Peach Princess needs a new Mascot!

Well, since you guys don’t have Kumiko Kamiyama as your mascot why don’t you create a new one to replace her?

Originally posted by dexter:
Well, since you guys don't have Kumiko Kamiyama as your mascot why don't you create a new one to replace her? [img][/img]

I like the idea of no mascot for now since I don't feel the mascot idea is good for selling adult games. The peach princess logo is as cute as I want to get, and I think the CG's used from the games represent the product better than Kumiko could.

Interzone-chan can speak in the third-person and would love to be the mascot for Peach Princess flutters eyelashes

Originally posted by woodelf:

I like the idea of no mascot for now since I don't feel the mascot idea is good for selling adult games. The peach princess logo is as cute as I want to get, and I think the CG's used from the games represent the product better than Kumiko could.

I actually like the mascot idea!! Someone who is a symbol of the site and will lighten up the discussion boards. [img][/img] I feel that a mascot to talk to, would make others participate more in posting messages. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Interzone:
Interzone-chan can speak in the third-person and would love to be the mascot for Peach Princess *flutters eyelashes*


I actually prefer not to know the mascot's true identity. If you know who the mascot is you will just treat him/her as he/she is, nothing special, but if you don't know who he/she is ,it will keep you guessing and treat him/her as a different person from everyone else. [img][/img]

A mascot might be cool, especially if they are only know by the mascot name, like the mascots at sporting events, you never really want to know who is behind the mask it would cheapen the whole mascot idea.
Would they then have a drawn character appearing on the site too?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-25-2003).]

I think a mascot is cool, but the mascot had better not say anything or post anything because it just didn’t work in the old one. It was so meh.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I think a mascot is cool, but the mascot had better not say anything or post anything because it just didn't work in the old one. It was so meh.

I liked the posts, but I don't agree wuth all the stuff said. It is mascot image that we all would want drawn our favorite style or sexual pose, and that we all can't agree on. Now if it was two mascots, I am all for the Leasbian Strippers [img][/img]

you guys…ugh…

as for mascot speaking, I don’t mind mascot speaking once in a while in say an update, but definitely not on a regular basis like a BBS.

but even so, I am still having goosebumps over the idea of mascot speaking at all…

so I guess the mascot idea is still not too good of an idea and like woodelf said at the top, the peapri logo is as cute as I want to get, nothing more (in a realistic sense) or I will start to freak out (in a realistic sense)

Nay, a thousand times Nay!

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

Originally posted by dexter:
Well, since you guys don't have Kumiko Kamiyama as your mascot why don't you create a new one to replace her? [img][/img]

Because the last one pretending to be a girl worked so well, he had to leave the company?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
you guys.......ugh....

as for mascot speaking, I don't mind mascot speaking once in a while in say an update, but definitely not on a regular basis like a BBS.

but even so, I am still having goosebumps over the idea of mascot speaking at all....

so I guess the mascot idea is still not too good of an idea and like woodelf said at the top, the peapri logo is as cute as I want to get, nothing more (in a realistic sense) or I will start to freak out (in a realistic sense)

How about a mascot giving reviews on new B-games wouldn't that make everyone more interested?

Maybe we should all vote on this? If you guys think we should vote on this I will start a new thread for the voting!!!

Originally posted by dexter:
How about a mascot giving reviews on new B-games wouldn't that make everyone more interested?

Well I think the mascot pair of strippers would be best as each party could look at their favorite side of the game.
A) The loli in me was not to impressed but I did like the wet t-shirt contest.
B) Nope I liked the school uniforms the best
with just the right amount of fan service.
A) I take it B you were impressed with * beep * and * beep * and * beep * with sex at the coffee shop.
B) Yes I was , But I really think they spent too much time drinking the wrong brand of coffee after the sex. You all know you drink 'CROWD' brand of coffee, not that generic stuff for a quickie.

PS. The lemons are the 'offical' masscot of the goddess, so that is fine with me.
Note -- that is what the written on vending machine from TCI.
( The ping-pong game was the best non sex part of tci )

Originally posted by dexter:
Maybe we should all vote on this? If you guys think we should vote on this I will start a new thread for the voting!!!

It seems no one is interested in the mascot idea so I wont pursue it any further!!! [img][/img]

Originally posted by dexter:
It seems no one is interested in the mascot idea so I wont pursue it any further!!! [img][/img]

I did not see this until just now, but I am always up for a vote if anyone else is?

We’re busy with games right now, but when we get more out maybe we can do something about this :slight_smile:

They could always use the J-List mascot, Megumi-chan. I also like the work of the artist who did Peter’s family portraits.

Originally posted by perigee:
They could always use the J-List mascot, Megumi-chan. I also like the work of the artist who did Peter's family portraits.

Regardless about similar artwork being used or not, it is very good artwork.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-09-2003).]

Thanks for the reply Peter !!! I thought everone has forgotten about this topic !! And “NICE” portraits !!!