Oh My Goddess! -- When does it end?

Just to compare numbers… AMG started in 1988 and still on going (20 years).

Dragon Ball Z ended after 11 years (1984 to 1995). Hellsing ended after 11 years (1997 to 2008). Love Hina ended after 3 years (1998 to 2001). InuYasha ended after 12 years (1996 to 2008). Ranma 1/2 ended after 9 years (1987 to 1996).

Naruto first appeared in 1999, and comes off as a series that’s going to exceed 10+ years… but it appears to be coming to an eventual end within the next year or two. For example (MAJOR SPOILER): when faced with certain death against the big evil, Hinata confessed her absolute love to Naruto, bring him to 6 tail mode and pushing that long standing plot hook to an end.

I mean sure, you’ve got Golgo 13 running for 39 years (since 1969) - but AMG is no Golgo 13… not by a long shot.

Is Fujishima that hard up for new ideas? I know his other independent ventures have flopped (You’re Under Arrest and eX-Driver being the most notable. Sakura Taisen and the Tales of Series are not “his” so to speak) – but I think enough is enough.

Hey don’t forget One Piece (began in 1997; almost 12 years) and Detective Conan (began in 1994; almost 15 years). Also Kochikame has been around for almost 33 years (began in 1976)

I’ve never paid much attention to Detective Conan, but one can tell the entire thing is setup as a crime solver series - much how Golgo 13 is a political intrigue saga. It’s the extensive source of material they can pull new ideas from, that keep them going. That makes them far more fresh than AMG could hope to be. Also Golgo 13 has taken long breaks when the writers run out of material. They wait a few years for new “real world politics” to relight the candle (although personally, I still think the series is getting more stale as the decades wear on; he’s not on the same level of cool as he used to be).

Kochikame has been recycling using the same plot for the last twenty years. :stuck_out_tongue: If that’s what AMG wants to become, then I’ve lost all respect for Fujishima. People read Kochikame on the notion that it will NEVER end. I thought Fujishima wanted to tell a love story - not make it meaningless running gag.

At least there are no lack of manga lover stories to chose from, I’'s, Suzuka comes to mind, Pastel was surprisingly good, Ichigo 100% was alright, Karu yo Koi was kinda odd but it had a believable ending, Rec is funny but doesn’t look like its going to drag on forever. Just gotta live with the fact that some of these manga’s has become so popular like AMG that only a fool would end them because of how many people grew up with them. Heck I even read Doremaon from time to time for nostalgia sake, and if i remember correctly, there was even huge protest by people when they heard, incorrectly, that Doremaeon would have a rather depressing ending, the company had to issue a statement regarding that. Can’t please everyone so best thing is keep it running and rake in the cash, economical and keeps most fans who grew up with aMG/OMG happy.

Inu Yasha ended? At long last? \o/
I want more mermaid stories~

Which is too bad because I prefer You’re Under Arrest to AMG. :frowning:

I know, right? Seems like it’s been here since the last Ice Age. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kagome and Inuyasha get married. Miroku and Sango are married and have three kids. Rin stops traveling with Sesshomaru and lives normally in a human village, although Sesshomaru constantly visits her and brings gifts with him (presumably they’ll court one day; she’s growing to be a beautiful woman).

It will be interesting to see what Rumiko Takahashi works on next. She’s only in her 50’s… so there’s plenty of time for her to create another long running series.

Actually… judging from irregular poll ratings, the waning TV ratings for the anime series as it went on, and abandonment/shutdown of several major fan sites and doujin activities… I don’t think AMG is as popular as you paint it. AMG does good enough to warrant continued publication, but most “revival” attempts (via games, anime, etc) are short lived. It lacks “staying power” like Doraemon or Astroboy. I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt Fujishima announcing an ending to AMG would create public outcry.

Maybe he needs to announce a shift in timeframe.

Sesshomaru was actually Genji and Rin was actually Murasaki? :smiley:

It’s a better resolution that what all those rabid Inuyasha fan girls wanted to happen. :wink:

I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, but it seems OMG might be reaching a ending. I went to take a look at a recent issue, wondering if anything changed since the last time, and discovered a series of new characters have popped up. Probably more significant, older characters are making a series of quick cameos. Evidently there’s a new antagonist named Hagall (with her own army and followers), who’s taken over Niflheim. Seems like all the main characters are being lined up for a big battle. Not just Bell and her sisters – there’s also Lind, Peorth, Marller, etc. Then again… I’ll see it when I believe it. Most of the events seem rather sudden and mostly for fan appeal.

The new “bad guys” seem rather lame so far. There’s the big boobie Hagall, a loli, a crazy looking guy, some gothy person whom I guessing is female, and a pointy hat.

Well that doesn’t mean it’s “the end” it may just be the end of a major arc or just the end of this incarnation or maybe a timejump.

Well I think Fujishima needs to end it.

When you just rehash the same plot more than once it’s time to end it.

Hopefully it will be final battle, and win, changing the whole aspect of Heaven and Hell, basically making it impossible for any of the Goddesses or Demons to stay on Earth for an extended period of time, thus invalidating Bell and Keichi’s contract.

So now the Question is WWBD? :lol:

Before sending him into Hell, Hild kisses Keiichi on the lips in front of Belldandy, and Miss Mary Sue went into her yandere mode.

Nice to see the harem option is still a no go. It also looks like Belldandy has been putting on a few pounds. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah… so Sakura told Naruto that she loved him. Naruto - like the moron that he is - pretty much rebuffed it.

Hinata wants babies. Sakura wants babies. Naruto wants… Sasuke. :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ that’s true.

slaps Naruto I still believe Sakura. :roll:

cheers “Polygamy Union” in Rosario + Vampire II

What’s funny, is Sakura wasn’t totally dishonest about what she was saying. Although it’s probably Hinata who has “deeper” feelings between the two. Then again, Sakura is the sort of girl who wants the guy she can’t have… so with Naruto turning her down, it probably makes her that much hotter and wetter for him. :lol:

It is ironic that Naruto is “sloppy seconds” for Sakura, while Hinata is “sloppy seconds” for Naruto. What a screwed up romance life that boy leads.

lol… but the Mokas aren’t on board for that plan. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m surprised it took the girls that long to figure out their best battle plan for the future.

My unquelled rage is rampant… you spoiled my Rosario :cry: !

Okay, I lied, just my sorrow filled tears.

Well, in all honesty… glad for the spoilers. Now I have something to look foward to. I wish more translated manga took cues from Rosario + Vampire; the light hearted nature of the story, while still diving into serious issues and emotions is something that very few manga seem to be able to handle. They either get far too dark or are simply “slice of life” works. Or off the wall like Love Hina.

Evolution of Belldandy through the years, from earliest to latest.


I actually think Fujishima’s most recent art style is bad: I like the styles used in the 3rd and 5th rows.

Interesting comparison. I think I agree, the new style looks like her head has an accident with a trash compactor. Or one of those shrunken-head tribes from [edit: Ecuador]. Either way …

Of course, I never actually got into OMG anyway. Tried, read the first couple volumes, then I concluded none of the characters were interesting, and they didn’t really do anything interesting either. Same thing happened with You’re Under Arrest; I actually liked the beginning of the TV show, when they were introducing all the characters and there was some actual development in the relationships. (Not a whole lot, but there was some.) Then it … kind of stopped holding my interest.

It’s an interesting art study to see the evolution of Fujishima’s art. Best since it concentrates on one character.

I could probably work something similar to show Fred Perry’s evolution of Gina Diggers through 150+ issues of Gold Digger. It’s always interesting to see how some artists styles evolve over the years.