Oh, just great... or...?

I just got some news… apparently, there is a group out there (don’t know if they’re pirates or not) that is actually translating the adult bishoujo game Men at Work game, and they’re even putting the text in the gmae, meaning that “they’re doing the impossible”, so to speak. along with some other tihngs, this is what I found:

Can’t really say if I think it is a bad omen or not… If they’re just making a translation you can put in the game, then fine (since you can buy a legal compy anyway), but if they make more than that (you know what I mean), then this might be a bad omen… Or might be so in either case.

I’m quite sure they’ll only make a patch that you will insert to your cd (argh i’m getting second thoughts for not buying the original game when I was in japan).

Originally posted by Gurvon:
I'm quite sure they'll only make a patch that you will insert to your cd (argh i'm getting second thoughts for not buying the original game when I was in japan).

I hope so [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. In that case, I might as well begin to save money to be able to order it from Himeya [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Aaargh! These pictures are quite convincing!

It seems this is another title, I have to add to my japanese-buy-list …

If you want to be even more convinced they have a demo movie up on their site which shows you the full 30 min prologue fully translated =)

did you think to ask them if what they are doing is legal? do they have an email address for questions?

and it does look interesting…what is the premise of Men at Work 2?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
did you think to ask them if what they are doing is legal? do they have an email address for questions?

Well, if they are just "fan-subbing" the game by offering a patch, so to say, then it's hard to say if they're legal or illegal, since fansubs tend to walk betwween the very line of legal and illegal, as you well know. But to me, it works fine if they're just offering a patch since it means that they doens't offer the game itself for downloading, they just provide (or rather, are planning to provide, since it semes like more than half of the project still isn'r finished according to their homepage) a translation for the game that can be used.

While were still on the fun subject of fansubbing,here’s another game thats being subbed,1 scenario is finished for downloading.To bad that it only works with the dvd version of the game :confused:
(don’t have a stable dvd-rom)


I have yet to see an adult game translated successfully to English by pirates. And these pictures look just as convincing as other pictures from failed translation attempts. Those who wish for such a patch to be released can keep on dreaming.

Oh my aren’t you the happy person around here ;P?

Well then if you then would be so nice to show us these other failed attempts then?
I only know of Dragon Knight 4 and that translation didn’t even start.

I thought the DK4 project actually made some progress, but the end result was the same: failure. Supposedly, there was a D+vine luv translation project discussed by some pirates, but I haven’t heard anything since then nor do I care. I assume that failed. The only translation patch I knew of that actually got a release was one for Ace of Spades, but that was only a partial translation. And now I see this Mizuiro translation project…

no one has answered my question yet abotu what Men at Work 2 is about…what kind of game is it? it looks liek it has some combat in it, so i am really curious

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Fansubbing is absolutely illegal. As for the patch, it sounds good as long as they don't distribute the game with it.

Ok, thne let's say that while fansubbing is illegal, most people don't mind it as long as it is non-licensed stuff that is fansubbed, and as long it's not done for profit.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
no one has answered my question yet abotu what Men at Work 2 is about...what kind of game is it? it looks liek it has some combat in it, so i am really curious

I think either Lamuness or Gurvon should be answering that, They're the only ones I know of here who has played the japanese version of the game.

I agree that it looks like it has some combat in it Ladyphoenix-sama. SB, this is your thread. Any info on the game? Is it worth the money? Definately looks cute. Nice purple haired angel.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
I agree that it looks like it has some combat in it Ladyphoenix-sama. SB, this is your thread. Any info on the game? Is it worth the money? Definately looks cute. Nice purple haired angel.

Beh... The only I know of about Men at Work is what Lamuness and Gurvon has told me, actually, which isn't much (it was a long time since Gurvon told me about it, and Lamuness didn't seem to like it well enough to name some details about the game [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]). So ask them, the wise men, instead, I don't have the knowledge...

Originally posted by joe_kun:
I've never played MaW2 but I have played the first one. I can post some thoughts on it if you want [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

*shrughs* Sure, why not? Just don't forget to warn people that the sequel of a game might not be as good as it's prequel (for example, the people who've played both XC1 & XC2 says that the sequel to X-change is way better than the first one.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-29-2002).]

ha, another “fan translation”…I have seen lots of those but none of them become successful mainly because it’s a hobby thing and sooner or later they will have other responsibilites and the project will be abandoned or forgotten. I even heard of a fan translation of kanon too…sometimes people have to differentiate between dream and reality. And of all the games they have to pick this one…anyhow we will see how it becomes in the months to come.

MAW1 was a total disaster, somewhat a disgrace to the company’s line of products; that’s one of the few titles that studio ego decided not to port into chinese version. Anyhow, onto the objective infos.

MAW is about a town where monsters lurk throughout town only at night. People have night jobs as hunters and beats the crap out of these monsters. MAW was about a guy called William who in daytime is a school teacher but at night is a hunter. Unfortunately there is no story at all in this game which is why this game sucks so bad (if there is a story I can surely write more by now).

MAW2 is a sequel to it where William and the main heroine from MAW1 self-run a hunter academy to train young hunters. Damn I exactly forgot what happens but Cliff and the main heroine become orphans and William took them to the academy and they meet other “students” there. One day the 2 “teachers” have to go off to another town for hunter business so you are left to take care of the school as well as local town requests to take down monsters at night. It’s an RPG with Direct3D, ie you need a 3D card for it. I can talk more but that will be bashful critiques and since SB is here I will shut up :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to sound like Kumiko here, but look, if you want more games translated, you need to make the bishoujo gaming industry marketable in the english market…fan translations will not do

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-29-2002).]

Have to agree with everyone on the first MAW game,basically its kinda crap story wise and it doesn’t entertain for that long gamewise,only reason to have it is to drool at the artwork

But in my humble opinion the sequel was a heck of alot better in all aspects,thumbs up definitely =)
Maw2 has much improved on the storylines and the gameplay is good enough to have you glued to the screen for a good while ^^
The only thing I really hated was that awful forest labyrinth which they actually managed to make even more frustrating in their other game named Izumo ^^;; (had to ask mom for som translation help there)

But now i’m busy sitting with ego’s latest namely Winds of Ebenbourough ^^
It’s so darn good I can’t pull myself from it and test the other games I bought in japan :stuck_out_tongue: (a maid simulator if you are wondering)

P.S Spectator,answer my emails damnit :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Or else I won’t know if you want to borrow some games (i’ll provide basic translations) and you won’t get your artbook+poster

Sorry but I have to ask,what can a game named Pigeonblood possibly be about ^^;;?

I’ve always wondered about japanese companies,do they even understand the meaning of the names of some of their games?
Seriously,who in their right minds would name something BattleRaper ^^;;?

I certainly recommend Winds of Ebenbourough but it’s also kinda frustrating,I have yet to actually get a real ending ^^;;
And i’m not even sure what I’m doing wrong :confused: