Oh My Goddess! -- When does it end?

I used to be a HUGE fan of Oh My Goddess!. I loved everything about it… and my obsession peaked when the OVA was first released in Japan. Inevitably my joy increased even further with the introduction of Lind ¬ñ my favorite Fujishima character of all time. But after YEARS of it going on and on, looking back on the series I’ve officially come to the notion, that its been beating a dead horse.

The series has been running for TWENTY YEARS now. Two decades of this: Keiichi loves Belldandy more than his own existence; Belldandy would let the world burn in eternal agony if she had to sacrifice it for Keiichi to stay with her.

Pick an OMG story arc. Any story arc. That’s what each and every one of them inevitably come to the conclusion of.

As far as in Universe time, after five years of knowing each other, neither has gotten to second base intentionally (Kei accidently falling into Bell’s tits doesn’t count). Keiichi must have a serious case of Blue Balls.

I get it all ready. True love. All divine and infernal women can’t get enough of the K-man. If Bell didn’t already have him, they’d snatch him up… okay… enough already with that. Sometimes I wish Urd or Peorth got Keichii instead. At least the relationship would have advanced. Urd probably would have been a more adventurous story, given her nature to act without thinking. Hell, coldfish Lind would have probably hit the sack with Keiichi after a few months with him. She’d have gotten her twincest earlier, and the world would have rejoiced. Plus Keiichi would have grown a spine, hanging around her, with-what her warrior lifestyle and all that.

Guh… what’s taking this series so long to just come to the inevitable end? It’s not like Kei or Bell are going to date/screw someone else. :roll:

wht’s funny though is the way fans -and I like OMG- zealously defend them as destined lovers. what exactly makes K1 so special ? As far as I see K!= the nice guy + Fujishima [with his passion for motor sports and all] yet I have heard people say they belong to each other and no one else. its mind boggling. :roll: :roll:

Well it REALLY contradicts everything that OMG has established about Keiichi so far.

Peorth and Lind have commented to themselves in secret, that they see whatever makes him so irresistible to Belldandy. They also are envious of it, and would make advances on him if he wasn’t already taken. Skuld also has shown attraction to Keiichi, when she was temporarily grown up. One can easily imagine Urd is also drawn to him, and make a correlation that her obsession in getting Kei and Bell to make babies, is a reflection of her own hidden desire.

Keiichi would be the perfect match for ANY of the goddesses. The only catch is, Belldandy got to him first. Which isn’t a bad thing… Belldandy is sexy as hell. But a Keiichi + Peorth or Keiichi + Lind would have worked. As mentioned before, these goddesses have admitted it to themselves.

Everyone knows Belldandy is a Mary Sue: which is why I’ve grown tired of her now. I’ve started to be more interested in Urd, seeing as how nothing ever goes right with her life: old lover left her, failing relationship with her mom, powers tend to not be accurate, zero chance of advancement in Heaven, etc.

Lind is cool, because she’s a walking sex factory. Ask my wish, baby! ASK ME!!!

I stopped reading after the angel eater arc in no small aprt because Im waiting for the end. but yes your right about contradictions. why would someone supposedly inperfect love allow an entire planet to be obliterated?

not to meantion the whole one is mortal and the other has apractically enternal life so it will end in death anyway. I think it would be cool if the ending to the series took a dark turn-such as death or something. :twisted:

That he’ll die, she’ll become comatose or she’ll be so grief stricken she unlock all her power in one final all consuming blast. But chances are it’ll end before they even go second let alone all the way.

I remember adding up that Belldandy has all the traits of a yandere on ICQ once. Were Keiichi to suddenly fall for another woman, Bell’s irrational jealously would lead to murder sooner or later. Just see what happened with Sakakibara Shiho - and that was just mild flirting. Hild has taken notice of it and tried to exploit it… but I doubt it will ever result in a “bad end” for OMG.

Mary Sue just can’t lose. :roll:

See here’s the thing about OMG, at least for me. Bell says she trusts Keichi yet she’s insanely jealous of any other women who makes a move on him. (Which imo means she doesn’t trust him.)

-There’s only a couple of ways to end it, that would make me happy.

1.) Pact between Hild and God in a sort of non-intervention deal, to stay with Keichi, Bell has to give up her powers and become human. (live happily everafter)

2.) Bell finally realizes that if she truly loves Keichi, she has to let him go. That his happiness is more important than her own needs / wants etc. Everybody would hate this ending but me (Cause they wouldn’t be together.) because it would mean that Keichi would hook up with another girl / Goddess. (The Belldandy grows up ending.)

3.) Then you could do the whole Private Nurse ending, that she has to leave and they can’t be together til Keichi leaves the mortal Plane deal.(This is a live happily everafter ending too, in a way.)

Anyway some creators really need to stand back from their work sometimes and see if they want to continue doing it. That’s why I like Rumiko Takahashi’s work. ( She doesn’t beat a story to death and it always seems she’s working toward a definite conclusion in her series)

AMG/OMG Ending? i don’t know any way it will end ‘correctly’ although i’m thinking that Fujishima-san has’nt really figured out a really good canon end for them - he said so, himself - that it’s an ‘irritating, yet neverending love story’.

Mind you, if you want your own ending, ye can make a fanfic

I read the first couple volumes, and actually ended up selling them to a friend of mine cause I just didn’t care about pretty much any of the characters; it just went nowhere in a fairly uninteresting way, it seemed.

Humph, I disliked that Oh My Goddess! BEEEP at first sight, but since it was included in my favorite magazine, I have been force fed that BEEEEEEEEP for more time I care to remember :roll: :evil: .
Do you want an ending? Send me Mr. Fujishima, please :twisted: …

why do you hate AMG so much?? :frowning: :frowning:

Re-post your question when Dork Keiichi gets finally peeved after 20+ years of frustration and promptly puts his BEEP inside Tantalus Belldandy, turning her into a human housewife :stuck_out_tongue: .

LOL! Someone picked up the AMG clone: Mamotte Shugogetten

Kamisama help us all. Well at least it has an ENDING.

In this series, its the Goddess who makes the wish to stay with her Master forever.

Oh… another AMG clone- AI Love You, was created by Love Hina/Negima creator.

http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclo … hp?id=2582

Hardly a clone, and if you ask me, A.I. Love You deserved a much longer run then it got.

This is probably why I liked “The adventures of mini goddess” more, it seemed more focused around Urd and the others, but mainly Urd and her abuse of Gan :lol:

-revives a long dead thread-

I get the feeling K1 is afraid of what might happen to him if he actually does hit the sack with one of them (divine punishment from the all mighty perhaps?) but seriously though, some manga has been going on for just as long, if not longer: Berserk at over 20 years now, Doraemon lasted for over a quarter of a century 1969-1996 and still no ending (although that might have something to do with one of the author dying) I think the author just do oh my goddess as a side project with no intention of ending it anytime soon, (his moved on to do video game drawings like tales series and other manga’s too)

As for a K1 growing a spine, come on, his no Kenshiro or Onizuka and Fujishima will alienate alot of the readers that have grow accustomed to K1’s wishy-washy personality.

Perhaps the series is just in need of some new male characters, specifically ones to act as the hopeless rival to Keichii for Beldandy who one of the others likes. Might not last forever but it would be a break in the routine and actually see another male as a focus for a bit.

The real problem is it’s a victim of stagnant timeline, where it’s always the same time no matter what. It’s not as bad as some games where there is no seasonal change, but that’s not saying much for a 20-year series. It needs a push in timeline to age Keichii. This can be done. Other series do it, and not all of them with great leaps in time like Death Note or Naruto.

It’s as Jinnai says… the problem isn’t that AMG is old, it’s that AMG doesn’t do anything new. Pick one of the recent story arcs… then take a look at any of the older story arcs.

Same. Damn. Thing.

Sometimes he introduces a new character, but the appeal lasts like two or three chapters and then becomes mundane. It’s the Drag-on Ball Z Syndrome.

AMG really doesn’t do anything fresh. It’s the same thing over and over and over and over…

It should have ended years ago. There’s nothing new Fujishima can seriously provide us, without derailing the series off it’s tracks. Basically it’s his dead horse cash cow.

Really can’t argue with you there Narg. Fujishima needs to wrap it up and tie up the main loose end. (That being that Belldandy can only stay with Keichi til he dies… I still think I would like to see the “give up everything to stay with him” ending. Have Peorth take Bell’s place as Goddess of the Present, and Finally give Urd a Freaking happy ending for once )

But that’s just me.