible for QC I can see how we got to this point.

Appreciate all the hard work that went into localizing this game and hope that I’ll get to play it in all its patched glory sooner rather than later.

@sanahtlig : apparently not, we'd delete one layer and realize later that it only covered half the ball.. then delete another layer and maybe there'd be some stray pixel leftover. Or it would be gone for a bunch of clicks and come back for 1 frame in 20 because the characters arm moved (Marie's vagina that we missed was like this)

@HyugaX : We've started a more aggressive timeline and with that we're also working on a better process for QC. LWR came out beautifully and Raidy had no QC problems that I know of. I'm getting through Shiny and most of the things I've found are relatively minor (though playing at 32x for more then x Scenes or skipping too much will crash it, because too much data - just like SD and a few others :/) Every game is a different situation.

Thanks to everyone again for their support and patience (as well as actual bug reporting). I want to get this show on the road as much any everyone else, just hard when your team of 3.5 people are split up on opposite sides of the earth for the time being. Sorry for the delays :/

Well Ill still be waiting. I just hope I havent been hyped to death. Been wanting this forever. And Euphoria, tho I know thats not you guys. Gotta get my fix of off the wall stuff somehow. Just hope it happens soon. I think Raidy will be out before this, which is unfortunate. And this pass isnt even a script fix but just a CG fix. I understand its not a huge company with people to just throw at it, still disheartening after waiting so long. I even got my figures, bought the physical copy, I have 5 wall scrolls. 1 scale figure. I was prepped!

Weekly check.

Still hoping and praying. =/ How small is the jast company? It seems like every game Ive seen so far released just takes all attention from the last game and makes it feel like any fix might never happen. Been 11 days since the last update. And that update was only about one fix, I forgot when this game even came out. Who knows if we'll ever get a text fix either. Needs more quality control. ._.

JAST has like 2 employees, 3 if you count Peter Payne. If you've hung around here, you've probably talked to all of them.

Yeah, it’s a small company, but I’m honestly starting to lose a bit of hope here. The zoom bug and general graphical glitches don’t really upset me too much – they’ve disrupted one or two scenes thus far – but the typos are really distracting. I thought it would let up, but they’re still consistent and can be bad enough to disrupt the flow and throw you off. With such abundant grammatical errors, I’m not sure if JAST can realistically deliver on a polished script. I’m not sure how feasible this is, but I’m sure members of the community would be glad to help if the scripts were opened up somehow. Anyway, I hope to see these patches soon.

I haven't said nor been contacted by JAST about it for ages. Been consumed by other media particularly Shenmue. Anything related to Empress I've discussed with other fans privately.

This game came out May 11th IIRC.

You can view brief company info on JASTUSA.

Yeah, it’s a shame this is taking so long. If it doesn’t come out soon I might try to fix it myself. I’ve been using tools to mess with Closed Game, so I figure they’ll work with Starless too. The script should be easy to fix, but I think I’d have to figure out the Majiro engine’s opcodes in order to fix the zoom, and I’m not sure I can be bothered at the moment…

I can't understand why to even bother localizing a game if you'll need to make it incomplete. I remember the time of Bible Black anime series. People were so "the girl has a dick!" among other concerns, and don't understand that hentai(from the books/mangas) is pure fantasy.

If Starless has contents you CAN'T bring to us, why to even bother translating it? So many other good H-RPG around there... I love these hardcore hentai(except scat and guro, but I don't feel sick about them). Bestiality hentai are great.


While content did have to be cut, it can be restored with an ''unofficial" patch. Personally, I love Sei Shoujo, so I appreciate that the game was localized even with its shortcomings. At the end of the day, the patch restores all content, so I don’t find it a problem.


Contact me for any help regarding the typo fixes. I will be able to help with this in my spare time. Doing this solo is hard work so if you need a hand to motivate or alleviate any part of this don't hesitate to contact me through PM on my MFC or Hongfire accounts.

Hey Guys!

Here's the patch that fixes most of the display issues with the game. Sorry about the delay.

For those looking for a patch for the the uncut version... it should show up soon.