OT: Ranting from a Bishoujo CG artist, AX2002

Due to poor sales at Anime North, I have decided to give AX2002 a try. I have a friend who is attending artist alley this saturday, and I mailed him 20 books and 10 prints and see how well they sell. Although my friend is only there for a very short time (one day or even less) it’s still worth a stab to see how US auidences react to my stuff.

The result: worse than how I did at Anime North (which was already bad enough), considering the much higher circulation for AX. He was only able to sell one book and zero prints. From what I was told, it seems that people are generally quite interested in looking inside but they turned away afterwards. What’s worse is that he got a really bad comment from a guy saying that it “looks like teenage boys orgasm material”, considering the fact that there is no adult material in the book at all.

For those of you who attended AX2002 and perhaps went through my stuff, what do you find unappealing about my stuff that prevent you from buying? Is it because my stuff sucks and not worth the money? Is it because my stuff are too pricey? Is it because you are less inclined to spend because of the USdollar dropping? I don’t mind as much about people not buying anything, but at least I would like to know the reason for it.

“looks like teenage boys orgasm material”…man, I guess it’s impossible for a bishoujo CG artist like me to survive in the english market.

What were your books about? Maybe you can take a tip from Comic Party and make your books from material that’s popular (Didn’t you do a game review for Comic Party a long time ago?). For example, do a CCS or Chobitsu fanbook and your sales just might go up.

mine is a rough-shuu type book with rakugaki+lineart illust, mostly original. However, I don’t think it’s about fanart vs original…I think it’s more about people not accepting the Japanese bishoujo CG style. ya…I will most likely do a Kanon book next time, but I will only sell that in Japan though. I think I have enough reasons not to give the english market another look anymore…at least I know for sure that I won’t get stupid orgasm comments like that in Japan.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 07-07-2002).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
I think I have enough reasons not to give the english market another look anymore...at least I know for sure that I won't get stupid orgasm comments like that in Japan.

I may be probably wrong, but isn't that similar reasons why other companies won't bring their games into the US? Something to think about...

Originally posted by fxho:
I may be probably wrong, but isn't that similar reasons why other companies won't bring their games into the US? Something to think about...

...well, companies should at least give it a try before withdrawing. I did give the english market a try, but nope things don't turn out that well for me. I think I will concentrate my efforts in Asia where my stuff is better known and more appreciated there than say, here.

Originally posted by joe_kun:
I'm sorry to hear that your books sold so poorly. I think the fan market in the US has always been poor. While I've seen fanart being sold before it really isn't quite as large than in Japan. Maybe in a few years the market will grow and you'll think about trying one more time. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Well, we will see, although I would think it will take more like 10 years since the english market is indeed very immature at this moment...and god, will I still be drawing 10 years down the road?

Sure you will . A good talent never fades away, they say . Have you attempted to sell your stuff at some japanese con or so yet, then?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Sure you will [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]. A good talent never fades away, they say [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Have you attempted to sell your stuff at some japanese con or so yet, then?

Well, I don't think I will attend any japanese con at this time, travelling is too expensive, especially back to Asia. Just with the airplane ticket cost alone I can double or triple my doujinshi print runs. I will have my stuff sold mainly in doujin resell shops in Japan like tora-no-ana, although all of them take very heavy commission at 30% for all sales. What I will do is send Peter around 30 books just before he comes here for Comic-con, then he will try to sell it via the Jlist table at Comic-con, and then take all the leftovers back to Japan and I will have him do whatever he likes with them since I will assume that I'd never see the books ever again anyways.

As to whether or not I should sell it in Japan, so far I have sent 3 books to people who live in Japan: a semi-pro bishoujo CG artist, a amateur CG artist who works at a high reputable doujin printing house in Tokyo, and finally Peter. Peter and the semi-pro thought that I should. The amateur was a bit wary since the book is not in form of a manga it may not be as appealing.

But that only partially eliminates the books...for the prints (which is something totally alien to Japanese) I don't know what to do with them.

Now....(stares at everybody), why don't u guys buy something from me? :P


Still, that is why I didn't buy any of your work, although I wasn't even there. I apologize profusely. Also, I offer you my best wishes on your work. I hope you succeed.

well, no need to apologize. I can't really force anybody to buy anything they don't like or wish to buy; it's ultimately the consumer's decision. It's just that I didn't get a lot of orders from web mail-order either.

Maybe you will be interested in the bishoujo doujin-softs I may release in the future, if games are more like your cup of tea...now if Orochi can get his ass to work on the script...

Originally posted by Nobody:
If you release a game in English, I'm sure I'll scrounge up the money to buy it. Just let me know when it's ready. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Having the game in english is not a problem...the problem is having the japanese text good enough grammatically for the Japanese market...all my stuff will be bilingual-compatible, whether it's books or software

Lamuness: I went to your website to see some of your character art. In very general terms, anime/manga/bishoujo art can be separated into shonen (boy) and shoujo (girl) styles, and I think your style tends more towards the shoujo type – dreamy eyes, delicate features, achievable bust size, etc. If most of the conventioneers are guys, then I wouldn’t be too surprised that your sales didn’t do well. I don’t know if there is a convention outlet for girls only, but your artwork might do well there.

- Big Rocket

Originally posted by BigRocket:
Lamuness: I went to your website to see some of your character art. In very general terms, anime/manga/bishoujo art can be separated into shonen (boy) and shoujo (girl) styles, and I think your style tends more towards the shoujo type -- dreamy eyes, delicate features, achievable bust size, etc. If most of the conventioneers are guys, then I wouldn't be too surprised that your sales didn't do well. I don't know if there is a convention outlet for girls only, but your artwork might do well there.

- Big Rocket

...are you kidding? My stuff are more favorable towards female audiences? Actually, when I first sell my stuff at Anime North, *all* the people who bought my stuff are guys. Although my stuff are more neutral/unisex considering that I don't do adult material (yet), it's more biased towards the male audience, just like 99% of all bishoujo CG artists in Japan and the rest of the world.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 07-08-2002).]

Definately Bishoujo art. Shoujo would have more men.

I think I have enough reasons not to give >the english market another look anymore…at >least I know for sure that I won’t get >stupid orgasm comments like that in Japan.

Many people are narrow minded. Don’t let their insults to get you. You will see these people in anywhere. Since you know Japanese anime world more than the average otaku, you know some Japanese fans like to bash people. One of their characteristics is that they use the word “kuso” a lot. If you don’t mind, I can show you a link.

I hope it heal your psycholgical wound. :slight_smile:

Lamuness: Actually, I was serious, based on my own exposure to anime & manga over the years. But regardless of what category your art style falls into, I think it is nice. If one convention failed you, try another venue. Good luck.

- Big Rocket

Originally posted by Logicgate:
Many people are narrow minded. Don't let their insults to get you. You will see these people in anywhere. Since you know Japanese anime world more than the average otaku, you know some Japanese fans like to bash people. One of their characteristics is that they use the word "kuso" a lot. If you don't mind, I can show you a link.

I hope it heal your psycholgical wound. ^_^

Calling my stuff kuso (shit/crappy) is fine if they don't like it; it's not like I can please everybody anyways and there's nothing I can do about it. But the orgasm comment is a totally different issue, that's pretty damn insulting to the bishoujo genre, and consider this...the friend who was selling my stuff at AX is a guy, would the same comment be made if my friend is a girl? The comment has a gender implication to it if you know what I mean.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 07-08-2002).]

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Another con to try would be Otakon. Anime Expo really has become more of an industry event then a fan con. Although I've never been there, Otakon is supposed to be less about the industry and more about the fans. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

One anime store was kind enough to purchase a couple of books from me and try to sell them. They will be at Otakon hopefully, although it will be in the dealer's room and not the alley. Likewise, I will give Comic-con a try as well via Peter and J-list, but that will be in the dealer's room too. We will see

Adult bishoujo games in the Vatican!? :d. Funny idea… Now, imagine the horror of the Catolic church if the Pope was caught playing Tokimeki Check-In, or even worse; X-change 1 & 2 . Or EVEN worse, a shonen-ai game

Then, again I agree that there wouldn’t be any demand for an adult bishoujo game in Latin, althrough a succh game in Latin could be the kick that made me really fludent in it when I start to study that language . But most people nowadays doensn’t know Latin, except for maybe a word or two…

Originally posted by Nobody:
I wish I could help you with that, however, my Japanese is really poor. I can generally decipher it when I read it, given enough time, but I wouldn't have the first clue as to how to translate English into Japanese. If it was German, I could be more of a help. I could easily translate it into Latin, but I doubt there is much of a demand in Vatican City. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Sending a bishoujo game to the Pope, now that's a nice thought :P

After giving it some thought, it's actually not the language that is causing the biggest problem since I can always get my friend who is one of the peapri translators to polish it, and plus Orochi, who is (supposed to be) responsible for the script, has a much higher Japanese level than me. Actually it's the music that's causing me the biggest problem since I have very limited knowledge in music and will have to fiddle with MIDI composing and sound mixing all by myself at a beginner's level.

I doubt voice acting will do...and although of course it's always nice to have voices, it's not going to be that bad if the doujin-soft is being sold in Japan without voices; many people understand it's a self-made game and has limited resources...so I am not worried about it. And no, no english acting, unless woodelf wants to take the honor and do both the male and female voices :P

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Sending a bishoujo game to the Pope, now that's a nice thought :P

Yeah, isn't it? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]. Wonder what the Arch-Bishop here in Sweden would say if someone sent her an adult bishoujo game...

After giving it some thought, it's actually not the language that is causing the biggest problem since I can always get my friend who is one of the peapri translators to polish it, and plus Orochi, who is (supposed to be) responsible for the script, has a much higher Japanese level than me.

So it's Orochi who does the bulk of the correctiong of the translation of the script you get from Japan?