Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

@HyugaX : Not sure how we're going to implement the patch just yet since we haven't started working on it. Shiny's problems are priority right now and a bit of a pain to fix. Hopefully it can be a combined patch so that 1.0 and 1.2 users can both use it.

@Omega Id : no estimate yet, we wont be able to start on it till at earliest later next week. The graphics patch fixes all graphical errors posted and a few extras we came across.

Any news on the Starless script fixes patch?

So I take it we're just to assume this is dead now? Atleast tell us its worthless to keep waiting so I dont have to.

Yeah, I’m wondering the same thing now, too. I’m pretty disappointed with the lack of communication here. The last update was two months ago. An update with lack of progress is an update nonetheless, but we don’t even get that. It’s my first purchase from JAST, too. I hope this isn’t standard. :confused:

Yeah I would like to know too.

I think "Giving a Damn" about the typos and the grammatical errors of the translation went out of the window as soon as the patch to fix the "crooked" graphics came about. Because of that patch, at least lot of the fans were happy to see a major screw up got the priority to be fixed. Don't quote me on that but I will be very surprised if they ever do anymore patch now or in the future to fix the translation. Remember the translation is what took them so long to do, so even if they have some kind of a plan to release an official patch to fix the broken English, don't expect it to come out any time soon, especially when hardly anyone is requesting for it. In my honest opinion it is a very poor methods of promoting their products since this is definitely not the final version of the product when it was released but hey they think it is a proper form of business as most customers will be just an one time buyer anyway, so who am I to argue, right?

I agree. It’s been a couple months since the last update and I fear it may be the last. I realize the JAST team lacks the manpower to manage or address issues across multiple games and must prioritize their latest project, but where does that leave us? I fear that we may not see another update for Starless and that’s really unfortunate because the script really needs addressing. I mentioned it previously, but this is my first time supporting f JAST and I’m afraid the way they’ve handled Starless has set the precedent for their future releases. I hope I’m wrong here.

I have not forgotten about the script update but it's just gotten put on the backburner especially now because of the new jlist site.

currently my to do list (for completed games) include -in order of priority:

Shiny days crash patch test (1/3)

shiny days permissions fix patch (installer)

shiny days ending titles recheck (at least 2 mistakes reported)

shiny days uniform check (summer vs shiny mixup in inori route)

raidy 3 XP compatibility patch (installer)

raidy 3 missing files fix (installer)

starless script check

Slot that in with helping out with the site, final touches on the new forums, testing of upcoming games and script editing for new translation. I can only do so much at a time, it's not forgotten just taking a stupid long time.

Bump the Manami ending save corruption to the top of that list please. o.O

My sympathies to the Starless fans who are still waiting on text fixes. But at least you guys got a working game with all the content unlocked on Day 1. It's Day 10 after the Shiny Days release and the game is barely in a playable state, nor is the content unlocked. The Shiny Days release is basically a disaster of epic proportions. I can't even recall a JAST release that was this bad off the top of my head, and I've been around since 2003.

Well Raidy 3 is (and will be) my last purchase from JAST and I've brought all their games since 2003.

It seems clear to me from Tim's post they aren't that interested in fixing it, while they work on current more "high priority" projects, and upcoming projects ?. So once that is all done along with all the 7 upcoming projects they have lined up, plus the more that get added each coming year, we can safely estimate it isn't happening.

So let me get this straight, Tim is the only guy doing the site, the forums, testing, script editing, and patches?

I’m sorry JAST/Jlist, but if that’s the case, you need to sort yourself out and do something about this. Get NDA’ed volunteers for testing and editing, just do something the alleviate the problems you seem to be facing. I sympathize if you guys have crazy workloads but, at the end of the day, that’s not the customer’s problem, and it is up to you, as the publisher and retailer, to find some way of solving the problems that we have with your products.

I feel similarly to Murderous Int. While I haven’t bought anywhere near as many of your games, the apparent lack of quality control on recent releases, and the way fixes seem likely to slip down the cracks after release, is putting me off ordering any in the future.

@sanahtlig manami ending save problem is still in the works (it is top priority right now), I have a nondescript fix for "crashes" that I'll be testing. Considering I did test the game on 5 different setups and it was supposed to be tested before it got to me, we cant really account for every possible situation (especially since I'd seemed to have gotten the basic computer setup right by luck 5 times in a row), at least it should be generally playable now (and proper patches are on the way.) Content restoration I actually have nothing to do with, it will happen when it happens afaik.

@Murderous Int Shiny and Raidy are only labelled more high priority because we need to get it functioning properly before we work on something like a script fix, incompatibility and game crashing are more important than script issues, its the matter that these things all happened at a time of a lot of change that it is not going as fast as we would hope. I'm prioritizing things based on what is needed for base functionality over polish atm because of our lack in manpower. if we could afford an extra person or 2 could have been finished long ago, that's not the reality of things so we're taking things one at a time.

@Silanda I'm not the only person working on all of those things, I have my hand in all of those and trying to manage their execution and the other people working with me have other things that they need to do too. I am planning out a beta test team for upcoming titles and also preparing to get help in the organization and moderation of the new forums, but even with outside help, it takes times for work to get done properly, and it also needs to be overseen by someone, and double checked. Until we can afford to add another dedicated person to our team, we have to prioritize based on product usability.

All I'm saying is that due to this priority list it's unlikely to happen, with the amounts of upcoming work that take precedence and will continue to do so.

Due to you not keeping your word from months back I'm no longer buying your releases.

We don't get the same problems from MangaGamer and I grow tired of the moving goal post rhetoric. I wanted to support your company, but me and others are letting you know the reasons behind our choice not to buy your releases from now on.

If I had started like we had discussed (or the other people who volunteered for free) to help working on the script, when the graphics patch for Starless came out, we would have finished long-ago and saved you that man-power. I waited patiently to respect those words and give a fair chance.

I'm just gonna continue to buy the Japanese Empress/Sei games/merc and support them at source. I'm sorry to say that I can't do the same for your company especially with the continued track record.

/me thinks it’s time to hire some staff to handle the workload.

3 releases in a row, and major problems still exist for all three (Starless has been out for 5 months, Raidy for 3, Shiny Days for 1.5 weeks). This should be a wake-up call. Something HAS to change or JAST will soon have a reputation for buggy games and poor customer support.

This isn't just fans idly griping at this point. Something has to be done here. I honestly think you (Tim) are doing everything you can. You're not getting the resources from above to get your job done is what it sounds like. Do we need to complain to Peter directly? We can, if that's what it takes.

JAST remains my favorite eroge localization company, but even my patience is wearing thin. If rapid progress isn't made with Shiny Days I may be forced to organize a refund campaign. It's not right to charge fans full price to beta-test games. It's also not right to get their hopes up about locked content being unlocked, then fail to deliver. It makes me look like a fool for believing in you guys. Is that how you want your most ardent fans to feel after supporting you? Humiliated? Ashamed?

LOL Overflow isn't going to cut it here. That save corruption issue was introduced by JAST. The cut content was locked by JAST. I expect these issues to be resolved by the time my credit card bill is due. I think this expectation is VERY reasonable.

@ sanahtlig i agree. i think its the worst launch ever... the game got delayed twice on the same day it was supposed to release and when it does it crashed and corrupt saves. not to talk about making people think the unofficial patch exist like the starless one. and the retail version was supposed to released 10 days ago... but j-list new site much more important so lets fuck it up by release the new site that dont show all the orders! and they knew it wont show....

i really hope the game will be fixed and retail will ship soon... all this mess made me not to pre-order anything from them.... if MangaGamer can release game after game without delay and releases fixes fast there is no reason JAST cant

I have nothing to really add aside from mirroring all the sentiments said above. I won't be buying from JAST anymore either, MangaGamer has proven themselves to me and their track record with polished games is great. While I've been here with hopes for one game I had extremely high hopes for to get fixed, and I've just been led around by the nose. I do hope stuff gets fixed eventually, situations find resolutions, etc. But until then I'll just take my business elsewhere.

The best way to get attention is to speak with your wallet.

Come on guys there is nothing wrong with the game in it's current state other then a few typos here and there. The uncensored patch was pretty much simultaneous.

I think everyone does draw a line for himself when to support a publisher, and when they stop doing so.
And actually, I agree with the above sentiments.

Aside from that, what's the point of localizing an Eroge with content you rarely see in western localizations of such works just to cut it from its release?

''We bring out a game with scat, but we remove the scat because *insert made-up reasons for justifying self-imposed censorship*.''

What was the point of that?
A butchered game has no worth at all to a collector.
Good thing I'm not interested one bit into Starless and similarly-themed content, aside from the artwork which isn't my cup of tea either.
But this here, this just sucks for people liking this kind of content.
In my opinion, there was no reason at all to bring out a game that has to be censored in any way.
This release here goes as far as to not just censor minor details, but a whole theme, a theme aiming for a nichÈ demografic that likes the content in question.
It's not the customer's job to deliver games they want to see in a state they are happy with; expecting a game to come out uncensored with content this game is specifically aiming for seems reasonable enough for me to expect as a customer.
I don't have to use an illegal patch to crack the game to see this game as I desire, and that's what I mean this whole time:

Deliver to the customer so that he's happy, or scram.

The question is just how many people are blindly going to support censorship and therefore ensuring further censored games - blindly making purchases is an easy way to show a publisher that you don't care about censorship.
They do this often enough with ''regular'' western games; I remember how pissed I was when I paid 200+Ä for the collector's edition of Bravely Default just to know afterwards that the game is censored.
Details or not, shitty deal from a shitty publisher.
I already alienated myself from these regular videogames we usually see in the west and found Visual Novels as a new medium I enjoy, just to see the exact same shit for no apparent reasons happening yet again.
And no, there are no reasons to explain this bullshit here; nothing more but euphemism and sugarcoating incredibly dumb and thoughtless business decisions.
If something has to be cut from a game, it's not worth to be localized.

But of course, everyone sets these aforementioned lines for themselves; this here is my own, personal line.
If others are going to keep supporting censored releases, well, good for them, but count me out.
I doubt I will be the only one with this sentiment, so I wonder if something as small as the VN community can afford too many people dropping out because of reasons as stated above... highly unlikely.

hey guys I know the thread is kinda old and hopefully someone will be able to answer me
I’ve been playing Starless and found about the patches…I tried the 1.1u patch it restored most of the scat scenes but it not the bestiality scenes with ending ‘‘escape’’ for example…I have the 1.2 patch but it removes the the uncut scenes what I’m looking for is the 1.2u patch and I can’t find it…I found one on Nyaa but there is no seeds…so I was wondering if someone can give me a link to direct download for patch 1.2u or a seeded torrent link