Oh My Goddess! -- When does it end?

I know it is a bit off topic, but I just thought I’d point out that nowhere in Africa is the ritual practice of shrinking heads performed. The practice is (or was, as the traditional practice is pretty much dead currently) almost exclusively performed in a very small region of Amazonia. If any kind of head shrinking is going on in Africa, it is being done by people trying to cash in on the illicit trade of Tsantsa (also transliterated as Tzantza), as the Shuar people call them.

I stand corrected. I did know for a fact that the shrunken head thing actually existed (citation) but I misremembered the location. In fact, I probably misremembered Africa because of an old adventure game for the C64 where you’re trying to find Dr. Livingstone. Of course, such is the way that these stereotypes spread.

It was never very common, apparently.

Heh… anyone else kinda amused how Fujishima deals with noses… or lack therefore of sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the flipside: Belldandy always had those fern leaf antenna hairs. :shock:

Poor Keiichi… after 20 years, the most he’s gotten is second base. :frowning:

Sora no Otoshimono (???)… manga series… also has an anime adaption.

Think of it as a “modernized reboot” of AMG with more fan service and action (a little of Chobits here… some DearS there… a splash of Rozen Maiden… etc), without Fujishima at the helm.

Also… flying and/or exploding panties. :stuck_out_tongue:

Case you didn’t notice: it’s superior.

Seems we have another mangaka who wants to turn his series into a decade+ long cash cow:

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/12/1 … -10-years/

Keiichi got skin contact with her boobs!!!

Only took… what… 23 YEARS!? :roll:

Wow the world may really end next year after all, lol

Fuck, by 2020 he might man up enough to walk in on her in the bath. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, you’re giving Keiichi too much credit, that will probably happen IN THE YEAR 3000!!


Just realized there’s an OAD that features twincest (sync’ed two bodies one mind type) and lotsa fanservice. Those twins are anime only, so don’t try searching the manga for 'em.

Normally I’d recommend Keiichi ditch Belldandy and go for the twincest, but seeing how Bell is yandere…

I’d like to have the one Picture of Urd with her angel in the intro.

The one with Urd sitting on the temple roof, right?

Unfortunately, the twincest epsiode intro doesn’t have that scene for me to screen capture. :frowning:

Blargh. Went to check if this series has ended yet, and it hasn’t. :expressionless:

Evidently Fujishima has run out of ideas, because the current story arc is copying the movie (Judgment Gate thingie).

Oh… they’ve shown Belldandy’s and Skuld’s mom now. Her and Hild were fighting over Kamisama, because he doesn’t see Hild anymore (and she still loves him).

Ah, and there’s this “plot twist” that the reason why Keiichi never got past first base with Belldandy, is because there’s a restriction placed by Yggdrasil preventing it since day one. Some people were like, “oh wow that’s epic” or some shit… but honestly it’s not a plot twist IMHO. It’s an obvious PLOT HOLE that’s been around for over a decade that needed to be addressed before the serious could end. A plot twist is something you don’t expect, or creates new direction with the story… not fill in a void that needed to be so painfully fixed.

Compare with the Sayonara Sensei plot twist or the Future Dairy plot twist for example.

Seriously? You’d think that Urd who wants them to actually get together, so she can be an Oba-chan, would have Hacked Yggdrasil by now to allow for it to happen. (Unless she just found out about it.)

Urd knew. So did Belldandy. Since the very beginning.

It actually causes more problems than resolve them, now that I think about it.

Skuld is probably the only divine/demonic being who didn’t know.

Keiichi, of course, shrugs off the revelation and still has absolute trust in Belldandy, so it makes zero impact whatsoever. Had it made Keiichi less trusting of Belldandy, then the story could have gone into completely uncharted territory and truly make a memorable arc… but Fujishima didn’t have the balls or imagination to give it shot. No… instead he’s just cookie cutting the movie.

Ugh… I can’t wait for the next issue of Sekirei or Otoshimono no Sora. They stole their premise from OMG! (which stole it’s premise from I Dream of Jeannie), but at least their plot actually progresses somewhere…

I lost patience with OMG a very long time ago. I read the first couple volumes but I just found everyone involved so boring … I liked You’re Under Arrest a bit better - or at least, the anime. In the very beginning, it was good, but it settled far too rapidly into a holding pattern of mediocrity. (Oddly enough, the same thing happened both times I tried to watch the show; I really enjoyed the first few episodes, then gradually lost interest and eventually stopped watching. Then a few years later I tried to watch it again, and more or less exactly the same thing happened.)